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Marian Studies Bibliography

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Marian Studies Bibliography

Articles in Marian Studies, 1950-2010: Summary List

In May 1999, the Mariological Society of America celebrated its fiftieth year as an academic theological society. For each of the fifty years, the society published the papers presented at each yearly conference in a series entitled, Marian Studies. To commemorate its fiftieth anniversary, the society reviewed its contributions to Marian studies by compiling a list of titles as they appeared each year. The Mary Page gladly publishes [and updates] this list. Click on MS [Marian Studies] according to year to obtain the titles.

MS 1 (1950)
MS 2 (1951)
MS 3 (1952)
MS 4 (1953)
MS 5 (1954)
MS 6 (1955)
MS 7 (1956)
MS 8 (1957)
MS 9 (1958)
MS 10 (1959)
MS 11 (1960)
MS 12 (1961)
MS 13 (1962)
MS 14 (1963)
MS 15 (1964)
MS 16 (1965)
MS 17 (1966)
MS 18 (1967)
MS 19 (1968)
MS 20 (1969)
MS 21 (1970)
MS 22 (1971)
MS 23 (1972)
MS 24 (1973)
MS 25 (1974)
MS 26 (1975)
MS 27 (1976)
MS 28 (1977)
MS 29 (1978)
MS 30 (1979)
MS 31 (1980)
MS 32 (1981)
MS 33 (1982)
MS 34 (1983)
MS 35 (1984)
MS 36 (1985)
MS 37 (1986)
MS 38 (1987)
MS 39 (1988)
MS 40 (1989)
MS 41 (1990)
MS 42 (1991)
MS 43 (1992)
MS 44 (1993)
MS 45 (1994)
MS 46 (1995)
MS 47 (1996)
MS 48 (1997)
MS 49 (1998)
MS 50 (1999)
MS 51 (2000)
MS 52 (2001)
MS 53 (2002)
MS 54 (2003)
MS 55 (2004)
MS 56 (2005)
MS 57 (2006)
MS 58 (2007)
MS 59 (2008)
MS 60 (2009)
MS 61 (2010)

MS 1 (1950):

- Proceedings, Washington, D.C., Jan. 3-4, 1950-- Theme:Mariology

- The Mariological Movement in the World Today-- Rev. Juniper B. Carol, O.F.M.

- Some Marian Collections in the World-- Rev. Lawrence W. Monheim, S.M.

- Toward a Systematic Treatment of Mariology-- Very Rev. Francis J. Connell, C.SS.R.

- The Use of Sacred Scripture in Mariology-- Rev. Eugene M. Burke,C.S.P.

- The Function of Our Lady's Faith in the Catholic Church-- Rev. Joseph C. Fenton


MS 2 (1951):

-Proceedings, Worcester, MA, Jan. 3-4, 1951-- Theme: Mary's Prerogatives

-Mariology in the English-Speaking World-- Most Rev. John J. Wright

-Historical Conspectus of the Doctrine of Mary's Co-Redemption-- Rev. Lawrence J. Riley

-Evaluation of the Arguments in Favor of Mary's Co-Redemption-- Rev. Eugene B. Gallagher, S.J.

-The Nexus Between Mary's Co-Redemption Role and Her Other Prerogatives-- Rev. Lawrence P. Everett, C.SS.R.

-Our Lady's Merit de congruo According to Pope Pius X-- Rev. Joseph A. Moynahan

-The Twelfth Chapter of the Apocalypse and Our Lady's Assumption-- Rev. George Bissonnette, A.A.

-The Predestination of Mary in the Light of Modern Controversy-- Rev. William F. Allen


MS 3 (1952):

- Proceedings, New York, NY, Jan. 3-4, 1952-- Theme: Spiritual Maternity

- The Nature of Mary's Spiritual Maternity-- Rev. Wenceslaus Sebastian, O.F.M.

- The Teaching of the Magisterium on Mary's Spiritual Maternity-- Rev. George W. Shea

- The Scriptural Basis for Mary's Spiritual Maternity-- Rev. Eric May, O.F.M. Cap.

- The Spiritual Maternity of Our Lady in Tradition-- Rev. William R. O'Connor

- The Place of Our Lady in the Mystical Body-- Rev. Cyril Vollert, S.J.

- The Spiritual Maternity and St. Louis M. de Montfort-- Very Rev. Frank A. Setzer, S.M.M.

- Dogmatic Foundation of Father Chaminade's Doctrine on Filial Piety-- Rev. Francis Friedel, S.M.

- The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin in the Liturgy of the Church-- Rev. Kenneth B. Moore, O.Carm.

- Historical Notes on Luke 1:48-- Rev Edward A. Ryan, S.J.

- Marian Devotions in the Early United States-- Rev. Wilfrid Parsons, S.J.

- Notes on the Origins of Marian Devotion in Canada-- Rev. Aidan Carr, O.F.M. Conv.


MS 4 (1953):

-Proceedings, Cleveland, OH, Jan. 5-6, 1953--Theme: The Nature of Mary's Universal Queenship-- Rt. Rev. Msgr. Ferdinand Vandry, PA

-Our Lady's Queenship in the Magisterium of the Church-- Rev. Eamon R. Carroll, O.Carm.

-The Queenship of Mary During the Patristic Period-- Rev. Malachi J. Donnelly, S.J.

-The Scriptural Basis for Mary's Queenship-- Rev. Eustace Smith, O.F.M.

-Our Lady's Queenship in the Light of Quas Primas-- Rev. Firmin M. Schmidt, O.F.M. Cap.

-Our Lady's Queenship in the Middle Ages and Modern Times-- Rev. William F. Hill, S.S.


MS 5 (1954):

-Proceedings, Washington, DC, Jan. 4-5, 1954--Theme: The Theology of the Immaculate Conception in the Light of Ineffabilis Deus-- Rev. Allan B. Wolter, O.F.M.

-The Immaculate Conception in the Magisterium of the Church before 1854-- Rev. Armand Robichaud, S.M.

-The Immaculate Conception in the Eastern Churches-- Rev. Stephen C. Gulovich

-The Immaculate Conception in the Preternatural Gifts-- Very Rev. Albert Kipper, O.M.I.

-The Nexus Between the Immaculate Conception and Mary's Other Prerogatives-- Rev. Thomas Mullaney, O.P.


MS 6 (1955):

- Proceedings, St. Louis, MO, Jan. 3-4, 1955-- Theme: The Nature of the Divine Maternity--Rev. Jasper Chiodini

- The Divine Maternity in the Early Church-- Rev. Martin J. Healy

- Does the Divine Maternity Formally Sanctify Mary's Soul?-- Rev. Gerald Van Ackeren, S.J.

