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Ashleigh Muir

Major: Music Education


Email: Ashleigh Muir

Graduation year

  • 2026

Minors and certificates

  • Clarinet Performance


  • Tipp City, Ohio

What do you like most about your major?

What I like the most about my major is that I get to do what I love at all hours of the day. It is rare that people have the opportunity to combine their hobbies and passions with their work life, and I am incredibly blessed to do so.

What do you love most about UD?

I love the family I have been blessed to find, and the constant support that everyone has for each other. The everyday kindness and generosity I experience from my peers is unlike anything I have ever experienced, and there is a connection/bond that you form automatically by being a Flyer. The campus is big enough that you meet a lot of people, but small enough that you don’t feel invisible or lost, and the people are kind enough that you feel at home.

Favorite class at UD and why?

My favorite class at the University of Dayton is Classroom Music Methods because I get in-field experience and live feedback. This is truly something I am blessed to have at such a young stage in my teaching career, and the feedback I receive from my professors is an integral part of my improvement. You learn more from actual experiences, and UD provides countless opportunities to physically engage and teach in classrooms that ultimately allow future teachers to learn and grow.

What piece of your academic journey has most prepared you to begin a career after graduation?

Serving as one of the Drum Majors for the Pride of Dayton Marching Band has been one of the best decisions/blessings that has been brought upon my life. I am able to step into the role of "teacher," while still having my Co-Drum Majors and Directors to support me. I have learned countless life skills and educational techniques that I can not only observe but also put into practice, and I have improved my communication skills, lesson planning, organization and overall maturity through serving my POD family. It has also opened many doors for me and has allowed me to take up a position as a teaching assistant for Concert Band during the off-season, furthering my musical and educational skills.

What clubs/organizations are you involved in at UD?

  • Symphonic Wind Ensemble
  • University Orchestra
  • Woodwind Quintet
  • Clarinet Ensemble
  • Pride of Dayton Marching Band
  • Flyer Pep Band
  • Music Student Advisory Council (MUSAC)
  • Cru Life

Why did you choose UD?

Choosing which college to attend for my undergraduate degree was possibly one of the easiest decisions I have made. While the majority of the schools I visited were able to offer impressive scholarship packages or upgraded classroom technology, there was only one that was able to offer the support I needed mentally and emotionally. Upfront, the University of Dayton boasted about the "community" and "Welcoming attitude" so much that it felt a bit cliche, but quickly proved entirely genuine. From the moment I stepped on campus and checked in to band camp, I had already found people willing to accept me for who I was and were kinder than anyone my age that I had previously experienced. In addition to this, I had already formed a close relationship with Dr. Reynolds and Dr. Kleine (my clarinet professor) in the Department of Music. By participating in the Dayton Philharmonic Youth Orchestra, I was able to work with Dr. Reynolds and often confided in him for advice regarding college auditions and clarinet solos. With his support, I was able to earn additional scholarships at the University of Dayton, earn a position as a Drum Major in the Pride of Dayton and even work as a T.A. for Concert Band within my first year. These achievements are amazing resume builders, but I can not stress enough the amount of support that is needed to be successful. Without the support of Dr. Reynolds and Dr. Kleine, I would not have all these amazing opportunities and the job wouldn't feel as rewarding. The people I’m surrounded by are some of the kindest people I have ever met, so taking on these highly demanding leadership positions doesn't feel like a ton of stress and work. It feels like something I could do for the rest of my life because working for the people you love is always worth it.

Is there anything else about your UD experience you think prospective students and their families should know?

From the first day I stepped on campus, I had people genuinely looking out for me and taking an interest in what I had to say. I wish there were words to encompass how deeply my UD community has changed me for the better, but I know there is no better way to explain it than to experience it. Almost every day I surprise myself with what I can accomplish, but my professors and classmates continue to display their faith in me and remind me that I am capable of more than I think. I would like prospective students and their families to know that this is a very real possibility for them if they decide to go to the University of Dayton, and that there will always be a place for them in our family.