Disciples of Jesus and Mary
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Disciples of Jesus and Mary
Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity
The purpose of Disciples of Jesus and Mary is to offer all people an on-going training program. This program enables all to grow spiritually and to work effectively in the world. It draws material from the Gospels, the teachings of the Church, and spiritual authors.
Biographical Information
Founder: James H. Flanagan
Foundation: 1958
Ecclesial Recognition:
Membership: 500
- religious/lay
- male/female
Lay/Religious: both
Individual/Community: both
Purpose and Activities
Overall Purpose: The purpose of DJM is to offer all people an on-going training program. This program enables all to grow spiritually and to work effectively in the world. The goal is to be a disciple of Jesus and Mary.
Apostolic commitments: The DJM training program of spiritual formation; Fraternity of Fatherhood
Marian Characteristics
Major Inspirations: Mary exemplified discipleship because she was graced with a perfect relationship with the Trinity. Mary was the Daughter of the Father, the Spouse of the Holy spirit, and the Mother of the Son. Mary's discipleship to the Most Holy Trinity is the most complete.
General Marian Characteristics: Members disciple Jesus and Mary. In Discipleship they follow the path of Jesus and Mary.
Spiritual\Devotional Exercises:
Pastoral/Apostolic Endeavors: To live the Gospel and help others to also by example. To serve the poor, the widows, the orphans, the elderly – all God's children – especially the little ones. We minister to those in need according to the capacity given to us by God to serve. Through pastoral and apostolic exercises.