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Sabra Tomb, Esq.

Director of Training Programs and Strategic Business Development


School of Law


Email: Sabra Tomb, Esq.
Phone: 937-229-4652


As the Director of Training Programs and Strategic Business Development, Sabra provides management of growth opportunities in non-J.D. education and training programs.

In this role, Sabra also oversees the Government Contracting & Procurement Master in the Study of Law (M.S.L.) and Certificate Program and is primarily responsible for developing and implementing a plan to establish significant revenue generating Law School programs and other projects.

Prior to her current role with UDSL, Sabra was an attorney-advisor for Headquarters Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), located at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. As an attorney for AFRL, Sabra provided legal support to AFRL’s $6 billion science, technology, research and development enterprise, including the laboratory’s nine component technology directorates and the 711th Human Performance Wing.


B.S., Biology, Wittenberg University

J.D., University of Dayton School of Law


Air Force Exemplary Civilian Service Award, 2023

Leadership Ohio, Fellow and Graduate, 2022

Rising Star Honor, Dayton Bar Association, January 2022

Outstanding Member Contribution Award, Federal Bar Association, Dayton Chapter, 2020

Air Force Civilian Achievement Award, 2017