Michael S. Carter
Associate Professor
Full-Time Faculty
College of Arts and Sciences: History
- Ph.D., University of Southern California, 2006
Dr. Michael S. Carter is an Associate Professor in the Department of History. He also teaches and supervises doctoral students in the Department of Religious Studies, and is the chair of the University of Dayton Forum on the Catholic Intellectual Tradition Today.
Research interests
- Roman Catholicism
- Early Modern Atlantic World
- Colonial British America
- American Religious History
Selected publications
"'Under the Benign Sun of Toleration': Mathew Carey, The Douai Bible, and Catholic Print Culture, 1789-1791." Journal of the Early Republic, Vol. 27, No. 2 (Fall 2007)
"'What shall we say to this liberal age?': Catholic-Protestant Controversy in the Early National Capital," U.S. Catholic Historian, Vol. 27, No. 2 (Spring 2008)