Jun-Ki Choi
Professor; Director, Industrial Training and Assessment Center (UD-ITAC); O. Jack and Opal Anderson Faculty Fellowship in Engineering Innovation Endowed Chair
Full-Time Faculty
School of Engineering: Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
UD Industrial Assessment Center
Visit the University of Dayton Industrial Training and Assessment Center (UD-IAC) website.
Professor Choi works in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering/Renewable and Clean Energy Engineering (RCL) Graduate Program at the University of Dayton. Professor Choi developed a research program in sustainable design and manufacturing, energy and resource efficiency, life cycle management, circular economy, and macroeconomic modeling for energy/environmental policies. He has conducted numerous seminars for consultants, utilities, academia, industry and government organizations in the U. S. and internationally. Professor Choi serves as a director of the University of Dayton Industrial Training and Assessment Center (UD-ITAC) funded by the U.S. Department of Energy. UD-ITAC was recognized in 2003 and 2015 as a Center of Excellence by the U.S. Department of Energy. Dr. Choi published 100+ journals and refereed conference papers in diverse topical areas and has managed a total of $8M in research projects as PI/Co-PI. Before joining UD, he worked as a scientist at the Brookhaven National Laboratory and worked as a postdoctoral research director at the Center for Resilience at the Ohio State University.
Selected Journal Publications
- Kapp, S., Choi, J.-K., & Hong, T. (2023). Predicting industrial building energy consumption with statistical and machine-learning models informed by physical system parameters. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews.
- Shook, P., Choi, J.-K., & Kissock, K. (2023). Economic-environmental-societal impacts of energy efficient industrial building energy system. ASME Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 145(4).
- McLaughlin, E., & Choi, J.-K. (2023). Utilizing machine learning models to estimate energy savings from repairing leaks in compressed air systems, resource, environment and sustainability. Resources, Environment and Sustainability, 12.
- Shook, P., & Choi, J.-K. (2023). Broader impacts of implementing industrial energy-efficient lighting assessment recommendations. Proceedings of Sustainable Design and Manufacturing.
- Alsadi, H., Mulford, R., & Choi, J.-K. (2022). Influence of PV shading on rooftop heat transfer, building energy loads and PV power output. ASME Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 144(6).
- Jeoung, J., Jung, S., Hong, T., & Choi, J.-K. (2022). Blockchain-based IoT system for personalized indoor temperature control. Automation in Construction, 140, 104339.
- Shook, P., & Choi, J.-K. (2022). Predicting the impact of utility lighting rebate programs on promoting industrial energy efficiency: A machine learning approach. Environments, 9(8).
- Ren, D., Choi, J.-K., & Schneider, K. (2022). A multicriteria decision-making method for additive manufacturing process selection. Rapid Prototyping Journal, 28(11), 77-91.
- Errigo, R., Choi, J.-K., & Kissock, K. (2022). Techno-economic-environmental impacts of industrial energy assessment: Sustainable industrial motor systems of small and medium-sized enterprises, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 49, 101694.
- McLaughlin, E., Choi, J.-K., & Kissock, K. (2022). Techno-economic impact assessments of energy efficiency improvement in the industrial combustion systems. Transaction of the ASME, Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 144(8), 082109
- Kapp, S., Choi, J.-K., & Kissock, K. (2022). Toward energy-efficient industrial thermal systems for regional manufacturing facilities, Energy Reports, 8, 1377-1387.
- Naji, A., Altarhuni, B., Choi, J.-K., Alshatshati, S., & Ajena, S. (2021). Toward cost-effective residential energy reduction and community impacts: A data-based machine learning approach. Energy and AI, 4, 100068.
- Denzinger, C., Berkemeier, G., Winter, O., Worsham, M., Labrador, C., Willard, K., Altaher, A., Schulester, J., Ciric, A., & Choi, J.-K. (2020). Toward sustainable refrigeration systems: Life cycle assessment of a bench-scale solar-thermal adsorption refrigerator. International Journal of Refrigeration.
