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Perry Yaney

Professor Emeritus; Fellow, American Physical Society


School of Engineering: Department of Electro-Optics and Photonics; College of Arts and Sciences: Physics


Email: Perry Yaney


  • Ph.D., Physics, University of Cincinnati, 1963
  • B.S., Electrical Engineering, University of Cincinnati, 1954


Dr. Yaney joined the University of Dayton Research Institute in 1963 and transferred to the physics department as assistant professor in 1965. Prior to 1963, he worked for Delco Products and WPAFB in Dayton, and Baldwin Piano Co., St. Eloi Corp and Avco Electronics and Ordnance Division in Cincinnati. He achieved the professor rank in 1975. He is a co-founder of the multi-disciplinary Electro-Optics Graduate Program, which resides in the School of Engineering. His teaching has spanned a variety of undergraduate freshman and upper level physics courses as well as electro-optics graduate courses. He was responsible for the design and development of physics and electro-optics student laboratory facilities and courses. Professor Yaney has had over 80 journal publications and presentations since 1970. He has funded and directed over 30 electro-optics graduate students and more than 15 physics graduate students in their thesis research. Additionally, he has funded and mentored more than 25 undergraduate students on year-long laboratory research projects, and regularly gives seminars and mentoring to high school students.

Professor Yaney has more than 40 years of experience in research, ranging over design, construction and testing of prototype electro-optics systems and fundamental physics studies. He has been responsible for the design and build-up of a number of research laboratory facilities at both UD and WPAFB. Over this time, in addition to teaching and mentoring duties, Professor Yaney was principal investigator on funded research that totaled over $3 million and a principal scientist on projects that totaled well over $6 million.

Professor Yaney retired from salaried employment in 2004, but continues research as an independent contractor and community service activities. He is a member of American Physical Society (past chair, Ohio-Region Section), Optical Society of America, SPIE--The International Society for Optics and Photonics, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Society (past chair, UD chapter) and the Affiliate Societies Council of Dayton (past chair; currently Vice-Chair and TechFest Exhibit Coordinator).

Faculty perspective

"I have been very blessed by the many opportunities I have had to learn, teach, mentor, work and grow with a wide range of interesting and challenging students and colleagues. These opportunities were created by hard work, doggedness and sacrifice not only by me and my family, but, more importantly, by the many quality people and their families in the physics department, UDRI, and UD in general, with whom I have had the pleasure of association and collaboration. That I have had these good experiences, which I never imagined as a child or even as a young adult in college, is something of a miracle."

Research interests

  • Surface-Plasmon Polariton Resonance applied to molecular sensing
  • Optical waveguide modulators and related devices using nonlinear optical polymers
  • Raman microprobe spectroscopy characterization of DNA, silicon carbide, silicon nitride, periodically poled lithium niobate, etc.
  • Development of a distributed-feedback picosecond laser using a nanosecond pump laser
  • Laser diagnostics of gas flows, flames and plasmas
  • Spectroscopy of lanthanides in crystals

Selected publications

P. P. Yaney, F. Ouchen and J. G. Grote, "Exploring surface-plasmon polariton resonance (SPR) in an interferometer configuration," Proc. SPIE 9557, Nanobiosystems: Processing, Characterization, and Applications VIII, invited paper 95570G (2015).

P. P. Yaney, T. T. Gorman, F. Ouchen and J. G. Grote, “Time-of-flight studies of hole mobilities in DNA-CTMA films fabricated and passivated in a dry environment,” J. Nanophotonics Vol. 6 pp. 063531-1 to 11 (2012).

P. P. Yaney, in Materials Science of DNA, edited by Jung-II Jin and James Grote, Section 7.5, “DC Resistivity Studies,” pp. 203-226 (CRC Press, New York, 2012).

Emily M. Heckman, James G. Grote, F. Kenneth Hopkins, and Perry P. Yaney, “Performance of an electro-optic waveguide modulator fabricated using a deoxyribonucleic-acid-based biopolymer,” Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol. 89, 181116 (2006)

P. P. Yaney, B. Duncan and G. Little, “Three-course graduate electro-optics laboratory sequence at the University of Dayton,” Seventh International Conference on Education and Training in Optics and Photonics (2001), Ed. by Tuan K. Lim and Arthur H. Guenther, Paper 4588-48, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 4588, pp. 280-289 (2002).

P. P. Yaney, D. A. V. Kliner, P. E. Schrader and R. L. Farrow, “Distributed-Feedback Dye Laser for Picosecond Ultraviolet and Visible Spectroscopy,” Rev. Sci. Instrum. Vol. 71 (2000).

M. W. Millard, P. P. Yaney, B. N. Ganguly and C. A. DeJoseph, Jr., “Diode Laser Absorption Measurements of Metastable Helium in Glow Discharges,” Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. Vol. 7, pp. 389-394 (1998).

Yaney, P. P. and J. W. Parish, "Coherent anti-Stokes Raman Scattering Measurements of N2(X,v) at Low Pressures Corrected for Stimulated Raman Scattering," J. of Appl. Optics Vol. 35, pp. 2659-2664 (1996).

D. R. Ballal, T. H. Chen and P. P. Yaney, “An experimental investigation of turbulent mixing using rotational Raman spectroscopy,” AIAA Paper 85-1105 (AIAA Accession number 39607), AIAA, SAE, ASME, and ASEE, 21st Joint Propulsion Conference, Monterey, CA, (1985).

W. M. Roquemore and P. P. Yaney, “Comparison of thermocouple, gas sampling, and Raman measured Temperatures in an afterburning turbojet engine plume,” NBS Special Publication 561, Proc. 10th Materials, Research Symposium on Characterization of High Temperature Vapors and Gases, Gaithersburg, Maryland, September 18-22, 1978, pp. 973-1025 (issued October 1979).

P. P. Yaney and L. G. DeShazer, “Spectroscopic studies and analysis of the laser states of Nd3+ in YVO4,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. Vol. 66, pg. 1405 (1976)

P. P. Yaney and M. A. Bafico, “Electroluminescence of Gd3+-doped CdF2 in a light-emitting diode,” J. Appl. Phys. Vol. 44, pg. 5029 (1973)