Andrew Sarangan
Department Chair; Professor; Director of Nanofabrication Laboratory
Full-Time Faculty
School of Engineering: Department of Electro-Optics and Photonics
- Ph.D., University of Waterloo, Canada
- M.A.Sc., University of Waterloo, Canada
- B.A.Sc., University of Waterloo, Canada
Licenses, Certifications and Credentials
- P.E. (Ohio)
Selected Honors and Awards
- 2018 Vision Award for Excellence, School of Engineering, University of Dayton
- 2013 Faculty Excellence in Teaching Awards – Southwestern Ohio Council for Higher Education
- 2013 Affiliate Societies Council Outstanding Scientists & Engineers Award – Research category, Dayton, OH
- 2008 Sigma Xi Noland Award for Excellence in Research, University of Dayton
Research Interests
- Nanolithography and semiconductor nano-fabrication
- Optical thin films
- Infrared photodetectors
- Phase change materials
- Computational electromagnetics
Courses Developed/Taught
- Nano Fabrication EOP533/ECE580
- Optical Thin Films EOP532
- Integrated Optics EOP604/ECE674
- Quantum Electronics EOP626/ECE676
- Electro-Optic Devices and Systems EOP506/ECE573
- Advanced Nanotechnology EGR411
- Principles of Nanotechnology EGR311
- Electrical Circuits EGR203
Professional Activities
- Senior Member, IEEE, Photonics Society & Electron Devices Society
- Senior Member – SPIE
Selected Publications
- Duran, J. & Sarangan, A. M. (2019). Schottky-barrier photodiode internal quantum efficiency dependence on nickel silicide film thickness. IEEE Photonics Journal, 1–1. doi:10.1109/JPHOT.2018.2886556
- Guo, P., Burrow, J. A., Sevison, G. A., Sood, A., Asheghi, M., Hendrickson, J. R., Goodson, K. E., Agha, I., & Sarangan, A. (2018). Improving the performance of Ge2Sb2Te5 materials via nickel doping: Towards RF-compatible phase-change devices. Applied Physics Letters, 113(17), 171903. doi:10.1063/1.5053713
- Sarangan, A., Duran, J., Vasilyev, V., Limberopoulos, N., Vitebskiy, I., & Anisimov, I. (2018). Broadband reflective optical limiter using GST phase change material. IEEE Photonics Journal, 10(2), 1–9. doi:10.1109/JPHOT.2018.2796448
- Ni, C., Jia, J., Howard, M., Hirakawa, K., & Sarangan, A. (2018). Single-shot multispectral imager using spatially multiplexed Fourier spectral filters. J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 35(5), 1072–1079. doi:10.1364/JOSAB.35.001072
- Yahiaoui, R., Burrow, J. A., Mekonen, S. M., Sarangan, A., Mathews, J., Agha, I., & Searles, T. A. (2018). Electromagnetically induced transparency control in terahertz metasurfaces based on bright-bright mode coupling. Physical Review B, 97(15), 155403. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.97.155403
- Sarangan, A. (2018). Design of metal-dielectric resonant-cavity thin-film structures using the effective reflectance index method. Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 35(9), 2294. doi:10.1364/JOSAB.35.002294
- Burrow, J. A., Yahiaoui, R., Sarangan, A., Agha, I., Mathews, J., & Searles, T. A. (2017). Polarization-dependent electromagnetic responses of ultrathin and highly flexible asymmetric terahertz metasurfaces. Optics Express, 25(26), 32540. doi:10.1364/OE.25.032540
- Gao, Z., Hussain, M. M. R., de Ceglia, D., Vincenti, M. A. Sarangan, A., Agha, I., Scalora, M., Haus, J. W., & Banerjee, P. (2017). Unraveling delocalized electrons in metal induced gap states from second harmonics. Applied Physics Letters, 111(16), 161601. doi:10.1063/1.4996893
- Duran, J. M., & Sarangan, A. (2017). Fabrication of ultrahigh aspect ratio silicon nanostructures using self-assembled gold metal-assisted chemical etching. Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS, 16(1), 014502. doi: 10.1117/1.JMM.16.1.014502
- Wan, C., Lombardo, D., Sarangan, A., & Zhan, Q. (2017). High efficiency geometric-phase polarization fan-out grating on silicon. Optics Express, 25(20), 24559. doi:10.1364/OE.25.024559
- Mina, D. G., Haus, J. W., Chong, A., Khanolkar, A., Sarangan, A., & Hansen, K. (2017). Bi-tapered fiber sensor using visible to near infrared light. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 263, 285–290. doi:10.1016/j.sna.2017.06.017
- Belardini, A., Centini, M., Leahu, G., Hooper, D. C., Li Voti, R., Fazio, E., Haus, J. W., Sarangan, A., Valev, V. K., & Sibilia, C. (2016). Chiral light intrinsically couples to extrinsic/pseudo-chiral metasurfaces made of tilted gold nanowires. Scientific Reports, 6(1), 31796. doi:10.1038/srep31796
