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John Nehrbass

Senior Research Scientist


School of Engineering: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering


Email: John Nehrbass
Phone: 937-229-3611
Kettering Laboratories Room 266


John W. Nehrbass obtained his Ph.D. in electrical engineering from The Ohio State University in 1996, M.S. in electrical engineering from Arizona State University in 1991 and B.S. in electrical engineering from Arizona State University in 1989. He is an expert at using high performance computers to speed up simulations by leveraging massively parallel DoD computer systems. He generates large data dome products for AFRL in support of many projects. Sensors simulated include electromagnetics - RADAR, LIDAR, IR, EO and others. Parallel calculations include parallel Matlab, parallel python, data formatting, GPU acceleration on deep learning systems and big data analysis. John frequently develops new algorithms and implements these in novel software packages. John created the latest version of MATLABMPI at MIT, created the parallel bench test in MATLAB for Mathworks, the AFacet tool sets and CAD modeling capabilities for the DOD and served as the lead scientist for the DoD HPCMP PETTT program from 1996 to 2006.

Conference Publications

  • J. Nehrbass, and R. Lee, “Numerical Stability Analysis for Perfectly Matched Absorbers,” IEEE APS International Symposium, Baltimore Maryland,  July 1996. Finalist for AP-S Student Paper Contest.
  • J. Jevtic, J.  Nehrbass, and R.Lee, “An Improved Finite Difference Helmholtz Equation,”
    IEEE APS International Symposium, Baltimore Maryland,  July 1996.
  • J. Y. Wu, J. Nehrbass, J. F. Lee, and R. Lee, “The Use of Higher Order Edge-Based Finite Elements to Improve the Accuracy of the Anisotropic Perfectly Matched Layer,” IEEE APS International Symposium, Baltimore Maryland,  July 1996.
  • Robert Lee, John Nehrbass, Jovan Jevtic, Jo-Yu Wu, “Understanding and Improving PDE Methods for Electromagnetics,” 25th URSI General Assembly, Lille, France, August 1996.
  • John Nehrbass, Robert Lee, “Select Computational Electromagnetic Examples and the HPC,” DoD HPCMP User Group Meeting, NCSA Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, November 1996.
  • John Nehrbass “Numerical dispersion reduction techniques,” DoD HPCMP User Group Meeting, San Diego, California, June 1997.
  • John Nehrbass, Robert Lee, “Optimal Finite Difference Sub-Gridding Techniques Applied to the Helmholtz Equation,'' IEEE APS International Symposium, Montreal Canada, July 1997.
  • John Nehrbass, “Electromagnetic Visualization Using Virtual Reality Tools,” IEEE APS International Symposium, Montreal Canada,  July 1997.
  • John Nehrbass, Ken Flurchick, Robert Lee, “Electromagnetic Visualization of Penetrable 3D Targets Using AVS” IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, Tucson, Arizona, 1998.
  • J.Y. Wu, J.W. Nehrbass, and R. Lee, “A comparison of PML for TVFEM and FDTD,” 4th Int. Workshop on FEM for Microwave Eng., Poitier, France, July 1998.
  • John Nehrbass, Richard Luczak , “A Parallel Implementation of the 3D FDTD Algorithm for Electromagnetic Problems,” ASC-99-1054, DoD HPCMP User Group Meeting, Monterey, CA, June 1999.
  • John Nehrbass, “A FDTD study of Yee cell modifications for modeling curved surfaces,” IEEE APS/URSI Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, July 2000.
  • John Nehrbass,  “Automatic Electromagnetic Grid Generation for FDTD Computations,” DoD HPCMP User Group Meeting, Biloxi, Mississippi, June 2001.
  • John Nehrbass, Jin-Fa Lee “Automatic grid generation for FDTD computations,”
    EMCC2001 Conference, Sheraton Kauai Hotel, Kauai, HI, May 2001.
  • John Nehrbass, Dr Larry A. Lambe , Dr. Richard Luczak, “Symbolic Electromagnetic Modeling,” EMCC2001 Conference, Sheraton Kauai Hotel, Kauai, HI, May 2001.
  • Dr. Larry A. Lambe , Dr. Richard Luczak, John Nehrbass “Symbolic Computation in Electromagnetic Modeling,” DoD HPCMP Users Group Conference, Beau Rivage Resort, Biloxi, MI, June, 2001
  • John Nehrbass, “Parellel 3D SAR,” DoD HPCMP User Group Meeting, Austin, Texas, June 2002.
