Kayla Harris
Associate Professor; Director of the Marian Library
Full-Time Faculty
Libraries: Marian Library
Kayla Harris manages the Marian Library, the world’s largest collection of materials on the Virgin Mary, including circulating and rare books, artwork and artifacts, and archival material. The Marian Library enriches the University of Dayton curriculum with faculty collaborations, supports research in a variety of disciplines, and documents worldwide expressions of popular devotion to Mary, mother of Jesus Christ. Together these collections are a manifestation of the University of Dayton’s Catholic and Marianist heritage, and signify a commitment to educating the whole person: mind, body, heart and spirit.
- M.L.I.S., University of South Carolina (2011)
- B.A., Michigan State University (2010)
Research Interests
- Outreach and instruction with special collections
- Web archiving
- Marian devotion
Selected Publications
- Cahalan, S. B. & Harris, K. (forthcoming 2024). Pilgrim Pamphlets: Pocket Guides to Christian Tourism in Twentieth-Century Britain. In Print Tourism, part of the “Print Networks” series, edited by Dr. Catherine Armstrong and Dr. John Hinks, Centre for Printing History & Culture (CPHC)
- Harris, K. & Shreffler, S. (2024, April) COVID-19 Web Archives: Evolving Catholic and Marian Devotional Practices. In Megan E. Welsh and Ian Burke (Eds.), Personalizing the Pandemic: Experiences of Theological & Religious Studies Librarians During COVID-19, Books@Atla Open Press.
- Harris, K. (2023, November). Digital Devotion: Marian Shrines Online. In American Patroness: Marian Shrines and the Making of US. Catholicism, edited by Karen Park and Katherine Dugan.
- Harris, K., Beis, C., Shreffler, S. (2022, January). Citizen Web Archivists: Applying Web Archiving as a Pedagogical Tool. Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship 33, no. 4.
- Harris, K. (2021, May) Two Chefs are Better than One: Partner Image Analysis. In Teaching with Archives and Special Collections Cookbook, ACRL, edited by Julie Porterfield.
- Harris, K. & Shreffler, S. (2021, March). Archiving Catholic Faith on the Web During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Catholic Library World 91, no. 3, 188-193.
- Handley, H. & Harris, K. (2020, December). Retaining Opportunities, Completing Key Projects with Remote Student Employees During COVID-19. Collections: A Journal for Museum and Archives Professionals 17.02 Focus Issue: Collections & COVID-19, edited by Juilee Decker, guest edited by Carrie Meyer.
- Cahalan, S. B. & Harris, K. (2020, September). Mary, Undoer of Knots: Unraveling Best Practices for Unwanted Donations and Deaccessioned Collection Items in a Catholic Library. Catholic Library World 91, no. 1, 25-33.
- Beis, C., Harris, K., Shreffler, S. (2019, June). Accessing Web Archives: Integrating an Archive-It Collection into EBSCO Discovery Service. The Journal of Web Librarianship 13, no. 3.
- Harris, K., Shreffler, S., Gauder, H. (2018, September). The Archives as Classroom: A Primary Source Mini Course. Case Studies on Teaching with Primary Sources.
- Curran, C. & Burns, K. (2011) A Methodology for Studying the Information Seeking Behavior of Catholic Clergy. Advances in the Study of Information and Religion 92-108.