Charlie Edmonson
Professor Emeritus
School of Engineering: Department of Engineering Management, Systems, and Technology
- 1993–Present University of Dayton, Professor, Industrial Engineering Technology
- 1988-93 Wright-Patterson AFB, Director, Air Force Packaging Evaluation Activity
- 1982-88 Wright-Patterson AFB, Branch Chief, Materials Handling Engineering
- 1978-82 Homestead AFB, Fla., Chief Industrial Engineering Branch
- 1976-78 Carswell AFB, Texas, Chief Industrial Engineering Branch
- 1973-76 RAF Wethersfield, England, Base Civil Engineer
- 1970-73 Nellis AFB, Nevada, Chief Industrial Engineering
- 1969-70 Osan AB, Korea, Chief Technical Design
- 1964-67 Beale AFB, California, Mechanical Design Engineer
Selected Publications
- Edmonson, C. P. (2012). Integrating business process simulation software into a facilities layout course. ASEE Conference.
- Edmonson, C. P. (2010). Facilities design, the handbook of technology management. New Jersey: Wiley.
- Edmonson, C. P. (2008). A method of pacing on-line courses: Blending asynchronous assessments and recorded lectures with synchronous lectures. ASEE Conference.
- Edmonson, C. P., & Summers, D. C. (2007). Integrating teamwork across the curriculum. ASEE Conference.
- Summers, D. C., & Edmonson, C. P. (2006). Creating cultural understanding in engineering technology curricula. ASEE Conference.
- Edmonson, C. P., & Summers, D. C. (2005). Structuring a project management course to develop team skills. ASEE Conference.
- Edmonson, C. P., & Segalewitz, S. (2005). A blended online engineering technology course using web conferencing technology. ASEE Conference.
- Edmonson, C. P., & Summers, D. C. (2004). Using project management skills to improve the outcome of student projects. ASEE Conference.
- Edmonson, C. P., & Summers, D. C. (2003). Distance learning: Things to be aware of or wary of when combining a resident course with a distance learning course. ASEE Conference.
- Blust, B., & Edmonson C. (2001). Increasing diversity within the field of engineering: Closing the minority gap. ASEE Conference.
- Edmonson, C., & Untener, J. (1998). A study of engineering technology graduates. ASEE Conference.
Honors and Awards
- School of Engineering Vision Award
- KEEN Fellow
- Ohio Magazine Excellence in Education Award
- Epsilon Delta Tau Professor of the Year.
- Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers
- Lexington Who’s Who
- Institute of Industrial Engineers, Dayton Chapter, President’s Award
- Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Man of the Year
- Honorary Member of Tau Alpha Pi, National Engineering Technology Honor Society
Courses Taught
- IET-230 Work Measurement
- IET-316 Quantitative Analysis
- IET-317 Industrial Economic and Financial Analysis
- IET-323 Project Management
- IET-332 Facilities Layout Design
- IET-408 Lean Management
- IET-418 Cost Estimating and Control
- IET-435 Human Factors
- Public Administration, Nova University, ABD
- M.S., Industrial Engineering, University of Pittsburgh
- B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Tennessee State University
Professional Activities
- Journal of Engineering Technology, Subscription Editor, Manuscript Editor, Production Editor, Editor-in-Chief
- Institute of Industrial Engineers, Treasurer, Programs Vice President, Dayton Chapter
- Institute of Industrial Engineers, UD Student Chapter Adviser
- American Society for Engineering Education, member
- Project Management Institute, member
- Applied Ergonomics Society, member
- Professional Order of Engineering Technology, founding member of the UD Chapter
Research Interests
- Distance and Online Learning
- Lean Management