Pamela Cross Young, Ph.D.
Associate Dean, School of Education and Health Sciences; Clinical Professor, Educational Administration
Full-Time Faculty
School of Education and Health Sciences: Office of the Dean
- Ph.D., Educational Leadership, University of Dayton
- M.S., Education, Mansfield State University (PA)
- B.S., Education, Bowling Green State University (OH)
Professional activities
- Co-chair, School of Education and Health Sciences (SEHS) Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
(DE&I) Task Force - Member, UD Catholic Intellectual Traditions (CIT) Advisory Board
- 2016, elected member, Global Community Uniting for Equity; President 2019- present
- 2014 - 2018 elected Board of Director member, North American Chapter – World Council for
Curriculum and Instruction Executive Council (now North American Community: Uniting for
Equity[NACUE]). Co-chair for 2019 NACUE conference hosted at the University of Dayton - Member, Bowling Green State University (BGSU) College of Education & Human Development (EDHD) Advocate Board
- 2010 – present & 2008 - 2006 NCATE (now CAEP) BOE (now site visitor and lead) on-
campus and off-site visits and reports, two per academic year, to various colleges/universities not in Ohio - Member and Past President (1996), Ohio Association of Elementary School Administrators
(OAESA) since 1982
Service activities
- 2018-present, member and past co-president, Alpha Eta Chapter, Delta Kappa Gamma,
International Society for Key Women Educators; current co-president - 2017- present, member Mercy McAuley High School, Cincinnati, OH, Board of Trustees;
current chair, Academic Programs committee—also provided DE&I professional development - 2015- 2019, elected vice president, Springfield (OH) Promise Neighborhood; former board
member - Past Chair, Community Mercy Health Partners Board of Trustees
Research interests
- Learning assessment
- Closing achievement gaps
- Theory and practice of preparing administrative candidates to work in diverse settings
Selected publications
Adams, S. M., Nenonene, R., Young, P., & Macintosh, N. (2019). Expanding world views and
supporting intercultural competence: A model for understanding, assessment and growth
for teacher educators. The Journal of Interdisciplinary Education, 15(1) 44-70.
Young, P.C., Dolph, D., & Russo, C.J. (2015). Learning impact of Brown v. Board of Education
on children in public school settings. International Journal of Educational Reform, Vol.
24, No. 4, 335-348.
Russo, C. J., Osborne, A. G., & Young, P. C. (2015). Guidelines for safe administration of
medications in schools. Education Law Reporter. Vol. 317, No. 1, 6-13.
Young, P. C., & Nenonene, R. L. (2014). Graduates’ perspective of Urban Teacher Academy
program preparation and benefits to aspiring educational leaders. Journal of
Interdisciplinary Education, 14(1), 1-25.
Selected Presentations
Ziskin, M., Young P. C., & Zerquera, D. (October 2021). Using data to support equity: Faculty
and practitioner perspectives and Experiences. Virtual Roundtable presentation at ASHE
2021: Naming the Unspoken in Faculty Work.
Ziskin, M. & Young, P. C. (September, 2019). Data-use in equity efforts: College faculty & administrators’ perspectives on Barriers. Paper presented at the meeting of the North
American Community: Uniting for Equity 2019 Interdisciplinary Education Conference.
Dayton, OH.
Ziskin, M. & Young, P. C. (February, 2019). Data-use and equity: How faculty and
administrators make sense of data in postsecondary institutions. Paper presented at the
annual meeting of the Sociology of Education Association. Monterey Bay, CA.
Young, P. C. & Nenonene, R. L. (September, 2017). Creating Equitable Environments through
Educator Development-Professional Learning Community Models. Breakout session
presented at the meeting of the North American Community: Uniting for Equity 2017
Interdisciplinary Education Conference. Ottawa, Canada.
Young, P. C., Nenonene, R. L. & Dolph, D.A. (April, 2017). Connecting the Dots of the Urban
Teacher Academy: A Promising Practice that Emphasizes Shared Leadership Qualities
and Recognizes Resiliency as a Solution for All Students. Presentation during Faculty and
Community Symposium: Shared Expertise for Shared Solutions. University of Dayton,