  • John Nehrbass, “Parallel Backprojection methods” Summer Institute on Advanced Computation, Dayton, Ohio,  Oct, 2002.
  • Atindra Mitra, Joseph Germann, John Nehrbass “Signal Processing Architectures for Ultra-Wideband Wide-Angle Synthetic Aperture Radar Applications” HPEC 2002, MIT Lincoln Labs, MA. Sept 2002.
  • Richard Luczak, John Nehrbass, Larry A. Lambe  “Symbolic Computation and the Finite Difference Method” Computational Methods March 2003, University of Wales, Bangor. 
  • John Nehrbass, “An Acceleration Approach for rendering 3D FDTD Grids –Automatically Generated from Faceted Models of Complex Geometries”, IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Columbus, Ohio, June 2003.
  • J. Nehrbass, M Soumekh, S. Ahalt, A, Krishnamurthy, J Chaves, “Parallel Performance of Pure MATLAB “M-Files” versus “C-code” as applied to formation of Wide-Bandwidth and wide-Beamwidth SAR Imagery”, HPEC 2003, MIT Lincoln Labs, MA. Sept 2003.
  • P. Khot, S. Ahalt, J. Chaves, A. Krishnamurthy, J. Nehrbass, “A parallel data mining toolbox Using MatlabMPI”, Seventh High Performance Embedded Computing workshop (HPEC 2003), MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA, September 23-25, 2003.
  • G. Titi, E. Zelnio, K. Naidu, R. Dilsavor, M. Minardi, N. Subotic, R. Moses, L. Potter, L. Lin, R. Bhalla, and J. Nehrbass, “Visual SAR using all degrees of freedom MSS Tri-Service Radar Symposium,”  Albuquerque, NM, June 21-25, 2004.
  • P. Amburn, F. Campanile, R. Graeff, C. Linhardt, J. Nehrbass, R. Vickery, S. Wong, R. Weyer, D. Wright, “RADAR Analysis for Proposed Predator Design” DOD HPCMP Users Group Conference 2005.
  • MacGillivray, J.; Schwarzmeier, J.; Abdalla, M.; J. Nehrbass, “TMax Electromagnetic Finite Difference Time Domain Simulations Cray X1 of the Impulse Radiating Antenna”
    DOD HPCMP Users Group Conference, 2005.
  • Chaves, J.C.; Nehrbass, J.; Guilfoos, B.; Gardiner, J.; Ahalt, S.; Krishnamurthy, A.; Unpingco, J.; Chalker, A.; Warnock, A.; Samsi S., “Octave and Python: High-Level Scripting Languages Productivity and Performance Evaluation “,  DOD HPCMP Users Group Conference 2006.
  • Gardiner, J.; Nehrbass, J.; Chaves, J.C.; Guilfoos, B.; Ahalt, S.; Krishnamurthy, A.; Unpingco, J.; Chalker, A.; Samsi, S. “Enhancements to MatlabMPI: Easier Compilation, Collective Communication, and Profiling” Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/HPCMP-UGC.2006.24, DOD HPCMP Users Group Conference 2006.
  • Nehrbass, J.; Samsi, S.; Chaves, J.C.; Unpingco, J.; Guilfoos, B.; Ahalt, S.; Krishnamurthy, A.; Chalker, A.; Gardiner, J. “Interfacing PC-based MATLAB Directly to HPC Resources”, Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/HPCMP-UGC.2006.40 DOD HPCMP Users Group Conference 2006.
  • Guilfoos, B.; Gardiner, J.; Chaves, J.C.; Nehrbass, J.; Ahalt, S.; Krishnamurthy, A.; Unpingco, J.; Chalker, A.; Humphrey, L.; Samsi, S. “Applications in Parallel MATLAB”, Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/HPCMP-UGC.2006.4  DOD HPCMP Users Group Conference 2006.
  • Nehrbass, J., Majumder, U., Minardi, M., "Parallel Back-Projection Based 3D SAR Imaging and Visualization", On the Use of Commodity Clusters for Large-Scale Scientific Applications, 2006.
  • Nehrbass, J. Majumder, U., "GOTCHA: Parallel 3D SAR Imaging and Visualization", High Performance Computing Users Group Conference, 2006.
  • Majumder, U., Nehrbass, J., Scarborough, S., Casteel, C., Gorham, L., Michael, M., "Real-time Persistent Staring Radar Data Exploitation Utilizing Massively Parallel Multiprocessor System". High Performance Embedded Computing (HPEC) Workshop 2007, MIT Lincoln Labs, Boston, MA.
  • Castel, H., Majumder, U., Minardi, M., Nehrbass, J. "High Performance Computing for Gotcha Radar", Air Force Research Lab (AFRL/SN) STAR Workshop, 2007.
  • B. Elton, J. Nehrbass, S. Ahalt, J. Gardiner, L. Humphrey; ” The SIP High Productivity Toolset for Parameter Sweeps and Monte Carlo Runs”,  DOD HPCMP Users Group Conference 2007.
  • B. Guilfoos, S. Samsi, J.C. Chaves, J. Unpingco, J. Nehrbass, A. Chalker, S. Ahalt, A. Krishnamurthy; “Web Interface for Querying/Searching RDF Database ”,  DOD HPCMP Users Group Conference 2007.