- The Divine Maternity in Sacred Scripture-- Rev. Bernard J. Le Frois, S.V.D.

- Was Nestorius a Nestorian?-- Rev. Joseph L. Shannon, O.S.A.

- The Nexus Between the Divine Maternity and Mary's Other Prerogatives-- Rev. Harold E. McBride, S.M.M.

- Contemporary American Protestant Attitudes Toward the Divine Maternity-- Rev. Kenneth F. Dougherty, S.A.

- Our Lady's Immunity from the Debt of Sin-- Rev. Juniper B. Carol, O.F.M.


MS 7 (1956):

- Proceedings, New York, N.Y., Jan. 3-4, 1956-- Theme: Our Lady's Virginity ante partum -- Rev. Philip J. Donnelly, S.J.

- Our Lady's Virginity in the Birth of Jesus-- Very Rev. Gerard Owens, C.Ss.R.

- Our Lady's Virginity post partum-- Rev. Eamon R. Carroll, O.Carm.

- Our Lady's Vow of Virginity-- Rev. Neal M. Flanagan, O.S.M.

- Our Lady's Marriage to St. Joseph-- Rev. Geron G. Fournelle, O.F.M.


MS 8 (1957):

- Proceedings, Chicago, IL, Jan. 3-4, 1957-- Theme: Our Lady's Alleged Immortality de jure and de facto -- Rev. Salvatore J. Bonano, C.M.F.

- The Testimony of the Patristic Age Concerning Mary's Death-- Rev. Walter J. Burghardt, S.J.

- The Doctrine of Mary's Death During the Scholastic Period-- Rev. James M. Egan, O.P.

- The Testimony of the Sacred Liturgy Relative to Mary's Death-- Rev. John P. O'Connell

- The Thesis of Mary's Death in the Light of Munificentissimus Deus-- Rev. Thomas William Coyle, C.Ss.R.


MS 9 (1958):

- Proceedings, Dayton, OH, Jan. 2-3, 1958--Theme: Mary and the Church-- Very Rev. John A. Elbert, S.M.

- Theological Considerations on the Mary-Church Analogy-- Rev. John F. Sweeney, S.J.

- The Relationship Between Mary and the Church in Medieval Thought-- Rev. Francis L. B. Cunningham, O.P.

- The Mary-Church Relationship in the Apocalypse-- Rev. Bernard J. Le Frois, S.V.D.

- The Mary-Church Analogy in Its Relationship to the Fundamental Principle of Mariology-- Rev. Cyril Vollert, S.J.


MS 10 (1959):

- Proceedings, Paterson, NJ, Jan. 5-6, 1959-- Theme: Mariological Principles: Their Nature, Derivation, and Function -- Rev. Paul Mahoney, O.P.

- The Fundamental Principle of Mariology According to the Magisterium-- Rev. William F. Hogan

- The Fundamental Principle of Mariology in Scholastic Thought-- Rev. Edward D. O'Connor, C.S.C.

- The Divine Motherhood, the Fundamental Principle of Mariology-- Rev. Michael Griffin, O.C.D.

- Subsidiary Principles of Mariology-- Rev. Mark J. Dorenkemper, C.PP.S.


MS 11 (1960):

- Proceedings, Detroit, MI, Jan. 4-5, 1960-- Theme: The Problems of a Biblical Mariology -- Rev. Eric May, O.F.M. Cap.

- The Object of Mary's Consent in the Annunciation-- Rev. Richard Kugelman, C.P.

- Marian Significance of Cana (John 2:1-11)-- Rev. Stephen Hartdegen, O.F.M.

- Some Difficult Marian Passages in the Gospels-- Very Rev. Roger Mercurio, C.P.

- Mary's Maternal Role in John 19, 25-27-- Rev. Christian P. Ceroke, O.Carm.


MS 12 (1961):

- Proceedings, Pittsburgh, PA, Jan. 2-3, 1961-- Theme: The Mother of the Messiah -- Rev. Barnabas M. Ahern, C.P.

- An Exegetical Approach to Genesis 3:15-- Very Rev. Stephen Rowe, O.F.M. Cap.

- The Protoevangelium in the Light of the Magisterium-- Very Rev. Msgr. George W. Shea

- Patristic Interpretation of the Protoevangelium -- Rev. Dominic J. Unger, O.F.M. Cap.

- The Mother of Emmanuel (Isaiah 7:14) -- Rev. Carroll Stuhlmueller, C.P.

- Old Testament Background of the Magnificat -- Rev. James T. Forestell, C.S.B.


MS 13 (1962):

- Proceedings, New Orleans, LA, Jan. 2-3, 1962 -- Theme: The Concept of Virginity in Judaism -- Rev. Joseph J. De Vault, S.J.

- Virginity in the New Testament-- Rev. Eugene H. Maly

- Redemptional Virginity in Mary and the Church -- Rev. Thomas E. Clarke, S.J.

- Virginity in the Liturgy-- Rev. Aelred Tegels, OSB

- Theological Significance of Mary's Virginity-- Rev. Eamon R. Carroll, O.Carm.


MS 14 (1963):

- Proceedings, Boston, MA, Jan. 2-3, 1963-- Theme: The Nature of Our Lady's Grace -- Rev. Cyril Vollert, S.J.

- The Problem of Mary's Holiness in the First Christian Centuries -- Rev. Ambrose Agius, O.S.B.

- Our Lady's Holiness in the New Testament -- Rev. James C. Turro

- Our Lady's Freedom from Concupiscence -- Rev. Alban A. Maquire, O.F.M.


MS 15 (1964):

- Proceedings, Kansas City, MO, Jan. 2-3, 1964-- Theme: The Theology of Mary and the Critical Spirit--Rev. Edward D. O'Connor, C.S.C.

- The Development of Marian Doctrine as an Ecumenical Problem-- Rev. Austin B. Vaughan

- Our Lady's Co-redemption as an Ecumenical Problem-- Rev. Robert E. Hunt

- Integrating Marian Devotion in Catholic Spirituality-- Rev. Jordan R. Aumann, O.P.

- Psychological Factors in Marian Devotion-- Rev. Charles A. Curran

- Marian Theology and the Contemporary Problem of Myth-- Rev. Thomas Aquinas O'Meara, O.P.


MS 16 (1965):

- Proceedings, Philadelphia, PA, Jan. 4-5, 1965 -- Theme: Pope Paul VI and the "Mother of the Church" -- Rt. Rev. Msgr. George W. Shea

- Principles of Salvation History-- Rev. Christian P. Ceroke, O.Carm.

