Scott Friend
Schaefer Endowed Chair in Marketing
Full-Time Faculty
School of Business Administration: Management and Marketing
Dr. Scott B. Friend (Ph.D., Georgia State University) is the Lucille M. Schaefer and Norman M. Schaefer Endowed Chair in Marketing at the University of Dayton. Dr. Friend's interests are in sales and sales force management. More specifically, this includes buyer-seller relationships, intra-organizational relationships, sales performance and sales failure, key account management, and sales research methodology. His research has been published in outlets such as the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Service Research, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, Industrial Marketing Management, and Journal of Business Research. Dr. Friend's teaching interests and areas of expertise are in Professional Selling, Sales Force Management, Customer Relationship Management, and Business-to-Business Marketing.
Academic Experience
- University of Dayton, Schaefer Endowed Chair in Marketing (2023-Present)
- Miami University, Associate Professor of Marketing (2019-2023); Assistant Professor of Marketing (2015-2019)
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Assistant Professor of Marketing (2010-2015); Assistant Director of Center for Sales Excellence (2014-2015)
- Doctor of Philosophy - Marketing- Georgia State University
- Master of Science - Marketing - Georgia State University
- Bachelor Degree in Marketing - University of Georgia
Recent Publications:
- Ranjan, Kumar Rakesh, Scott B. Friend and Avinash Malshe (2024). “Multilevel Value Co-Creation Within Key Accounts.” Journal of Service Research, Forthcoming.
- Friend, Scott B., Stephanie M. Mangus, Ellen Bolman Pullins, Lenita Davis, and Catherine M. Gilstrap (2024). “Conceptualizing an Integrative Typology of Sales Enablement Strategy.” Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, Forthcoming.
- Mullins, Ryan, Kevin S. Chase and Scott B. Friend (2024). “Buyer-Seller Uncertainty: A Systematic Review and Future Research Directions.” Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, Forthcoming.
- Mullins, Ryan, Scott Swain and Scott B. Friend (2023). “How and Should Firms Motivate Salesperson Effort Across a Multi-Brand Portfolio?” Journal of Business Research, 158, 1-14.
- Nguyen, Peter, Scott B. Friend, Kevin S. Chase and Jeff S. Johnson (2023). “Analyzing Sales Proposal Rejections via Machine Learning.” Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 41 (1), 24-45.
- Johnson, Jeff S., Scott B. Friend and Sina Esteky (2022). “Can Rewards Induce Corresponding Forms of Theft? The Reward-Theft Parity Effect.” Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, 31 (3), 846-858.
- Malshe, Avinash, Douglas E. Hughes, Valerie Good and Scott B. Friend (2022). “Marketing Strategy Implementation Impediments and Remedies: A Multi-Level Theoretical Framework within the Sales-Marketing Interface.” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 39 (3), 824-846.
Additional Selected Publications:
- Peterson, Robert M., Avinash Malshe, Scott B. Friend and Howard Dover (2021). “Sales Enablement: Conceptualizing and Developing a Dynamic Capability.” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 40 (3), 542-565.
- Friend, Scott B., Fernando Jaramillo and Jeff S. Johnson (2020). “Ethical Climate at the Frontline: A Meta-Analytic Evaluation.” Journal of Service Research, 23 (2), 116-138.
- Ranjan, Kumar Rakesh and Scott B. Friend (2020). “An Integrative Framework of Sales Ecosystem Well-Being.” Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management; Special Issue – Systematic and Holistic Perspectives on Sales Theory, 40 (4), 234-250.
- Malshe, Avinash and Scott B. Friend (2018). “Initiating Value Co-Creation: Dealing with Non-Receptive Customers.” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 46 (5), 895-920.
- Johnson, Jeff S., Scott B. Friend and Hannah S. Lee (2017). “Big Data Facilitation, Utilization, and Monetization: Exploring the 3Vs in a New Product Development Process.” Journal of Product Innovation Management, 34 (5), 640-658.
- Friend, Scott B. and Avinash Malshe (2016). “Key Skills for Crafting Customer Solutions within an Ecosystem: A Theories-In-Use Perspective.” Journal of Service Research, 19 (2), 174-191.
- Friend, Scott B., Jeff S. Johnson, Fred Luthans and Ravipreet Sohi (2016). “Positive Psychology in Sales: Integrating Psychological Capital.” Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 24 (3), 306-327.
- Friend, Scott B., Carolyn F. Curasi, James S. Boles, and Danny N. Bellenger (2014). “Why Are You Really Losing Sales Opportunities? A Buyer Perspective on the Determinants of Key Account Sales Failures.” Industrial Marketing Management, 43 (7), 1124-1135.
Honors & Awards
- Miami University Farmer School of Business Awards for Research Excellence - James Robeson Junior Faculty Research Excellence Award (2017) and Senior Faculty Research Excellence Award (2022)
- Marvin Jolson Award for Best Contribution to Selling and Sales Management Practice (2016) - "Mixed Interpretations of Sales Proposal Signals" in the Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management
- Best Reviewer Award (2016) - Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management
- UNL College of Business Administration Distinguished Teaching Award (2013)
- AMA Sales SIG Dissertation Award (2011)