Focolare Movement
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Focolare Movement
Work of Mary (Focolare Movement)Based on the experience of the Gospel lived in daily life, the Focolare Movement. emerged as a a specific communitarian spirituality. The movement is based on the insight that the heart of the Gospel is found in the testimony of scripture that God is love and in Christs' commandment to love one another. Focolare members seek to fulfill the desire of Jesus "that they all may be one" by working to fulfill the divine plan for universal unity through the secret building of unity everywhere.
Biographical Information
Founder: Chiara Lubich and Igino Giordani
Foundation: Founded in air raid shelters in Trent, Italy in 1943
Ecclesial Recognition: Recognized on June 29, 1990 as an international association of the faithful of Pontifical Right by the Pontifical Council for the Laity.
Membership: Present in over 180 countries. Centers of common life (Focolare) are in 89 countries: Africa (17), Asia (14), Europe (31), Middle East (6), North America (8), Oceania (3) and South America (10).
Membership: about 140,440 members
- male/female
- religious/lay
Lay/Religious: both
Individual/Community: Focolare centers for men and women who live life in common or as married; branches for diocesan priests, deacons and volunteers; gens young people, men with a vocation to the priesthood, bishops and religious.
Purpose and Activities
Overall Purpose: To be a reflection on earth of the Blessed Virgin Mary. To pursue unity among the faithful of the Catholic Church; to build ecumenical communion and testimony; to achieve union among all believers in God.
Apostolic commitments: Unity; various Movements such as New Families, New Humanity, Young People for a United World, Youths for Unity and the Parish Movement.
Marian Characteristics
Major Inspirations: The commandment to love in the Gospels; the testament of Jesus "that they may all be one"; The Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of Christ and all men and women.
General Marian Characteristics: Members reflect Mary in the daily lives. Presidency is lay and female.
Spiritual\Devotional Exercises:
Pastoral/Apostolic Endeavors: Unity among Catholics, among all believers of all faiths; ecumenical dialogue.