- Our Lady and the Law of Sin-- Rev. Maurice B. Schepers, O.P.

- Mary in the Plan of God's Graciousness-- Rev. Geoffrey Wood, S.A.

- Mary's Faith as Response to God's Graciousness-- Rev. Wilfrid F. Dewan, C.S.P.

- Our Lady and St. Paul's Doctrine on Justification-- Rev. Carroll Stuhlmueller, C.P.


MS 17 (1966):

- Proceedings, Louisville, KY, Jan. 3-4, 1966-- Theme: Mary, Mother of the Church -- Rev. Anthony T. Padevane

- Our Lady and the Incarnation-- Rev. Cletus Wessels, O.P.

- Our Lady and Eschatology-- Rev. George T. Montague, S.M.

- Our Lady and Christ's Saving Role-- Rev. William G. Most

- Our Lady and the Sacraments-- Rev. Bernard J. Cooke


MS 18 (1967):

- Proceedings, North Palm Beach, FL, Jan. 2-3, 1967 -- Theme: Mary's Present Role in the Communion of Saints -- Rev. P. Joseph Cahill, S.J.

- Mary's Place Within the People of God According to Non-Roman Catholics -- Rev. Arthur Carl Piepkorn

- Christian Eschatology and the Assumption -- Rev. Hugh M. McElwain, O.S.M.

- A Survey of Recent Mariology -- Rev. Eamon R. Carroll, O.Carm.

- Mariology and Recent Biblical Literature -- Rev. Richard Kugelman, C.P.


MS 19 (1968):

- Proceedings, Dayton, OH, Jan. 2-3, 1968 -- Theme: Our Lady in the Early Latin Literature--Rev. Ambrose Agius, O.S.B.

- Profile of Marian Devotion on the Parochial Level -- Rev. Joseph E. Manton, C.SS.R.

- The Theological Basis of Liturgical Devotion to Mary Re-examined -- Rev. Arthur C. Cochrane

- A Protestant Response to "The Theological Basis of Liturgical Devotion to Mary Re-examined" -- Dr. Donald K. Gorrell

- Mary in the Eastern Liturgy -- Rt. Rev. Alexander Schmemann

- Mary in the Eastern Liturgy -- Rev. Polycarp Sherwood, O.S.B.

- A Survey of Recent Mariology -- Rev. Eamon R. Carroll, O.Carm.


MS 20 (1969):

- Proceedings, Tampa, FL, Jan. 2-3, 1969 -- Theme: Mary, Model of Modern Woman -- Sr. Catherine Sean, O.S.F.

- Mary, Model of Modern Woman: Comments on Sr. Catherine's Paper-- Sr. Roseanne Jones, O.S.F.

- Mary and Salvation in the Twentieth Century-- Rev. Paul G. Hinnebusch, O.P.

- Mary and Salvation in the Twentieth Century: A Reaction-- Rev. Frank M. Butler

- Mary and the Crisis of Faith-- Rev. Matthew F. Morry, O.P.

- Mary's Virginity in Secular Culture-- Rev. Reginald Masterson, O.P.

- Modern Theories on Original Sin, and the Immaculate Conception-- Rev. Edward D. O'Connor, C.S.C.

- A Survey of Recent Mariology-- Rev. Eamon R. Carroll, O.Carm.


MS 21 (1970):

- Proceedings, New York, NY, Jan. 2-3, 1970--Theme: The Gospel Witness to Mary's Ante Partum Virginity--Rev. John F. Craghan, C.Ss.R.

- Mary's Virginity in the Symbols and Councils--Rev. Frederick M. Jelly, O.P.

- Was Luther a Marian Devotee?--Rev. William J. Cole, S.M.

- A Survey of Recent Mariology--Rev. Eamon R. Carroll, O.Carm.


MS 22 (1971):

- Proceedings, St. Petersburg Beach, FL, Jan. 4-5, 1971-- Theme: The Nature of Mary's Intercession -- Rev. William G. Most

-Presenting Mary to Today's Catholics -- Rev. Richard Kugelman, C.P.

-Mary and the Apostolate -- Rev. James J. McQuade, S.J.

-Interpreting the Ordinary Magisterium on Mary's Virginity -- Rev. Msgr. Austin B. Vaughan

-A Survey of Recent Mariology -- Rev. Eamon R. Carroll, O.Carm.


MS 23 (1972):

-Proceedings, San Antonio, TX, Jan. 3-4, 1972 -- Theme: The Decline of Interest in Mariology as a Theological Problem -- Rev. Charles W. Newmann, S.M.

- Mary's Spiritual Maternity after the Second Vatican Council -- Rev. Theodore A. Koehler, S.M.

- Our Lady and the Holy Spirit -- Very Rev. Alexander Schmemann

- Our Lady and the Ministry of Women in the Church -- Dr. Josephine Massingberd Ford

- Report on the Zagreb Mariological Congress -- Rev. Eamon R. Carroll, O.Carm.

- Mary and the Contemporary Scene -- Rev. Matthew F. Morry, O.P.


MS 24 (1973):

- Proceedings, St. Louis, MO, Jan. 3-4, 1973 -- Theme: The Virgin Birth Controversy. A Lutheran's Reactions -- Rev. Arthur Carl Piepkorn

- Theological Reflections on the Virgin Birth -- Rev. Herbert W. Richardson

- Discussions after the Major Papers -- Rev. Eamon R. Carroll, O.Carm.

- A Survey of Recent Mariology -- Rev. Eamon R. Carroll, O.Carm.


MS 25 (1974):

- Proceedings, St. Petersburg Beach, FL, Jan. 3-4, 1974 -- Theme: After Twenty-Five Years -- Rev. Charles W. Neumann, S.M.

- Mary's Salvific Role Compared with That of the Church -- Rev. George F. Kirwin, O.M.I.

- One God, One Mediator -- Rev. Manuel Miguens, O.F.M.

- Our Lady of Eden -- Rev. John H. Ryder, S.J.

- Towards a Biblical Theology of Mary -- Rev. Thomas A. Collins, O.P.

- A Survey of Recent Mariology -- Rev. Eamon R. Carroll, O.Carm.


MS 26 (1975):

- Proceedings, Atlanta, GA, Jan 2-3, 1975 -- Theme: Mary, A Virgin? Alleged Silence in the New Testament -- Rev. Manuel Miguens, O.F.M.

- Ecumenical Problems in Mariology-- Rev. Bertrand de Margerie, S.J.

- Mariology as an Ecumenical Problem-- Dr. Ross Mackenzie

- A Survey of Recent Mariology-- Rev. Eamon R. Carroll, O.Carm.