  • SAR data exploitation: computational technology enabling SAR ATR algorithm development Uttam Majumder, Curtis Casteel, Peter Buxa, Michael Minardi, Edmund Zelnio, John Nehrbass Proceedings Volume 6568, Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery XIV; 65680L (2007) 
  • A. Krishnamurphy, D. Hudack, J. Nehrbass, S. Samsi, V. Gadepally; “Parallel MATLAB in Production Supercomputing with Applications in Signal and Image Processing” March 2008, 2008 SAIM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing.
  • K. E. Dungan, L. C. Potter, J. Blackaby, and J. Nehrbass, “Discrimination of Civilian Vehicles using Wide-angle SAR,” Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery XV, Proc. SPIE, E. G. Zelnio and F. D. Garber, Eds., vol. 6970, 2008.
  • John Nehrbass, Siddharth Samsi, Harrison B. Smith, Tanner Suttles, Andrew Warnock,
    “SSH Toolbox for MATLAB® : Point and Click HPC access from the desktop”, DOD HPCMP Users Group Conference 2008.
  • “Production Deployment of Parallel MATLAB and Applications in Signal and Image Processing” Vijay Gadepally, Ashok Krishnamurthy, David Hudak, John Nehrbass, Siddharth Samsi, Microsoft HPC User Summit, 2008.
  • “Parallel MATLAB in Production Supercomputing with Applications in Signal and Image Processing” Vijay Gadepally, Ashok Krishnamurthy, David Hudak, John Nehrbass, Siddharth Samsi, SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, 2008.
  • “Enabling High Productivity SIP Application Development Modeling and Simulation of Superconducting Quantum Interference Filters” Juan Carlos Chaves, John Nehrbass, DoD HPCMP Users group Conference 2009.
  • K. E. Dungan, J. Nehrbass, and L. C. Potter, “X-band signatures for passenger vehicles”, Poster, ATR Center Summer Workshop, Wright State University, August, 11, 2009.
  • “Using Start P on DoD High Performance Computing Systems” Bracy Elton, John Nehrbass, DoD HPCMP Users Group Conference 2009.
  • “Visual Parallel Computing Using Python-Based VISION/HPC” Jose Unpingco, John Nehrbass, DoD HPCMP Users Group Conference 2009.
  • “Gotcha Radar Exploitation Program and NASA Worldwin Demo” , John Nehrbass, DoD HPCMP Users Group Conference 2009.
  • “Power Harvesting”, John Nehrbass, Supercomputing Conference 2009, DoD HPCMP Users group Conference 2009.
  • Invited talk to AFRL/RYAS “Data transport issues on DESCH”, John Nehrbass  2009.
  • Invited talk to AFRL/RYAS “C implementation of Ground Moving Target Indicator (GMTI) and Range Doppler Image generation in real time”, John Nehrbass, Jim Morgenstern, 2009.
  • K. Dungan, C Austin, J Nehrbass, and L. Potter, “Civilian vehicle radar data domes,” Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery XVII, Proc. SPIE, E. G. Zelnio and F. D. Garber, Eds., Apr. 2010.
  • “Overview of HPCMP resources and PETTT”, John Nehrbass, Air Force Orbital Resources Ionosphere  (ORION) Conference 2010.
  • Invited talk to SIP and ENS Users at HPC building WPAFB
  • “Tuning Face Recognition algorithms to leveraging HPC systems”, John Nehrbass 2010.
  • “Power Line Urban Sentry (PLUS) EMF Autopilot” John Nehrbass, DoD HPCMP Users Group Conference 2010.
  • "Desch:  A Supercomputer for Real-time Wide-area Synthetic Aperture Radar Data Exploitation", Bracy Elton, John Nehrbass, DoD HPCMP Users Group Conference 2010.
  • “Compression techniques for large data sets”, John Nehrbass, Automatic Target Recognition Center (ATRC) Workshop Wright State University 2010.
  • “Geo-location and power harvesting”, John Nehrbass, Pat Marshal, John Hopkins Applied Physics Lab for Military Sensing Symposia 2010.
  • K. E. Dungan and J. Nehrbass, “Circular Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging for Automatic Target Recognition”, Talk, ATRWG, WPAFB, May 10-12, 2011.
  • K. E. Dungan, J. N. Ash, J. W. Nehrbass, J. T. Parker, L. A. Gorham, and S. M. Scarborough, "Wide angle SAR data for target discrimination research,"  Poster and talk, SPIE Defense and Security Conference, Baltimore, April, 26, 2012.
  • “Range Focusing for Large Scene Circular SAR” K. Dungan, J. Nehrbass, National Aerospace & Electronics Conference Dayton Ohio July 2012.
