Paul J. Geis
Director of Education Abroad & Away
Global and Intercultural Affairs Center
Paul leads the day-to-day operations within the Education Abroad & Away area of GIA. He also guides strategic initiatives in collaboration with colleagues in the GIA Center, and with faculty and staff partners across campus. Paul is especially interested in developing equitable and accessible programs and processes that serve the full diversity of the UD community. Paul has worked extensively with program and partnership development, as well as outreach and engagement with underrepresented and underserved populations in education abroad, including first-generation college students, students with high financial need, students of color, and LGBTQIA+ students.
Paul’s research engages concepts from philosophy of education to understand and inform education abroad. He is particularly interested in walking in the city as a studious practice. Paul has co-taught a graduate course on the design and delivery of education abroad programs, and he has also taught foundational courses to undergraduate and graduate teacher education students.
Paul brings more than twenty years of experience in international education to UD, and has worked previously in education abroad at Elon University, Bentley University, and Boston College.
Degrees Held
M.A., Higher Education, Boston College–Lynch School of Education & Human Development (2003)
B.A., French, Boston College (1997)
Research Interests
Philosophy of education/higher education; study vs. learning; walking the city as a studious practice; risk & securitization in education.
Geis, P.J. Reclaiming Study in International Education. Review of: Schildermans, Hans. 2021. Experiments in Decolonizing the University: Towards an Ecology of Study. Global Studies Literature Review, 12, 34-35.
Geis, P. (2021) (Re)turning to study abroad: Reimagining global education in the aftermath of pandemic. Philosophical Studies in Education, 52, 37-49.
Geis, P.J. (2021) Considering the necessary risks of education. Review of Biesta, Gert J.J. 2013. The Beautiful Risk of Education. Global Studies Literature Review, 11, 32-33.
Geis, P.J. (2019) Has student voice been eliminated? A consideration of student activism post-Parkland. Philosophical Studies in Education, 50, 82-93.
Kurt, M.R., Olitsky, N.H., & Geis, P. (Fall 2013) Assessing global awareness over a short-term study abroad sequence: A factor analysis. Frontiers: Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 23, 22-41.