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Rose Philbin

Majors: International Studies and French


Email: Rose Philbin

Graduation year

  • 2025


  • Duluth, Minn.

What do you love most about UD?

I love how open and friendly everyone is at Dayton. If you ever need help finding a class, a study group or want to get involved in new clubs, there are so many resources and people available to make it possible. It truly feels like everyone that I have met here wants me to succeed and cares about everyone around them.

What do you like most about your major?

I love how it allows me to explore different areas of interest, understand how they connect and learn more about the world as a whole.

Favorite class at UD and why?

My favorite class at UD has been Introduction to Human Rights because it allowed me to learn in depth about a subject that I am passionate about and it opened my eyes to human rights issues around the world as well as those closer to home.

What piece of your academic journey has you most prepared to begin a career after graduation?

The internship that I had in 2021-22 was the opportunity that most prepared me to begin a career after graduation. I interned with a nonprofit based in Chicago called CROSO (Child Restoration Outreach Support Organization) that provides funding for former street children in Uganda to acquire a secondary education. I'm interested in nonprofit and NGO work in the future, so this really helped me understand what that work is like on a daily basis. I also loved this opportunity because I strongly believe in the mission of this organization and it allowed me to make great connections with people in this field.

What clubs/organizations are you involved in at UD?

  • Flyer Consulting
  • Sprouts Mental Health Club

Why did you choose UD?

There are so many reasons that I was drawn to UD initially, such as great academics, a wide variety of clubs, generous financial aid and opportunities for involvement in the wider Dayton community. Overwhelmingly, I chose UD because of how welcomed and comfortable I felt within the Dayton community. When I visited Dayton, I felt like I really belonged here, and I am so happy that I chose to attend.

Have you ever studied abroad? If so, where and what did you learn most from that experience?

I was able to study abroad in Argers, France, in the spring of 2023. I was part of a language immersion program, which allowed me to improve my French skills and learn more about the French culture through my stay with a host family. I'm so grateful that I was able to travel a lot, as well. One of my favorite places was Florence. This experience was so transformative and has made me feel so confident about International Studies and French as my majors.