MS 27 (1976):

- Proceedings, Washington, DC, Jan. 5-6, 1976-- Theme: Mary and Secularity -- Rev. George F. Kirwin, O.M.I.

- Marian Dogmas Within Vatican II's Hierarchy of Truths-- Very Rev. Frederick M. Jelly, O.P.

- The Hierarchy of Truths About Mary-- Rev. Donald Dietz, O.M.I.

- Dogmatic Development by Abridgement or by Concentration?-- Rev. Bertrand de Margerie, S.J.

- Gen. 3:15 and Johannine Theology-- Rev. Peter J. Kearney

- A Survey of Recent Mariology-- Rev. Eamon R. Carroll, O.Carm.


MS 28 (1977):

- Proceedings, North Palm Beach, FL, Jan. 3-4, 1977-- Theme: Mary and the Renewal of Catechetics in our Time -- Very Rev. Frederick M. Jelly, O.P.

- The Historical Image of Mary in the New Testament-- Rev. James M. Reese, O.S.F.S.

- Observations on Father Reese's Lecture--Rev. Paul Zilonka, C.P.

- Criteria for Doctrinal Development in Marian Dogmas-- Prof. William H. Marshner

- Impact of Mariology on Christian Ethics-- Rev. William J. Finan, O.P.

- Newman on Sensus Fidelium and Mariology-- Rev. John Ford, C.S.C.

- Observations on Father Ford's Lecture-- Rev. Alban A. Maquire, O.F.M.

- A Survey of Recent Mariology-- Rev. Eamon R. Carroll, O.Carm.

- The Blessed Virgin and the Debitum Peccati. A Bibliographical Conspectus-- Rev. Juniper B. Carol, O.F.M.


MS 29 (1978):

- Proceedings, Baltimore, MD, Jan. 4-5, 1978--Theme: Mary, the Mother of Unity-- Rev. Frederick M. Jelly, O.P.

- Mary, Mother of God, and Contemporary Challenges-- Rev. James T. O'Connor

- New Testament Roots to the Theotokos-- Dr. Reginald H. Fuller

- Observations on Dr. Fuller's Lecture-- Rev. Frederick M. Jelly, O.P.

- The Patristic Witness to the Virgin Mary as the New Eve -- Dr. J. A. Ross Mackenzie

- The Blessed Virgin in Modern Catechetics -- Rev. John A. Hardon, S.J.

- A Survey of Recent Mariology -- Rev. Eamon R. Carroll, O.Carm.

- A Logician's Reflections on the Debitum Contrahendi Peccatum -- Prof. William H. Marshner


MS 30 (1979):

- Proceedings, Tampa, FL, Jan. 3-4, 1979 -- Theme: Reflections on the Problem of Mary's Preservative Redemption -- Rev. Juniper B. Carol, O.F.M.

- The Mariology of Nicholas Cabasilas-- Dr. Constantine N. Tsirpanlis

- A Critique of Marian Counterfactual Formulae: A Report of Results-- Dr. William H. Marshner

- A Survey of Recent Mariology-- Rev. Eamon R. Carroll, O.Carm.


MS 31 (1980):

- Proceedings, New York, NY, Jan. 3-4, 1980-- Theme: Author - Title Index to Marian Studies, Vol. 1-31 [1950-1980]

- Marian Themes in the Writings of Hans Urs von Balthasar -- Rev. James L. Heft, S.M.

- Homage to a great Pope and to His Marian Devotion: Paul VI -- Rev.Theodore A. Koehler, S.M.

- Observations on Father Koehler's Paper -- Rev. Frederick M. Jelly, O.P.

- The Theology of Virginity In Partu and Its Consequences for the Church's Teaching on Chastity -- Rev. William B. Smith

- A Survey of Recent Mariology -- Rev. Eamon R. Carroll, O.Carm.

- The Absolute Predestination of the Blessed Virgin Mary -- Rev. Juniper B. Carol, O.F.M.


MS 32 (1981):

- Proceedings, Tampa, FL, Jan. 6-7, 1981 -- Theme: Mary in the Christologies of the New Testament -- Rev. Vincent P. Branick, S.M.

- Modern Christologies and Mary's Place Therein: Dogmatic Aspect -- Rev. James T. O'Connor

- Mary's Intercessions: A Contemporary Reappraisal -- Rev. Frederick M. Jelly, O.P.

- Observations on Father Jelly's Paper -- Rev. Francis J. Klauder, S.D.B.

- Marian Devotion in Sixteenth-Century Latin America: In Light of Handbooks of Catechesis -- Rev. Jean-Marie Salgado, O.M.I.

- A Survey of Recent Mariology -- Rev. Eamon R. Carroll, O.Carm.


MS 33 (1982):

- Proceedings, San Antonio, TX, Jan. 4-5, 1982--Theme: Papal Infallibility and the Marian Dogmas: An Introduction--Rev. James L. Heft, S.M.

- The Virginal Conception and the Divine Motherhood: A Modern Reappraisal--Rev. Charles W. Neumann, S.M.

- Observations on Father Neumann's Paper--Rev. Matthew F. Morry, O.P.

- The Dogma of the Immaculate Conception in Modern Ecclesiology: Prolegomena--Dr. William H. Marshner

- The Assumption and Eschatology (Excerpts/Summary)--Most Rev. Austin B. Vaughan

- A Survey of Recent Mariology--Rev. Eamon R. Carroll, O.Carm.


MS 34 (1983):

- Proceedings, North Palm Beach, FL, Jan. 4-5, 1983 -- Theme: The Apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe: The Image, the Origin of the Pilgrimage -- Rev. G. Gordon Henderson, S.J.

- Mary and the Eucharist -- Rev. James T. O'Connor

- Towards a Theology of the Body Through Mariology -- Rev. Frederick M. Jelly, O.P.

- Observations on Father Jelly's Paper -- Rev. Patrick Bearsley, S.M.

- A Survey of Recent Mariology-- Rev. Eamon R. Carroll, O.Carm.

- The Immaculate Conception and Recent Ecclesiology: II. Christo-conformity, Maternity, and Brideship in Mary as Type of the Church-- Dr. William H. Marshner


MS 35 (1984):

- Proceedings, Washington, D.C., May 29-30, 1984 -- Theme: The Immaculate Conception and Recent Ecclesiology: III. Mary, the Church, and Sinlessness -- Keynote, Presidential Address:        Dr. William     H. Marshner

- Mary, A Model of Ecclesia Orans, in Acts 1:14 -- Rev. Bertrand Buby, S.M.

- Divine Faith, Private Revelation, Popular Devotion-- Rev. Ronald D. Lawler, O.F.M. Cap.