  • Kerry E. Dungan and John W. Nehrbass " SAR focusing using multiple trihedrals ", Proc. SPIE 8746, Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery XX, 874606 (May 23, 2013); doi:10.1117/12.2015088; doi: 10.1117/12.2015088.
  • Recent improvements to the Raider Tracer scattering prediction tool
    Brian Rigling, Austin Mackey, Edward Friel, John Nehrbass, Edmund Zelnio
    Proceedings Volume 9093, Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery XXI; 9\
    0930J (2014)
  • “High-performance computing for automatic target recognition in synthetic aperture radar imagery” Uttam Majumder, Erik Christiansen, Qing Wu, Nate Inkawhich, Erik Blasch, John Nehrbass Proceedings Volume 10185, Cyber Sensing 2017; 1018508 (2017)
  • "AFacet": a geometry based format and visualizer to support SAR and multisenso\r signature generation. Stephen Rosencrantz, John Nehrbass, Ed Zelnio, Beth Sudkamp
    Proceedings Volume 10647, Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery XXV; \
    1064702 (2018)
  • “Synthetic RF data for advanced machine learning algorithms development” Uttam Kumar Majumder, John Nehrbass, Eric Branch, Edmund Zelnio Proceedings Volume 10647, Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery XXV; 1064705 (2018)
  • Realistic SAR data augmentation using machine learning techniques
    Benjamin Lewis, Omar DeGuchy, Joseph Sebastian, John Kaminski
    Proceedings Volume 10987, Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery XXVI;\
    109870C (2019)
  • “A deep learning approach to the Synthetic and Measured Paired and Labeled Experiment (SAMPLE) challenge problem” Theresa Scarnati, Benjamin Lewis, John Nehrbass Proceedings Volume 10987, Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery XXVI; 109870G (2019)
  • Anti-aliasing considerations for EM simulations with shadows
    John Nehrbass Proceedings Volume 10987, Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery XXVI;1098708 (2019)
  • Generic Parallel System (HPC-GPS) John Nehrbass Proceedings Volume 10987, Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery XXVI; 1098709 (2019)
  • "Synthetic data accuracy sensitivity to CAD model accuracy using ATR-based metrics" Elizabeth Sudkamp, John Nehrbass, Eric Branch, Michael Levy
    Proceedings Volume 10987, Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery XXVI; 109870I (2019)
  • "A SAR dataset for ATR development: the Synthetic and Measured Paired Labeled E\
    xperiment (SAMPLE)" Benjamin Lewis, Theresa Scarnati, Elizabeth Sudkamp, John N\
    ehrbass, Stephen Rosencrantz, Edmund Zelnio Proceedings Volume 10987, Algorithm\
    s for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery XXVI; 109870H (2019)\
  • "Application of Jupyter Notebook interfaces and iLauncher to deep learning work\
    flows on HPC systems" Rhonda Vickery, John Nehrbass, Daniel Mogilevsky, Jack Ha\
    rris, Ryan Larson Proceedings Volume 11728, Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture R\
    adar Imagery XXVIII; 117280D (2021)
  • "Automated customizable containerization"Daniel Mogilevsky, John Nehrbass, Rhonda Vickery Proceedings Volume 11728, Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery XXVII\I; 117280C (2021)
  • John Nehrbass; Rhonda Vickery; Daniel Mogilevsky; Jack Harris; Ryan Larson "Parallel image generation on HPC systems via iLauncher" Proc. SPIE 11728, Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery XXVIII, 117280A (12 April 2021); doi: \10.1117/12.2585800
  • John Nehrbass "Just-in-time (JIT) additions to the Afacet 3D modeling tool suite" Proc. SPIE PC12095, Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery XXIX, PC1209502 (30 May 2022); doi:10.1117/12.2616233
  • John Nehrbaass "Ground scattering model considerations for electromagnetic simulators and SAR generation" Proc. SPIE PC12095, Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery XXIX, PC1209501 (30 May 2022); doi:10.1117/12.2616232 
  • “Application of iLauncher interfaces to the abstraction of deep learning workflows across a diversity of computing resources” Rhonda Vickery, John Nehrbass, Christopher Moore, Jack Harris, Ryan Larson. Proceedings Volume 12095, Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery XXIX;1209507 (2022)

