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Rosarian Fathers

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Rosarian Fathers

Congregation of the Rosarians is the first indigenous contemplative and penitential congregation in Asia, which was inspired by the Holy Spirit and encouraged by the exhortation of Pope Pius XI in his Encyclical “Rerurn Ecclesia” (1926). It witnesses Christ with the charism “Marian Contemplative Life of Love and Reparation rooted in Humility.” Its special end is to make reparation in union with Lord Jesus for the sins of humanity against divine majesty and to work for the conversion of the sinners and for the extension of the kingdom of God with the motto “Who is like unto God.”

Biographical Information

Founder: Father B. A. Thomas

Foundation: Founded in 1928 in Tholagatty, Sri Lanka

Ecclesial Recognition: Raised to Pontifical Status by John Paul II in 2002

Membership: Sri Lanka, India and Canada

- male/female
- priests and religious


Lay/Religious: religious only

Individual/Community: community


Purpose and Activities

Overall Purpose: To support all apostolic works of the Church by prayer and sacrifice.

Apostolic commitments: Contemplative life; hospitality especially to the poor and suffering.

Marian Characteristics

Major Inspirations: Encyclical Rerum Ecclesiae of Pius XII; Encyclical ecclesia de Eucharistia and Apostolic Letter Rosarium Viriginis Mariae of John Paul II

General Marian Characteristics: Marian contemplation; imitation of her humility and simplicity

Spiritual\Devotional Exercises: 24 Hour perpetual rosary; daily life of habitual prayer centered on the Holy Eucharistic and lived in close union with the Blessed Mother.

Pastoral/Apostolic Endeavors: No direct external apostolate outside monastery precincts.



Marian Library

Roesch Library
300 College Park
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 1390

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