- St. Louis Mary Grignion De Montfort and the Marian Consecration-- Rev. J. Patrick Gaffney, O.M.I.

- A Survey of Recent Mariology-- Rev. Eamon R. Carroll, O.Carm.


MS 36 (1985):

- Proceedings, Dayton, OH, May 29-30, 1985 -- Theme: Mary and Christian Moral Principles -- Dr. Germain Grisez

- Mary in the Doctrine of Berulle on the Mysteries of Christ -- Rev. Vincent Vasey, S.M.

- The Mariology of Maximilian Kolbe -- Rev. James McCurry, O.F.M. Conv.

- Observations on Father McCurry's Paper -- Rev. Bernard Geiger, O.F.M. Conv.

- A Survey of Recent Mariology -- Rev. Eamon R. Carroll, O.Carm.

- Mary: The Woman Come of Ages -- Rev. Eamon R. Carroll, O.Carm. address to MSA/West Regional Conference, September 1985


MS 37 (1986):

- Proceedings, Tampa, FL, May 28-29, 1986 -- Theme: The Theological Context of and Introduction to Chapter 8 of Lumen Gentium -- Rev. Frederick M. Jelly, O.P.

- Lumen Gentium, Nos. 55 to 59-- Rev. James T. O'Connor

- Mary and the Church: Lumen Gentium, Arts. 60 to 65-- Rev. Charles W. Neumann, S.M.

- Lumen Gentium, Nos. 66 to 69, Twenty Years Later-- Rev. George F. Kirwin, O.M.I.

- A Survey of Recent Mariology-- Rev. Eamon R. Carroll, O.Carm.


- Schema of the Dogmatic Constitution on the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God and Mother of Men (1962: in Latin and English)

- Textual Evolution of Chapter VIII of Lumen Gentium

- Full Latin Texts from Footnotes, Chapter VIII (Lumen Gentium)

- English Translation of Chapter VIII (Lumen Gentium)

- A Synopsis of the Chapters of Lumen Gentium

- Summary and Analysis of Chapter VIII of Lumen Gentium

- American Influence on Conciliar Decision Regarding BVM Schema


MS 38 (1987):

- Proceedings, Washington, DC, June 1-2, 1987-- Theme: Mary in Latin American Liberation Theologies -- Rev. Bertrand de Margerie, S.J.

- The Magnificat: Reflections-- Rev. Matthew F. Morry, O.P.

- Mary and the Missions Today-- Rev. J. Armand Robichaud, S.M.

- The Blessed Virgin Mary in the Theology and Devotion of the Seventeenth-Century Anglican Divines-- Rev. William L. Lahey, S.S.C.

- A Survey of Recent Mariology-- Rev. Eamon R. Carroll, O.Carm.


MS 39 (1988):

- Proceedings, East Aurora, NY, June 1-2, 1988 -- Theme: Maria Regina: Presidential Address -- Rev. James T. O'Connor

- Mary, Dawn of the Redemption-- Most Rev. Austin B. Vaughan

- The Roots of Pope John Paul II's Devotion to Mary-- Rev. Edward D. O'Connor, C.S.C.

- Ecumenical Aspects of Redemptoris Mater-- Rev. Frederick M. Jelly, O.P.

- Observations on the Paper by Father Jelly-- Rev. James L. Heft, S.M.

- Response to the Questions Raised by Father Heft-- Rev. Frederick M. Jelly, O.P.

- Redemptoris Mater: The Significance of Mary for Women-- Dr. Joyce A. Little

- Observations on the Paper by Dr. Little-- Rev. Charles W. Neumann, S.M.

- A Survey of Recent Mariology-- Rev. Eamon R. Carroll, O.Carm.


MS 40 (1989):

- Proceedings, Burlingame, CA, May 31 - June 1, 1989 -- Theme: Presidential Address: The Future of Mariology --  Rev. William J. Cole, S.M.

- Mary and the Holy Trinity, As Reflected in the Liturgical Year -- Rev. Kenan Osborne, O.F.M.

- The Virgin Mary in the Liturgy: 1963-1988-- Rev. Thomas A. Thompson, S.M.

- Mary in the Liturgy of the Hours-- Sr. Martha Garcia, O.P.

- Marian Devotions: In and Beyond Marialis Cultus-- Rev. Stanley Parmisano, O.P.

- A Survey of Recent Mariology-- Rev. Eamon R. Carroll, O.Carm.


MS 41 (1990):

- Proceedings, Providence, R.I., May 30-31,1990 -- Theme: Newman on The Blessed Virgin Mary: In Search of Christian Unity -- Rev. Roderick Strange

- Mary in the Mysteries of Christ from Advent to the Baptism of the Lord: Biblical References-- Rev. Bernard Lazor, O.S.A.

- Mary in the Mysteries of Christ from Advent to the Baptism of the Lord: Liturgical References-- Rev. John A. Melloh, S.M.

- Mary in the Mysteries of Christ from Advent to the Baptism of the Lord: Contemporary Theological Reflections-- Rev. Frederick M. Jelly, O.P.

- A Survey of Recent Mariology-- Rev. Eamon R. Carroll, O.Carm.

- Presidential Address-- Rev. William J. Cole, S.M.


MS 42 (1991):

- Proceedings, Chicago, IL, May 29-30,1991 -- Theme: Presidential Address: Father Juniper B. Carol, O.F.M., 1911-1990: Vir Catholicus et Totus Apostolicus -- Rev. James -        McCurry,          O.F.M. Conv.

- Mary in the Lent and Easter Seasons: Biblical References -- Rev. Bertrand A. Buby, S.M.

- Mary in the Lent and Easter Seasons: Liturgical References -- Rev. Lawrence M. Choate, O.S.M.

- Memory and Mission: A Theological Reflection on Mary in the Paschal Mysteries -- Rev. Johann G. Roten, S.M.

- Mary and Joseph in the Apostolic Exhortation, Redemptoris Custos -- Rev. James J. Davis, O.P.

- A Survey of Recent Mariology -- Rev. Eamon R. Carroll, O.Carm.

- Mary, Seat of Wisdom: The Gift of Wisdom (Homily) -- Most Rev. Wilton D. Gregory, Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago


MS 43 (1992):

- Proceedings, Houston, TX, May 28-29,1992 -- Theme: Presidential Address: Our Lady of Guadalupe: Evangelizer of the Americas -- Rev. James McCurry, O.F.M. Conv.

- Father Juniper B. Carol, O.F.M.: His Mariology and Scholarly Achievement-- Rev. Peter D. Fehlner, O.F.M. Conv.