Papers in Refereed Journals

  • J. Nehrbass and I. Gupta, “A Vectorized Multiple Plate Scattering Code,”
    Applied Computational Electromagnetics, Vol.9, No.2, pp.135-141, July 1994.
  • J. Nehrbass, J. Lee, and R. Lee, Stability Analysis for Perfectly Matched Layered Absorbers,” Electromagnetics, Vol.16, No.4, pp. 385-397, July 1996.
  • J. Nehrbass, and R. Lee, “An improved subgridding method for finite differences,” IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 1997.
  • J. Nehrbass, and R.Lee, “Reducing the phase error for the finite difference method without increasing the order,” IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation, Vol.46, No.8, pp 1194-1201, Aug 1998.
  • J. Nehrbass, and R. Lee, “Finite method discretization errors” Invited paper, Computational Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 1998.
  • K. R. Rao, J. Nehrbass, and R. Lee, “Discretization errors in finite methods: issues and possible solutions” International Journal of Numerical Modeling, No. 169, pp.219-236, 1999.
  • J. Y. Wu, J. Nehrbass, and R.Lee, “A comparison of PML for TVFEM and FDTD” International Journal of Numerical Modeling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, Vol.125, No. 1-3, pp 75-82, March 2000.
  • J.W. Nehrbass and R. Lee, ``Optimal finite difference sub-gridding techniques applied to the Helmholtz equation,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., MTT-48, pp. 976-984, June 2000.
  • Y. Srisukh, J. Nehrbass, F.L. Teixeira, J.F. Lee. and R. Lee, “An approach for automatic grid generation in three-dimensional FDTD simulations of complex geometries,” IEEE Ant Propagat. Mag., Vol. 44, pp.75-80, 2002.
  • Richard Luczak, John Nehrbass “A New Finite Difference Method for the Helmholtz Equation Using Symbolic Computation” International Journal of Computational Engineering Science, Vol. 4, No. 2, June 2003.
  • Majumder, U., Casteel, C., Buxa, P., Zelnio, E., Michael, M., Nehrbass, J. "SAR Data Exploitation: Present and Future Computational Technology for Enabling Algorithm Development". In Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery XIV, Edmund G. Zelnio, Frederick D. Garber, Editors, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 6568, 2007.
  • “Discrimination of Civilian Vehicles using Wide-angle SAR,” K. E. Dungan, L. C. Potter, J. Blackaby, and J. Nehrbass, Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery XV, Proc. SPIE, E. G. Zelnio and F. D. Garber, Eds., vol. 6970, 2008.
  • Casteel, C., Majumder, U., Minardi, M., Gorham, L., Scarborough, S., Nehrbass, J., "Gotcha GUI: A Software Tool to Process SAR Data on a Supercomputer System ". In Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery XV, Edmund G. Zelnio, Frederick D. Garber, Editors, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 6970, 2008.
  • David E. Hudak, Neil Ludban, Ashok Krishnamurthy, Vijay Gadepally, Siddharth Samsi, John Nehrbass. A Computational Science IDE for HPC Systems: Design and Applications. International Journal of Parallel Programming, 2009.
  • J Nehrbass, G Clayman, P.Marshal “Power Line Urban Sentry (PLUS) ”, SENSAIC on line publications, Aug 30, 2010.
  • K. E. Dungan, C. Austin, J. Nehrbass, and L. C. Potter, “Civilian vehicle radar data domes,” in Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar XVII, Proc. SPIE, E.G. Zelnio and F.D. Garber, Eds., vol. 7699, 2010.
  • Dungan, K. E., Ash, J. N., Nehrbass, J. W., Parker, J. T., Gorham, L. A., and Scarborough, S. M., "Wide angle SAR data for target discrimination research", Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery XIX, Zelnio, E. G. and Garber, F. D., eds., Proc. SPIE 8394, 8394-21, (2012).
  • Dungan, Kerry E.; Nehrbass, John W., "Range focusing for large scene circular SAR," Aerospace and Electronics Conference (NAECON), 2012 IEEE National, pp.113,
    doi: 10.1109/NAECON.2012.6531039, 25-27 July 2012.
  • Dungan, Kerry E.; Nehrbass, John W., “SAR focusing using multiple trihedrals” Proc. SPIE 8746, Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery XX, 874606 (23 May 2013); doi:10.1117/12.2015088
  • Uttam Majumder; Erik Christiansen; Qing Wu; Nate Inkawhich; Erik Blasch; John Nehrbass “High-performance computing for automatic target recognition in synthetic aperture radar imagery” Proc. SPIE 10185, Cyber Sensing 2017, 1018508 (1 May 2017); doi: 10.1117/12.2263218
  • Stephen Rosencrantz; John Nehrbass; Ed Zelnio; Beth Sudkamp.,"AFacet: a geometry based format and visualizer to support SAR and multisensor signature generation” Proc. SPIE 10647, Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery XXV, 1064702 (27 April 2018); doi:10.1117/12.2304460