- Choi, J.-K, Thangamani, D., & Kissock, K. (2019). A systematic methodology for improving resource efficiency in small and medium-sized enterprise. Resource, Conservation and Recycling, 147, 19-27.
- Alsehli, M., Alzahrani, M., & Choi, J.-K. (2019). A novel design for solar integrated multi-effect distillation driven by sensible heat and alternate storage tanks. Desalination, 468(15).
- Choi, J.-K, Eom, J., & McClory E. (2018). Economic and environmental impacts of local utility-delivered industrial energy – efficiency rebate programs. Energy Policy, 123, 289-298.
- Rastogi, A., Choi, J.-K., Hong, T., & Lee, M. (2017). Impact of different LEED versions for green building certification and energy efficiency rating system: A multifamily midrise case study, Applied Energy, 205, 732-740.
- Alsehli, M., Choi, J.-K., & Aljuhan, M. (2017). A novel design for a solar powered multistage flash desalination. Solar Energy, 153, 348-359.
- Choi, J.-K., Bakshi, B. R., Hubacek, K., & Nader, J. (2016). A sequential input–output framework to analyze the economic and environmental implications of energy policies: Gas taxes and fuel subsidies. Applied Energy, 184, 830-839.
- Choi, J.-K., Kelley, D., Murphy, S., & Thangamani, D. (2016). Economic and environmental perspectives of end-of-life ship management. Resource, Conservation and Recycling, 107, 82-91.
- Ataei, A., Biglari, M., Nedaei, M., Assareh, E., Choi, J.-K., & Yoo, C. (2015). Techno-economic feasibility study of autonomous hybrid wind and solar power systems for rural areas. Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, 34(5), 1521-1527.
- Choi, J.-K., Morrison, D., Hallinan, K., & Brecha, B. (2014). Economic and environmental impacts of community-based residential building energy efficiency investment. Energy,78(15), 877-886.
- Choi, J.-K., & Fthenakis, V. M. (2014). Crystalline silicon photovoltaic recycling planning: Macro and micro perspectives. Journal of Cleaner Production, 66(1), 443-449.
- Ramanujan, D., Berstein, W. Z., Choi, J.-K, Koho, M., Zhao, F., & Ramani, K. (2014). Prioritizing design for environment strategies using a stochastic analytic hierarchy process. Journal of Mechanical Design,136(7).
- Choi, J.-K, Friley, P., & Alfstad, T. (2012). The implication of the energy policy to the dynamic life cycle environmental impact of an industrial product system: Survey and model. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review, 16(7), 4744-4752.
- Choi, J.-K, & Fthenakis, V. M. (2010). Design and optimization of photovoltaics recycling infrastructure. Environmental Science and Technology, 44(22), 8678-8683.
- Choi, J.-K, & Fthenakis, V. M. (2010). Economic feasibility of recycling photovoltaic modules: Survey and model. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 14(6), 947-964.
- Choi, J.-K, Bakshi, B. R., & Haab, T. (2010). Effects of a carbon price in the U.S. on economic sectors, resource use, and emissions: An input-output approach. Energy Policy, 38(7), 3527-3536.
- Choi, J.-K, Nies, L. F., & Ramani, K. (2008). A framework for the integration of environmental and business aspects toward sustainable product development. Journal of Engineering Design, 19(6), 436-446.
Courses Taught
- MEE 344 Manufacturing Process
- MEE 410 Heat Transfer
- MEE 472/RCL 572 Design for Environment
- MEE 590 Special Topics in Energy Efficient Manufacturing
- MEE 595 Advanced Topics in Sustainable Manufacturing
- MEE 695 Advanced Topics in Life Cycle Assessment
- MEE 699 Advanced Topics in Desalination
- Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, 2006
- M.S., Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, 1999
- B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Hanyang University, 1997
Research Interests
- Sustainable manufacturing process, energy efficiency
- Design for environment, life cycle assessment
- End-of-life management, circular economy
- Sustainable energy infrastructure design
- Economic systems modeling (general & partial equilibrium models)
- Energy/environmental policy design