- Mary in Ordinary Time: Biblical References-- Rev. James C. Turro

- Mary in the Mysteries of Christ During Ordinary Time: Liturgical References-- Rev. J. Michael Joncas

- Theological Reflection: From Marialis Cultus to Mission -  A New Challenge in Liturgy, Devotions, and Popular Religion -- Rev. Walter T. Brennan, O.S.M.

- A Survey of Recent Mariology -- Rev. Eamon R. Carroll, O.Carm.


MS 44 (1993):

- Proceedings, Providence, RI, May 27-28, 1993 -- Theme: Presidential Address: Mary, the Maternal Instrument in God's Saving Act -- Matthew F. Morry, O.P.

- The Bible, Revelation, and Marian Devotion-- C. Gilbert Romero, Ph.D.

- Discerning the Miraculous: Norms for Judging Apparitions and Private Revelations-- Frederick M. Jelly, O.P.

- The Significance of Fatima: A Seventy-five-year Perspective-- Frederick L. Miller, S.T.D.

- Our Lady of Guadalupe: A Sign of Ecclesial Unity-- Sixto Garcia, Ph.D.

- A Survey of Recent Mariology-- Eamon R. Carroll, O.Carm.


MS 45 (1994):

- Proceedings, New Orleans, LA, May 25-27, 1994 -- Theme: The Marian Formation of Christians: A Pastoral Perspective -- M. Francis Mannion

- The Virgin Mary and the Catechetical Movement -- Mary Patricia Tyrrell Mulligan

- The Blessed Virgin in the Catechism of the Catholic Church -- Michael Wrenn

- Popular Religion and Marian Images-- Johann G. Roten, S.M.

- The Popular Marian Hymn in Devotion and Liturgy-- Thomas A. Thompson, S.M.

- The Virgin Mary as Known by Youth, as Taught in Colleges and Seminaries: Two Sociological Studies-- Johann G. Roten, S.M.

- Part I. Mary and Youth Beliefs, Behaviors, and Representatives

- Part II. Marian Studies in American Catholic Colleges and Seminaries

- A Survey of Recent Mariology-- Eamon R. Carroll, O.Carm.

- Mary, Type of the Church: Eschatology Realized--  atthew F. Morry, O.P.


MS 46 (1995):

- Proceedings, Dayton, OH, May 24-26, 1995 -- Theme: Faith, Mary, and Culture -- Walter T. Brennan, O.S.M.

- Mary and the Biblical Heritage -- Lawrence E. Frizzell

- Criollo: Patriotism in Guadalupe's "First Evangelist," Miguel Sanchez (1594-1674) -- Martinus Cawley, O.C.S.O.

- Asian Women's Mariology in Christological Context -- Joseph Cheah, O.S.M.

- Images of Mary in American Popular Periodicals, 1900-1960: -- Una Cadegan

- The Origins of Marian Devotion in Latin American Cultures in the United States -- Stephen Holler

- Canonical Considerations Regarding Alleged Apparitions -- Michael Smith Foster

- A Survey of Recent Mariology -- Eamon R. Carroll, O.Carm.


MS 47 (1996):

- Proceedings, Philadelphia, PA, May 29-31, 1996 -- Theme: World Religions, Symbolism, and Marian Theology -- Walter T. Brennan, O.S.M.

- The Virgin Mary in the Breadth and Scope of Inter-Religious Dialogue-- John Borelli

- Maria-Kannon: Mary, Mother of God, in Buddhist Guise -- Maria Reis-Habito

- The Sources for the Marian References in the Qur'an-- Dominic F. Ashkar

- The Virgin Mary as Mediatrix Between Christians and Muslims in the Middle East-- Otto F. A. Meinardus

- Mary and the Millennium: Woman, Son, and Fullness of Time-- James McCurry, O.F.M. Conv.

- A Survey of Recent Mariology (1996)-- Eamon R. Carroll, O.Carm.


MS 48 (1997):

- Proceedings, San Antonio, TX, May 21-23, 1997--Theme: Conversion and Ecumenism: Presidential Address-- George F. Kirwin, O.M.I.

- Toward the Great Jubilee 2000: Mary and the Search for Christian Unity-- John Radano

- Mary: Intercessor on Our Behalf, One with Us in the Communion of Saints, and Witness to What We May Become in Christ-- Ross Mackenzie

- The Virgin Mary and the Baroque Image-- George H. Tarvard

- An Ecumenical Portrait of Mary at End-of-the-Century America-- Donald Boccardi, S.M.

- Some Ecumenical Perspectives on Ut Unum Sint, Pt. 3-- Larry Bethune, Marc Chapman, Frederick M. Jelly, O.P.

- A Survey of Recent Mariology (1997)-- Eamon R. Carroll, O.Carm.


MS 49 (1998):

- Proceedings, Waukesha, WI, May 27-29, 1998 -- Theme: Art, Religion, Mary: Presidential Address -- George F. Kirwin, O.M.I.

- The Images of Nuestra Senora in New Mexican Devotional Art: Traditional and Contemporary-- Barbe Awalt and Paul Rhetts

- Some Protestant and Catholic Images of Mary in Nineteenth and Twentieth-Century Art-- Michael T. Morris, O.P.

- The Images of Mary in Twentieth-Century Art-- Terence Dempsey, S.J.

- Images of Visions: Marian Devotional Images From the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries in North America-- Nicholas Glisson

- Mary and the Way of Beauty--Johann G. Roten, S.M.

- Forum on Marian Art

- A Survey of Recent Mariology (1998)--Eamon R. Carroll, O.Carm.


MS 50 (1999):

- Proceedings, Washington, D.C., May 25-28, 1999 -- Theme: Magnificat: Remembrance and Praise

- Poverty of Spirit and the "Marvelous Deeds" of God as seen in Mary's Magnificat: Reflections from the Hebrew Scriptures-- Aristide Serra, O.S.M.

- Mary's Magnificat: Sources and Themes-- Lawrence Frizzell

- The Spirituality of the Magnificat-- Sr. Mary Catherine Nolan, O.P.

- Servants of the Magnificat-- Walter T. Brennan, O.S.M.

- The Fascinating Woman of Revelation 12-- Bertrand Buby, S.M.

- The Heart of Mary, Model of Love: Marian Dimension of the Millennium Preparation-- Ronald Bagley, C.J.M.