Selected Honors and Awards

  • Dec 2012, “Technical Achievement Award for Excellence (Team award)”, Technical Trade Show in Washington DC
  • November 2009, “Best of Show”, Technical Trade Show in Washington DC
  • June 2007, “Community Excellence Award for Outstanding Presentation on Stealth Technology” National Museum of the United States Air Force
  • April 2006, “Distinguished Service Award for 10 years as a PET Onsite”
  • August 2005, “Service Excellence Award” HPC Summer Institute program for Central State University
  • March 2003, “ASC/HP Team of the quarter award Wight Patterson AFB”
  • 2001, Kauai, Hawaii, EMCC In Recognition of Sustained Exemplary Service
  • 2000, St. Louis MO., EMCC Special Award for Technical Service
  • Oct 1999, Letter of Appreciation – Dr. R. Peterkin Deputy High Power Microwave Division
  • 1999 Malibu, CA,. EMCC Significant Contributions to Computational Electromagnetics Award
  • March 1998, WPAFB, Ohio, Letter of Appreciation P. Shahady, SES – Director ASC Major Shared Resource Center
  • April 1998, Research archived in the Permanent Research Collection of the Information Technology Innovation at the National Museum of American History for the Smithsonian Institute
  • July 1997, WPAFB, Ohio, Letter of Appreciation P.Shahady, SES – Director ASC Major Shared Resource Center
  • June 1997, WPAFB, Ohio, Letter of Appreciation Dr. A. Duke – Director Signature Technology Office (US Air Force)
  • May 1997, WPAFB, Ohio, Letter of Appreciation Dr. Hill- EMCC Chair
  • May 1997, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering to the AirForce Institute of Technology


  • Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, The Ohio State University
  • M.S., Electrical Engineering, Arizona State University
  • B.S., Electrical Engineering, Arizona State University

Professional Activities

  • Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
  • Society of Photographic Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)

Research Interests

  • Electromagnetics, signal and image processing, RADAR, SAR, parallel software implementations, GPU acceleration and deep learning, singularity containers deployment, cloud computing, physics based modeling and simulations, building and maintaining massively parallel high performance computing systems and human computer interactions (HCi)