Militia of the Immaculata
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Militia of the Immaculata
The Militia of the Immaculata (MI) is a public association of the faithful, universal and international, erected by the Holy See. The MI is open to Catholics of all walks of life, and encourages all people of good will to live in a relationship of filial trust with the Virgin. The purpose of MI is to to lead the world to Christ through the Immaculate Mother of God and the Church. The MI is a vision of global Catholic life under a new form, which is a bond between us and the Immaculate, our universal Mediatrix with Jesus.
Biographical Information
Founder: Saint Father Maximilian Kolbe
Foundation: Founded in 1917 in Rome, Italy at the International College of Conventual Franciscans.
Ecclesial Recognition: Granted indulgences and privileges by Pius IX on December 18, 1926; elevated to Primary Pius Union on April 23, 1927; Recognized as an International Association of the Faithful of Political Right by decree of the Pontifical Council for the laity on October 16, 1997.
Membership: Present in 48 countries: in Africa (7), Asia (5), Europe (25), North America (3), Oceania (1) and South America (7).
Membership: over 3,000,000
- male/female
- religious/lay
Lay/Religious: both
Individual/Community: M.I. is a unitary organization, comprised of the Young Knights, the Youth Movement, and Adults.
Commitment/Vows: Three levels: level one has no strict organizational structure and members act individually and spontaneously; level two is comprised of groups whose members work according to the official programs of the movement; level three members give themselves fully and unconditionally to Mary.
Purpose and Activities
Overall Purpose: The expansion of the Kingdom of God throughout the world through the work of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception.
Apostolic commitments: Missionary effort by all available means; special locations of the apostolate include the City of the Immaculate, near Warsaw, Poland, and Executive Centers and Institutes around the world.
Marian Characteristics
Major Inspirations: Mary Immaculate, love and mission.
General Marian Characteristics: Mary the Immaculate is a model of dedication to service and love for others.
Spiritual\Devotional Exercises: Consecration to Mary, characterized by Father Kolbe as "transformation into her."
Pastoral/Apostolic Endeavors: Missionary effort, parish service and participation in contemplative or active life communities, using all available means. There is a special presence for those who suffer from sickness, poverty, marginalization and disabilities.
Directory of International Associations of the Faithful, Pontifical Council for the Laity, available at: