Li-Yin Liu
Associate Professor; Director of the Nonprofit and Community Leadership Certificate Program
Full-Time Faculty
College of Arts and Sciences: Political Science
- Ph.D., Northern Illinois University, 2017
- MPA, Tunghai University, Taiwan, 2009
- B.A., Tunghai University, Taiwan, 2007
Li-Yin Liu received her B.A. in Public Management and Policy and MPA from Tunghai University in Taiwan. She then received her Ph.D. degree in Political Science from Northern Illinois University, where her first field was Public Administration with specialization in public policy and nonprofit management.
Liu’s research interests are centered around science-intensive public policies, including environmental sustainability and COVID-19 policies. Her current research focuses on environmental nonprofit organizations’ influence in policy-making and citizen engagement in environmental policy implementation. In light of the COVID-19 public health crisis, she also participates in several collaborative research teams, examining the institutional determinants of COVID-19 policy configurations and the Taiwanese government's comprehensive response to COVID-19.
In addition to her primary research interests, Liu is also committed to advancing gender equity through her collaborative projects. She has been recognized for this focus and was selected as a Gender Equity Research Fellow for the 2023-24 academic year at the University of Dayton.
Liu’s teaching interests are in advanced/introductory public administration theory, public policy, nonprofit management, research methods, program evaluation and environmental governance and policy.
Prior to joining the University of Dayton, Liu was a Visiting Assistant Professor in the Department of Public Administration at Northern Illinois University, and she worked for the Legislative Yuan (Congress) and non-governmental organizations in Taiwan before moving to the United States.
Courses taught
- Public Policy (Graduate Seminar)
- Nonprofit and Community Leadership (Graduate Seminar)
- Public Administration (Graduate Seminar)
- Program Evaluation (Graduate Seminar)
- Political Analysis (Political Science Research Methods)
- Introduction to Public Administration
Research interests
- Public health policy
- COVID-19 politics
- Environmental policy
- Environmental nonprofit organizations
- Citizen engagement in policy implementation
- Gender equity
Refereed journal publications
Brough, C., Liu, L.-Y., & Yeh, Y.-Y. (forthcoming). Judicial Reasoning, Individual Cultural Types, and Support for COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates" Review of Policy Research.
Otero-Asmar, Y., Liu, L.-Y., & Yeh, Y.-Y. (2023). Gender-inequitable discrimination? A survey experiment on the gendered implications of unauthorized immigrant narratives. Policy Studies, DOI: 10.1080/01442872.2023.2202906.
Schatteman, A., & Liu, L.-Y. (2023). Measuring what matters: Comparing costs and performance of municipal libraries and library districts. Public Library Quarterly, 42(4), 373-397.
Chang, C.-C., Yen, W.-T., & Liu, L.-Y. (2023). Fighting the pandemic with “shields”: Successful COVID-19 securitization and mask policy in Taiwan. Journal of Asian and African Studies, 58(2), 214-231.
Liu, L.-Y., Brough, C., & Wu, W.-N. (2022). When water conservation matters: Examining how water scarcity experiences create windows of opportunity for effective water-saving policy initiatives. Environmental Science and Policy, 137, 61-69.
Yen, W.-T., Liu, L.-Y., Won, E., & Testriano. (2022). The imperative of state capacity in public health crisis: Asia's early COVID-19 policy responses. Governance, 35(3), 777-798.
Liu, L.-Y., & Morris, R. (2022). The Messenger matters: environmental nonprofit organizations’ public faces, information recipients’ worldviews, and the credibility of ENPOs’ disclosed policy information. Journal of Public Policy, 41(1), 165-184.
Yen, W.-T., & Liu, L.-Y. (2021). Crafting compliance regime under COVID-19: using Taiwan's quarantine policy as a case study. Global Policy, 12(4), 562-567.
Liu, L.-Y., Wu, W.-N., & McEntire, D.A. (2021). Six Cs of pandemic emergency management: A case study of Taiwan’s initial response to the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 64, 102516.
Swedlow, B., Ripberger, J. T., Liu, L.-Y., Silva, C. L., Jenkins-Smith, H., & Johnson, B. B. (2020). Assessing the validity of different approaches to operationalizing cultural theory in survey research. Social Science Quarterly, 101(6), 2332-2383.
Liu, L.-Y., Devine, C. J., & Gauder, H. (2020). The gender citation gap in undergraduate student research: Evidence from the political science classroom. PS: Political Science & Politics, 53(4), 1-5.
Liu, L.-Y. (2020). Does culture travel? Cultural influences on environmentalism in Taiwan in comparison to the United States. Journal of Environmental Education, 51(3), 214-231.
Schatteman, A., & Liu, L.-Y. (2020). The means and the end: Teaching digital literacy to nonprofit students. Journal of Nonprofit Education and Leadership, 10(1), 102-113.
Wu, W.-N., Liu, L.-Y., & Brough, C. (2020). No time for composting: Subjective time pressure as a barrier to citizen engagement in curbside composting. Waste Management, 91, 99-107.
Schatteman, A., & Liu, L.-Y. (2019). Relationship between capacity and use of performance information in nonprofit arts organizations. American Journal of Art Management, 7(1), 1-34.
Liu, L.-Y. (2018). Irrational decision making: Cultural influence on environmental nonprofit organizations' advocacy strategies. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 23(4), e1627.
Liu, L.-Y. (2018). How radical is too radical? Public perception of Taiwanese environmental nonprofit organizations’ Activism. Social Science Quarterly, 99(4), 1426-1445.
