Gary Morrow
Professor Emeritus
College of Arts and Sciences: Chemistry
- Ph.D., Organic Chemistry, The Ohio State University, 1988
- B.A., Chemistry, The Ohio State University, 1984
Dr. Morrow is originally a native of Dublin, Ohio. After working for a number of years in the chemical industry in the areas of insect sex pheromone synthesis while attending Ohio State University, he eventually earned his B.A. and Ph.D. degrees in organic chemistry, working with Professor John S. Swenton on the total synthesis of analogs of anthracycline anticancer antibiotics. He joined the Department of Chemistry in 1988. During his time at Ohio State, he was a University Fellow and a Lubrizol Fellow as well as a member of Phi Kappa Phi. He joined the faculty of the University of Dayton in 1988 as an assistant professor, working through the ranks to associate professor (1993) and professor (2002). He has was previously a chairman of the Department of Chemistry and was visiting professor at Ohio State during a 1997-98 sabbatical leave. His research interests have focused on the synthesis of biologically active natural products using novel organic electrochemical methods. He is a member of the ACS, AAAS and IUPAC and has been married since 1993 to Dr. Barbara Smith, professor emerita of computer science at UD.
Faculty perspective
"Because of my years of industrial experience, I have always enjoyed the challenge of bringing a more 'practical' perspective to the teaching of chemistry. I like to help students see how chemistry relates to everyday life and the larger world, rather than just presenting it only as a set of theories, principles or techniques to be learned and forgotten. I believe that organic chemistry, as an academic subject, is one of the most relevant and interesting areas of study to be found at the university level and if I had my way, it would be required of everyone who claims to be seeking a "higher" education; it is fundamental, fascinating and fun, all at once."
Research interests
- Synthetic organic chemistry
- Organic electrochemistry
- Anodic oxidation
- Synthesis of natural products
- Development of new organic synthetic methods
Selected publications
“Synthesis of Pterocarpan-type Heterocycles via Oxidative Cycloadditions of Phenols and Electron-rich Arenes”, Amber L. Dietz, Vincent M. Lombardo, Teresa M. Arisco and Gary W. Morrow, Synth. Commun. 2009, 39, 3845-3855.
"Rings Containing Boron", Gary W. Morrow, in Comprehensive Heterocycle Chemistry III (2008), Vol. 12, Ch. 37; Ed: Newkome, George R.; Elsevier, Oxford, UK.
"1,2,5-Oxa- and Thiadiazines", Gary W. Morrow, in Comprehensive Heterocycle Chemistry III (2008), Vol. 8, Ch. 6; Ed: Newkome, George R.; Elsevier, Oxford, UK.
"Anodic Oxidation of Oxygen-containing Compounds", Gary W. Morrow, in Organic Electrochemistry, 4th Ed. (2000), Ch.16; Editors: Henning Lund and Ole Hammerich; Marcel Dekker: New York, Basel, Hong Kong, pp 589-620.
Funded Research
“Pterocarpan Synthesis” The Petroleum Research Fund (PRF), $50,000, (2002-06).