- Fiftieth Anniversary of the Mariological Society of America (Evolution in Mariology, 1949-1999 by Eamon R. Carroll; Fifty Years of the MSA by Thomas A. Thompson; Marian - Studies-Scripture    by  Bertrand Buby; Marian Studies-Doctrine by Johann G. Roten; Marian Studies-Ecumenism by Frederick M. Jelly; and Marian Studies-Liturgy by Thomas A. Thompson)


MS 51 (2000):

- Proceedings, Belleville, IL, May 24-26, 2000--Theme: Contemporary Pilgrimage--The Schoenstatt Experience--Sr. Jean Frisk

- Our Lady Of Guadalupe: A New World Image of the Trinity--Virgilio Elizondo

- Marian Devotion for the New Millennium--Johann G. Roten, S.M.

- Marian Pilgrimage at the Millennium: Renewal or Tourism?--Norbert Brockman, S.M.

- Pilgrimage and Shrines: A Recognition Long Delayed--Thomas A. Thompson, S.M.

- Survey of Recent Mariology--Eamon R. Carroll, O.Carm.


MS 52 (2001):

- Proceedings, Dayton, OH, May 30-June 2, 2001--Theme: The Marian Dimension of Christian Spirituality: Historical Perspectives--Father Thomas A. Thompson, S.M.

- How Can Spirituality Be Marian?--Father Johann G. Roten, S.M.

- Biblical Perspectives on Marian Mediation--Father Francois Rossier, S.M.

- Patristic Intuitions of Mary's Role as Mediatrix and Advocate: The Invocation of the Faithful for Her Help--Father Luigi Gambero, S.M.

- "Forming Her Only-Begotten in the Sons by Adoption": The Marian Spirituality of Bl. Guerric of Igny (+1157)--Deyanira Flores, S.T.D.

- Conceiving the Word: Patristic and Early Medieval Sources for Franciscan Discussion of Mary's Active Motherhood--James Bell

- The Language of Mediation In Eastern Liturgical Prayer--Virginia Kimball, S.T.D.

- The Marian Spirituality of the Medieval Religious Orders--Father Eamon R. Carroll, O.Carm., Father Conrad Borntrager, O.S.M., and Father Denis Wiseman, O.P.

- Survey Of Recent Mariology--Father Eamon R. Carroll, O.Carm.


MS 53 (2002):

- Proceedings, New York, May 22-25, 2002--Theme: The Marian Dimension of the Christian Life. II: The Middle Period--Father Thomas A. Thompson, S.M.

- Mary Since Vatican II: Decline and Recovery--Avery Cardinal Dulles, S.J.

- Mary, Motherhood, and Teaching in the Book to a Mother and Chaucer's ABC--Mary McDevitt, Ph.D.

- Two Gifts Are Better Than One: Mary as Mother of Christ and Mother of All Graces in Fifteenth-Century Popular Sermons--Donna Spivey Ellington, Ph.D.

- Mother of Our Savior and Cooperator in our Salvation: Imitatio Mariae and the Biblical Mystery of the Visitation in St. Francis De Sales--Father Joseph F. Chorpenning, -O.S.F.S.

- Marian Devotion in Religious Orders: Congregation of Notre Dame (St. Marguerite Bourgeoys)--Sr. Marie Azzarello, C.N.D.

- Congregation of the Redeemer--Father Samuel Maranto, C.Ss.R.

- The Four Loves of Miguel Sanchez (1594-1674), Guadalupe's "First Evangelist"--Father Martinus Cawley, O.C.S.O.

- Survey of Recent Mariology--Father Eamon R. Carrol, O.Carm.


MS 54 (2003):

- Proceedings, Los Angeles, May 21-24, 2003--Theme: The Marian Dimension of Christian Spirituality: The Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries--Father Thomas A. Thompson, S.M.

- The Mariology of Cardinal Journet (1891-1975) and Its Influence on Some Magisterial Statements--Father Thomas Buffer, S.T.D.

- "To Ministry That Matter": Mary and the Trinity in Hopkins' "The Blessed Virgin Compared to the Air We Breath"--Mary McDevitt, Ph.D.

- St. Marcellin Champagnat and the Little Brothers of Mary--Bro. Bernardin Beaudin, F.M.S.

- Distinctive Traits of Marianist Spirituality: Mary, Mission, Community--Father Thomas A. Thompson, S.M.

- The Marian Spirituality of Father James Alberione, Founder of the Pauline Family--Sr. Marianne Lorraine Trouve, F.S.P.

- Aspects of Schoenstatt's Marian Spirituality--Father Jonathan Niehaus

- The Legion of Mary--Bro. Lawrence Scrivani, S.M.

- The Blessed Virgin in the Ecclesial Movement "Communion and Liberation"--Joan Janaro, Ph.D.

- The Marian Spirituality of Opus Dei--Father Thomas Buffer, S.T.D.

- Father Luigi Faccenda, O.F.M.Conv., and the Kolbean Marian and Missionary Charism--Rosella Bignami

- Pope John Paul II's Apostolic Letter on the Rosary--Father Myles Murphy, S.T.L.

- Survey of Recent Mariology--Father Eamon R. Carroll, O.Carm.


MS 55 (2004):

- Biblical Theology and Marian Studies--Scott Hahn, Ph.D.

- The Second Vatican Council and Lumen Gentium ... Forty Years Later--(Presidential Address) Father Myles Murphy, S.T.L.

- Mary, the Virgin "Completely and Permanently Transformed by God's Grace": The Meaning and Implications of Luke 1:28 and of the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception for Mary's Spiritual Life--      Deyanira Flores, S.T.D.

- Seeking Perfection of Form: French Cultural Responses to the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception--Catherine O'Brien, Ph.D.

- St. Francis De Sales (1567-1622) and the Conception of the Virgin Mary--Wendy M. Wright, Ph.D.

- Kecharitomene (Luke 1:28) In the Light of Gen. 18:16-33: A Matter of Quantity--Father Francois Rossier, S.M.

- The Art of the Immaculate Conception--Father Thomas Buffer, S.T.D. and Bruce Horner, M.F.A.

- The Immaculate Conception in the Ecumenical Dialogue with Orthodoxy: How the Term Theosis Can Inform Convergence--Virginia M. Kimball, S.T.D.

- The Immaculate Conception in the Catholic-Protestant Ecumenical Dialogue--Father Thomas A Thompson, S.M.

- A Survey of Recent Mariology (2004)--Father Eamon R. Carroll, O.Carm.


MS 56 (2005):

- Hope in a Hurting World: The Dormition of Mary, Eschatological Icon of God's Gift of Life--Virginia Kimball, S.T.D.

- Mary the "Virgin Made Church" in the Writings of Francis of Assisi--Father Michael W. Blastic, O.F.M.Conv.

- The Assumption of Mary and Her Queenship in Complementarity--Father George F.Kirwin, O.M.I.