Refereed book chapter
Yen, W.-T., & Liu, L.-Y. (2022). When democracy meets the COVID-19 pandemic: The Taiwan experience. In J. F.-S. Hsieh & R. H. Cox (Eds), Democratic Governance in Taiwan. London, UK: Routledge.
Schatteman, A., & Liu, L.-Y. (2020). Teaching nonprofit finance. In H. Carpenter & K. Bezboruah (Eds), Teaching nonprofit management. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Refereed conference proceedings
Schatteman, A., & Liu, L.-Y. (2018). The relationship between capacity and performance information use in nonprofit organizations. Academy of Management Proceedings.
Op-eds and popular science articles
Yen, W.-T., & Liu, L.-Y. (2022, June 2). Taiwan is moving away from ‘zero-covid.’ That’s harder than it seems. Washington Post.
Liu, L.-Y., & Yen, W.-T. (2022, March 6). Invisible COVID-19 heroes: District clerks. Who Governs Taiwan. (In Mandarin)
Liu, L.-Y., & Yen, W.-T. (2021, June 13). COVID politics: Insight from traditional market social distancing policies. Who Governs Taiwan. (In Mandarin)
Invited talks and presentations
Policy Narratives and Support for Stringent Measures During COVID- 19: Experimental Evidence from Taiwan. Local Governance and Development Conference, Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan, May 12, 2023.
The pandemic responses across the globe: decision-making system and the role of science advice. Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA), Online, June 23, 2022.
Too much of a good thing: Securitization and Taiwan’s reponses to COVID-19. National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, May 27, 2022.
Cultural theory and urban sustainability policy. National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, May 24, 2022.
The study of Taiwan politics overseas: The new frontier. Center for Taiwan Studies, University of Texas, Austin. Online, April 22, 2022.
Public communication and engagement in science: lessons learned from COVID-19. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Global Science Forum, Online, April 22, 2022.
Cultural theory in the study of public administration: an overview and its potential in Taiwan. Keynote Speech, Online, Taiwan Association for Schools of Public Administration and Affairs (TASPAA) annual conference – TIGCR & TGBS VII session., Nov. 5, 2021.
Selected conference presentations
Chang, C.-C., Liu, L.-Y., Yen, W.-T., & Liao, D. Y.-C. (2023). Securitization in Words: Text Analysis of Taiwan’s COVID-19 Press Conference. Paper presented at the American Political Science Association 119th Annual Conference, Los Angeles.
Brough, C., Liu, L.-Y., Chen, D.-y.(2023). Restoring the Merit of Bureaucracy. Paper Presented at Midwest Political Science Association 80th Annual Conference, Chicago.
Brough, C. B., Liu, L.-Y., & Yeh, Y.-Y. (2022). Judicial reasoning, individual cultural types, and support for COVID-19 vaccine mandates. Paper presented at the Midwest Political Science Association 79th Annual Conference, Chicago.
Chang, C.-C., Yen, W.-T., & Liu, L.-Y. (2021). Deciphering resilience in fighting COVID-19: An analysis of Taiwan's governance. Paper presented at the American Political Science Association 117th Annual Conference, Seattle.
Yen, W.-T., Liu, L.-Y., Won, E., & Testriono. (2021). State capacity and policy tools in crisis response: Asia's COVID-19 experience. Paper presented at the American Political Science Association 117th Annual Conference, Seattle.
Liu, L.-Y., & Morris, R. (2019). Leadership under scrutiny: How environmental nonprofit leaders' backgrounds affect the credibility of their organizations. Paper presented at ARNOVA Asia Conference, Taichung, Taiwan.
Liu, L.-Y., & Wu, W.-N. (2019). Cost is a burden: Examining the implementation of cost-incurring and no-cost water-saving behaviors in light of experiences with events of water scarcity. Paper presented at the Midwest Political Science Association 77th Annual Conference, Chicago.
Schatteman, A., & Liu, L.-Y. (2018). The relationship between capacity and performance information use in nonprofit organizations. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual Conference, Chicago.
Liu, L.-Y., & Swedlow, B. (2017). What explains public perceptions: A study of individuals’ cultural biases and their perception of environmental activism. Paper presented at the Midwest Political Science Association 75th Annual Conference, Chicago.
Liu, L.-Y., & Swedlow, B. (2016). Cultural influences on Taiwanese environmentalists' strategies. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Association for Chinese Studies, Malibu, Calif.
Swedlow, B., Ripberger, J. T., Liu, L.-Y., Silva, C. L., & Jenkins-Smith, H. (2016). Culture war? A theory and evidence of cultural conflict, coalition, and change in the United States. Paper presented at the American Political Science Association Conference, Philadelphia.
Liu, L.-Y., & Swedlow, B. (2016). Cultural influences on Taiwanese perceptions of environmental activism. Poster presented at the American Political Science Association Conference, Philadelphia.
Swedlow, B., Ripberger, J. T., Liu, L.-Y., Silva, C. L., & Jenkins-Smith, H. (2016). Assessing the validity of different approaches to operationalizing cultural theory in survey research. Paper presented at the Midwest Political Science Association 74th Annual Conference, Chicago.
Liu, L.-Y. (2015). Reconsidering the role of scientific evidence in environmental policies. Paper presented at the Midwest Political Science Association 73rd Annual Conference, Chicago.
Liu, L.-Y. (2014). Individuals' cultural biases and their reactions to cross-strait issues: A case study of the Sunflower Movement in Taiwan. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Association for Chinese Studies, Washington, D.C.