- Jia, J., Ni, C., Sarangan, A., & Hirakawa, K. (2015). Fourier multispectral imaging. Optics Express, 23(17), 22649. doi:10.1364/OE.23.022649
- Wang, J., Zhao, Y., Agha, I., & Sarangan, A. M. (2015). SU-8 nanoimprint fabrication of wire-grid polarizers using deep-UV interference lithography. Optics Letters, 40(19), 4396. doi:10.1364/OL.40.004396
- Benson, M., Shah, P., Marciniak, M., Sarangan, A., & Urbas, A. (2014). Optical characterization of silver nanorod thin films grown using oblique angle deposition. Journal of Nanomaterials, 1–8. doi:10.1155/2014/694982
- Wang, L., Powers, P. E., Sarangan, A., & Haus, J. W. (2014). Image revivals in multi-mode optical fibers with periodic multiple sub-apertures. Optics Communications, 326, 57–63. doi:10.1016/j.optcom.2014.04.02
- Fehrman Cory, E. M., Aga, R. S., Lombardi, J. P., Bartsch, C. M., Sarangan, A., & Heckman, E. M. (2013). Nanoimprint lithography of deoxyribonucleic acid biopolymer films. Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS, 12(4), 040501. doi:10.1117/1.JMM.12.4.040501
- Derenko, S., Kullock, R., Wu, Z., Sarangan, A., Schuster, C., Eng, L. M., & Hartling, T. (2013). Local photochemical plasmon mode tuning in metal nanoparticle arrays. Optical Materials Express, 3(6), 794. doi:10.1364/OME.3.000794
- Shah, P., Ju, D., Niu, X., & Sarangan, A. M. (2013). Vapor phase sensing using metal nanorod thin films grown by cryogenic oblique angle deposition. Journal of Sensors, 1–6. doi:10.1155/2013/823041
- Shah, P. J., Wu, Z., & Sarangan, A. M. (2013). Effects of CO2 critical point drying on nanostructured SiO2 thin films after liquid exposure. Thin Solid Films, 527, 344–348. doi:10.1016/j.tsf.2012.10.057
- Shah, P. J., Niu, X., & Sarangan, A. M. (2012). High aspect ratio silver nanorod thin films grown at cryogenic substrate temperature. Journal of Nanoscience Letters.
- Nehmetallah, G., Aylo, R., Powers, P., Sarangan, A., Gao, J., Li, H., Achari, A., & Banerjee, P. P. (2012). Co-sputtered SiC + Ag nanomixtures as visible wavelength negative index metamaterials. Optics Express, 20(7), 7095. doi:10.1364/OE.20.007095
- Gao, J., Sarangan, A. M., & Zhan, Q. (2012). Polarization multiplexed fluorescence enhancer using a pixelated one-dimensional photonic band gap structure. Optics Letters, 37(13), 2640. doi:10.1364/OL.37.002640
- Niu, X., Murray, P. T., & Sarangan, A. (2012). Synthesis of Fe–Ni bimetallic nanoparticles from pixel target ablation: Plume dynamics and surface characterization. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 14(8), 1017. doi:10.1007/s11051-012-1017-z
- Smith, R. C. G., Sarangan, A. M., Jiang, Z., & Marciante, J. R. (2012). Direct measurement of bend-induced mode deformation in large-mode-area fibers. Optics Express, 20(4), 4436. doi:10.1364/OE.20.004436
- Gao, J., Zhan, Q., & Sarangan, A. M. (2011). High-index, low-loss gallium phosphide thin films fabricated by radio frequency magnetron sputtering. Thin Solid Films, 519(16), 5424–5428. doi:10.1016/j.tsf.2011.02.068
- Katte, N., Haus, J. W., Powers, P., Sarangan, A., Gao, J., & Scalora, M. (2011). Third-order nonlinear optical properties of metallodielectric stacks. Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 28(9), 2277. doi:10.1364/JOSAB.28.002277
- Gao, J., Sarangan, A. M., & Zhan, Q. (2011). Experimental confirmation of strong fluorescence enhancement using one-dimensional GaP/SiO2 photonic band gap structure. Optical Materials Express, 1(7), 1216. doi:10.1364/OME.1.001216
- Sun, L., & Sarangan, A. (2011). Fabrication of sloped sidewalls by inductively coupled plasma etching for silicon micro-optic structures. Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS, 10(2), 023006. doi:10.1117/1.3574136
- Cooney, A. T., & Sarangan, A. M. (2010). Real-time modeling of quantum cascade laser operation using linear combinations of intrawell properties. Journal of Computational Electronics, 9(1):8–15. doi:10.1007/s10825-009-0290-2
- Widjaja, A., & Sarangan, A. (2011). Thin film structures with negative inductance and methods for fabricating inductors comprising the same. U.S. Patent No. 20090261936.
- Peake, G. M., Hersee, S. D., & Sarangan, A. M. (2004). Non-planar micro-optical structures. U.S. Patent No. 6,728,289.
- Peake, G. M., Hersee, S. D., & Sarangan, A. M. (2002). Method of making non-planar micro-optical structures. U.S. Patent No. 6365237.
- Li, G. P., Makino, T., Sarangan, A., & Huang, W. P. (1996). Multi-wavelength gain-coupled distributed feedback laser arrays with fine tenability. U.S. Patent No. 5536085.