Simon Robins
Assistant Professor; Coordinator of Electronic Resources & Discovery
Full-Time Faculty
Libraries: Collections Strategies and Services
Simon manages all aspects of the life cycle of electronic resources to help ensure that non-print items purchased by the University Libraries are discoverable and accessible to all students, faculty, and staff. His work includes cataloging/metadata, maintaining database access, assessment, and problem resolution.
- B.A., Portland State University (2014)
- M.L.I.S., University of British Columbia (2018)
Professional Activities
- Academic Library Association of Ohio (ALA-O) -- Technical, Electronic, & Digital Services Interest Group (TEDSIG), co-chair (2023-present)
- Midwest Chapter of the Medical Library Association -- Membership Secretary and Membership Committee Chair (2020-2022)
Research Interests
- User-centered design
- Information seeking behaviors of biomedical researchers and clinicians
- Information visualization and bibliometrics
Selected Publications
- Robins, S. (2024). Are we relying on the wrong data? Analysis of e-journal usage data at seven R1 and R2 research universities. Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship, 1–28.
- Robins, S., & Daigle, B. (2024). Demystifying Shibboleth: Adapting to Web Browser Privacy Changes. Journal of Library Administration, 64(4), 449–472.
- Robins, S. (2022). Full-text retrievals and EBSCO Discovery Service: Assessing usage of e-journals across multiple platforms. Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship, 34(2), 89–107.