- Making Mary's Yes Our Own: A Study of Theological Personhood--Ronald Novotny

- Queen Mother: A Biblical Theology of Mary's Queenship--Edward Sri

- Eschatology and the Church in the Light of the Assumption--Father Paul E. Duggan

- The Fourth Gospel's Icon of Mary--Father Bertrand Buby, S.M.

- A Survey of Recent Mariology (2005)--Father Eamon R. Carroll, O.Carm.

- Report, 2004-2005:The New England Region--Father Mathew F. Morry, O.P.


MS 57 (2006):

- The Divine Motherhood: Recent Studies--Christopher O'Donnell, O.Carm., S.T.D.

- The Motherhood of Mary and Motherhood Today: A Spiritual Resonance--(Presidential Address) Virginia M. Kimball, S.T.D.

- The Divine Maternity in Scripture and Dogma--Thomas Buffer, S.T.D.

- Virgin Mother of Christ: Mary, the Church, the Faithful Soul--Patristic and Medieval Testimonies on This Inseparable Trio--Deyanira Flores, S.T.D.

- Mythological Readings of Mary's Motherhood--Catherine O'Brien, Ph.D.

- The Black Madonna: Past and Present--Michael Duricy, S.T.L., and Vincenzina Krymow

- Mary, "Personal Concretization of the Church": Elements of Benedict XVI's Marian Thinking--Father Johann G.Roten, S.M., S.T.D.

- "Mother of the Church": An Examination of the 1964 Declaration--Gloria Falcão Dodd, S.T.L.

- A Survey of Recent Mariology (2006)--Eamon R. Carroll, O.Carm., S.T.D.


MS 58 (2007):

- Mary's Virginity as the "Sign of Her Faith": A Study of the Nature-Grace Dynamic--Dr. Patricia A. Sullivan

- Francisco Suarez, S.J. (1548-1617) on Mary's Virginitas in Partu and Subsequent Doctrinal Development--Dr. Robert Fastiggi

- Virginity and the Wholeness of the Person: The Blessed Virgin Mary as Immaculata-A Style of Life: Love Received and Love Bestowed--Sr. Elena Lugo

- A Survey of Recent Mariology (2007)--Father Eamon R. Carroll, O.Carm.

- The Virginity of Mary and Joseph in Light of the Theology of the Body--Sr. Marianne Trouve, F.S.P.

- The "Brothers and Sisters" of Jesus: Anything New?--Father Francois Rossier, S.M.

- Theotokos, Ever-Virgin, Bearer of the Life-Giver: A Patristic, Iconographic Image of Virginity--Dr. Virginia M. Kimball

- Jesus Christ, the Only-Begotten Son of the Father and of the Virgin Mother: Mary's Virginity From a Trinitarian Perspective--Dr. Deyanira Flores

- Virginity Between Fact and Meaning--Father Johann G. Roten, S.M.

- Virgin-Mother Mary and Virgin-Mother Church: Liturgical Perspectives--Father Thomas A. Thompson, S.M.


MS 59 (2008):

- Mary as Co-Redemptrix: Where Would Paul Stand?--Vincent Branick, SS.D, Ph.D.

- Models of Redemption: Exploring the Role of Mary in New Testament Theologies of Salvation--Robert Garafalo, Ph.D.

- The Blessed Virgin Mary's Cooperation in the Redemption: An Ecumenical Perspective--Rev. Judith Marie Gentle, Ph.D.

- The Franciscan Mariological School and the Co-Redemptive Movement--Father Peter Fehlner, F.I.

- Mary's Cooperation in Redemption and the Immaculate Conception--Mark Miravalle, S.T.D.

- The Perfectly Redeemed Acting Person: Toward a Mariology of Redemption--Richard Bulzacchelli, S.T.L.

- Select Marian Bibliography, 2007-2008--Father Thomas A. Thompson, S.M.


MS 60 (2009):

- The Virgin Mary's Hidden Past: From Ancient Marian Apocrypha to the Medieval Vitae Virginis--Stephen J. Shoemaker, Ph.D.

- Biographies of Mary in Byzantine Literature--Luigi Gambero, S.M.

- The Nativity Scene in the "Lives of Mary"--Deyanira Flores, S.T.D.

- Mary and the Jews: The Gospels and the Early Church--Lawrence E. Frizzell, S.S.L., D.Phil.

- The "Imaginative Theology" of Mary in Medieval French Literature--Judith M. Davis, Ph.D.

- Beyond Baroque Style: A New Look at Maria of Agreda's Treatment of Mary's Life and Person in the Mystical City of God--Marilyn H. Fedewa

- Mystics and Mothers: Devotion to Mary Among Dominican Women Through the Centuries. Part I--Sister Donna Maria Moses, O.P.

- The Life of Mary and the Festal Icons of the Eastern Church--Dorian Llywelyn, S.J.

- Marian Piety and the Forging of the Community in Hendrick Goltzius' The Life of the Virgin--Elissa Auerbach, Ph.D.

- The Life of Mary in Film: Marian Films in the Twentieth Century--Michael Duricy, S.T.L.

- Marian Film in the Twenty-first Century--Catherine M. O'Brien, Ph.D.

- The "Life of Mary" as Told by Contemporary Novelists--François Rossier, S.M.

- A Triad of Storytelling about the Biblical Mary--Bertrand Buby, S.M.

- International Academic Marian Bibliography 2008-2009--Thomas A. Thompson, S.M.


MS 61 (2010):

- The Magnificat: A Hermeneutical Study of Luke 1:45-55 Mary Catherine Nolan, O.P., S.T.D.

- Kenosis at the Foot of the Cross: Phil. 2:5 ff. as the Hermeneutic Key to Hans Urs von Balthasar's Mariology

- Anne M.Carpenter, Ph.D. cand.

- A Forgotten Word and a Forgotten Woman:

- A Lutheran Attempt at Regaining the Sacramentality of Scripture by Way of the Annunciation to Mary

- Joshua D.Genig, Ph.D. cand.

- The Use of the Sensus Plenior in the Mariology of John Paul II

- Robert L.Fastiggi, Ph.D.

- The Influence of Scripture in the Marian Ecumenical Exchange(20th/21st centuries):

- A Meeting Point for Dialogue

- Virginia M. Kimball, S.T.D.

- Luke 1:26-38, 39-45, 46-55 and Acts 1:14

- Exegetical Approaches from Latin American Mariology and Documents Since Vatican II

- Antonio Larocca, S.M.C., S.T.D.

- International Academic Marian Bibliography 2009-2010

- Thomas A. Thompson, S.M., Ph.D.

- Arthur W. Clinton, Jr., Scholarships and Awards



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