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Nills Alesandro Rojas Mora

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Graduate Assistant

College of Arts and Sciences: English


Email: Nills Alesandro Rojas Mora
Phone: 937-304-6983


Before arriving to the United States, I obtained a Bachelors degree in TEFL at the University of Costa Rica in 2018. In 2022, I finished the Licenciate in English Teaching program at ULACIT. I am currently pursuing my M.A. in English with a TESOL concentration at the University of Dayton.

in 2018 I started working at Centro Cultural Costarricense Norteamericano as an English teacher. There, I was able to design and deliver English classes for adults in different teaching programs (semi-intensive, intensive and Saturday modalities). I also incorporated different learning styles and technological resources, considering the wide variety of ages within the groups. Besides working with adults, I was also in charge of producing and carrying out English classes for children and adolescents, stimulating their oral skills by integrating dynamic and creative activities and contemplating the different teaching methods for these populations. In terms of evaluation processes, I was in charge of administering and evaluating oral assessments for the Adults and KIDS programs by focusing on pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary and other details of the language. Working at CCCN also gave me the chance to developed and teach English classes for students from low socioeconomic backgrounds (ACCESS and EMPLEATE) using audience-appropriate activities that promoted verbal output (2018 and 2019). In 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I adapted and designed English lessons for both in-person and virtual classes for the Adults and KIDS programs.

In 2022, I started teaching the course ENG 200 at the University of Dayton as part of the Teaching Assistantship I was offered. My responsibilities as a college instructor involve preparing and delivering writing classes for second-year students. I am expected to provide my students with tools that enrich their academic writing skills as well as with feedback of the works that they submit.