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Michelle Khawam

Campus Minister for Neighborhood Ministry and Retreats


Campus Ministry: Retreats and Faith Communities


Email: Michelle Khawam
Phone: 937-229-3550
Adele Hall RM 109A

Marhaba (hi)! my name is Michelle Khawam. I'm originally from New Jersey and I'm first-generation Syrian-American. I graduated from DeSales University in 2012 with a Bachelor of Arts in Theology and from UD in 2014 with a Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry. At the University of Dayton I am the Campus Minister for Retreats and Student Neighborhood Ministry.

My role consists of meeting students where they are on their faith journey, forming student leaders for retreats, and giving students opportunities to come together to share their faith with one another. Accompanying students on their personal and faith journey is one of my favorite parts of my role as a campus minister.


"Do not worry about tomorrow. The same loving God who cares for you today will take care of you tomorrow and every day." -St. Francis de Sales