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Lola Wright

Major: Premedicine


Email: Lola Wright

Graduation year

  • 2025

Minors and certifications

  • Medicine and Society


  • St. Louis, Mo.

What do you like most about your major?

What I like most about my major is being able to study topics and lessons that will prepare me for health professional school, while also being able to explore other subjects that I find interesting.

What do you love most about UD?

UD has given me the chance and the space to do what I love while creating lifelong friendships and providing me with opportunities that I otherwise would not have had.

Favorite class at UD and why?

My favorite class at UD has been Medical Ethics. I really challenged many of the beliefs I had about the healthcare system and opened my eyes to potential challenges I will face in my career to come.

What piece of your academic journey has most prepared you to begin a career after graduation?

UD requires first and second year Premeds to attend a weekly seminar. This seminar has taught me everything I need to know about searching for and applying to medical school. After graduation, I know I will be set up for success in the professional school to come.

What clubs/organizations are you involved in at UD?

  • Alpha Epsilon Delta 
  • WISE 
  • Miami Valley Hospital Elder Life Program

Why did you choose UD?

People say all the time that when you find the right school, you will just know. That's how it was for me. There is not enough time or space for me to talk about everything I love about UD. I cannot image myself anywhere else.