Campus Emergency Management
The mission of the University is to support a safe and healthy environment for students, faculty, staff, and visitors. Disasters or emergencies can strike suddenly with little or no warning, creating an event where the normal operations of the University are interrupted. As such, The Emergency Management Committee (EMC) leads the emergency response efforts and is a cross-functional team that was established to provide leadership for emergency management and provide structured incident response.
Priorities include:
- Protecting lives
- Stabilizing the incident
- Minimizing damage
- Maintaining critical campus services
The EMC consists of trained leaders and personnel from Public Safety, Audit Risk and Compliance, Marketing and Communications, Information Technology, Environmental Health & Safety, and the Provost Office. The EMC has executive leadership level sponsors to provide leadership support. In addition, staff members from departments across campus will be called as an emergency response team to prepare and respond to an emergency or crisis situation involving the University community.
While the basic tenets of emergency response require resolute action to respond to, neutralize, mitigate, and recover from an incident, these actions must be completed while taking into account the Marianist Catholic identity and guiding principles of the University of Dayton. Emergency management at the University will provide for the preservation of the university’s mission and its core values, while simultaneously providing for the safety, security, and business continuity of the institution and community.