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Cong Deng

Research Scientist


School of Engineering: Department of Electro-Optics and Photonics


Email: Cong Deng
Phone: 937-229-2394
Fitz Hall 572 I


  • Ph.D. Electro-Optics, University of Dayton, 2005
  • B.S. and M.S., Optical Instrument, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China, 1985 and 1990
  • Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for Automation Technologies and Systems, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2008-2009
  • Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Optometry, Indiana University, 2006-2008

Research Interests

Optical design, electro-optical systems, lidar system, fiber and waveguide optics, photonic crystal, nonlinear integrated optics, adaptive optics, laser technology, semiconductor fabrication, semiconductor photolithography, CCD and CMOS imaging system, OCT, automatic optical system, ophthalmologic devices, THz devices, UV lithography and femtosecond laser. Recently, I am mainly doing research for several SBIR projects and STTR projects.

Selected Research and Works:

  • Variable Acuity Hemispherical Threat Detection for Remotely Operated Weapons Systems, SBIR A12-004 (Army) Phase I and II. I am now a chief scientist responsible for entire opto-mechanical design and hardware integration.
  • High-Resolution Imaging of Large Field-of-View Scenes, Research on a novel high-resolution panoramic camera. SBIR Phase II DARPA SB091-009. I led the prototype development, cooperating with UtopiaCompression Corporation. We successfully completed it in 2016.
  • Sense and Avoid Ladar for Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA), SBIR, AF093-136. Phase II. We completed a prototype of Ladar systems. I led the development of optical system design, cooperated with UtopiaCompression Corporation, SAIC and Air Force Research Lab, etc.
  • High efficiency, actively Q-switched Er/Yb fiber laser, I designed this system, cooperated with Mexico NSF.
  • Design of main system of Resolution Enhanced Sparse Aperture Imaging for Air Force Lab.
  • Thermal control for high power diode laser completed the simulation using COMSOL and Solidworks, cooperated with INNOVA, Inc.
  • Research on the manufacture of Si detector in CT system, cooperated with FMI Technologies, Inc.
  • Advance optical design for a telescopic sensing system, an Electro-Optical Air and Space Observations Project (EASOP), led the development of optical system, cooperated with Applied Optimization, Inc.
  • Electrochromic glass research and development, cooperated with China Southern Glass Holding Co., Ltd.
  • Miniaturized the Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy prototype with ultrafast laser for Navy and Army.
  • Optimization of Adaptive Scanning Optical Microscope (ASOM). Cooperated with optics company THORLABS.
  • LED illumination system for an experiment on International Space Station, NASA.
  • Design of adaptive optics SLO system for retinal imaging.
  • Adaptive optical SLO OCT for 3D retinal imaging.
  • Automatic 1KW CO2 laser heat treatment machine for automobile crank.
  • Free-space multistage optical interconnection network.
  • 30W CO2 laser scalpel.

Courses Taught

  • EOP 601: Optical Design
  • EOP 513/ECE 572: Linear Systems and Fourier Optics
  • EOP-541L: Geometrical and Physical Optics Laboratory
  • EOP 542L: Electro-Optics System Laboratory
  • Programming in FORTRAN and C

Professional Activities

Member of

  • The International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE)
  • Optical Society of America (OSA)
  • The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO)

Selected Publications

  • Haus, J. W., Li, L., Katte, N., Deng, C., Scalora, M., de Ceglia, D., & Vincenti, M. A. (2013, July 9). Nanowire metal-insulator-metal plasmonic devices. ICPS 2013: International Conference on Photonics Solutions, Proc. of SPIE, 8883, 888303-1.
  • lez-García , A. G., Ibarra-Escamilla, B., Pottiez , O., Kuzin, E. A., Maya-Ordoñez, F., Durán-Sánchez, M., Deng, C., Haus, J. W., & Powers, P. E. (2013). High efficiency, actively Q-switched Er/Yb fiber laser. Optics & Laser Technology, 48, 182–186.
  • García, A. G., Baldemar, B., Escamilla, I., Kuzin, E. A., Pottiez, O. M., Sanchez, M. D., Deng, C., Haus, J. W., & Powers, P. E. (2012, October 14). Q-switched Er/Yb double clad single mode fiber laser. OSA, Frontiers in Optics, Rochester, New York.
  • Ferguson, R. D., Zhong, Z., Hammer, D. X., Mujat, M., Patel, A. H., Deng, C., Zou, W. & Burns, S. A. (2010, November). Adaptive optics SLO with integrated wide-field retinal imaging and tracking. JOS A, 27(11), A265-A277.
  • Burns, S. A., Zhong, Z., Zou, W., Deng, C., Ferguson, D., & Qi, X. (2009). Adaptive optics instrumentation. In Adaptive optics: Methods, analysis and applications, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2009), paper JWF1.
  • Zhong, Z., Deng, C., & Burns, S. (2008, October 19-23). Wide-field steerable adaptive optics SLO with dual deformable mirrors. Optical Design 2008 Frontiers in Optics (FiO)/Laser Science XXIV Conference.
  • Deng, C., Haus, J. W., Sarangan, A., Mahfoud, A., Sibilia, C., Scalora, M., & Zheltikov, A. (2006). Photonic band-gap enhanced second-harmonic generation in a planar lithium niobate waveguide. Laser Physics, 16(6), 927-947.
  • Lou, F., Cao, M., Wan, A., Xu, J., Zhou, X., & Deng, C. (2000, April). New free-space multistage optical interconnection network and its matrix theory. Proc. SPIE 3952, 296-302, Optoelectronic Interconnects VII; Photonics Packaging and Integration II.