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Kassandra Correa

Major: Criminal Justice and Security Studies


Email: Kassandra Correa

Graduation year

  • 2024

Minors and certificates

  • Political Science


  • Cleveland

What do you like most about your major?

What I enjoy most about my major are the constant discussions about things that are going on in our society and world today. As students, we focus really hard on all aspects of our academics, and we sometimes get stuck in a bubble. However, being apart of CJSS really ties academics and real world issues perfectly. It is nice to talk about things going on in our world today and connect them back to what we are learning and have learned.

What do you love most about UD?

I really love the neighborhood. It is so unique, and you don't see this at any other school. It is so nice to have everyone close and watch out for each other and you can live next to all your friends and even share the experience of living in a house with other friends. Having all the houses close to each other and in the same area really makes this campus feel whole.

Favorite class at UD and why?

My favorite class at UD was POL 305. Dr. Liu was such an amazing and interactive teacher. The way the course was organized and set up made for a fun and informative class.

What piece of your academic journey has most prepared you to begin a career after graduation?

I recently just had an internship with the 2023 Defense Attorney of the Year this past summer, and, although I had always knew I wanted to go to law school, this experience really affirmed my goal and truly believe it has prepared me for what to expect in the coming years.

What clubs/organizations are you involved in at UD?

  • Pre-Law Fraternity 
  • National Criminal Justice Honor Society 
  • 4Paws Organization/Club

Why did you choose UD?

I chose UD for many reasons. Things like campus size, location, demographics, etc. However, I think the main reason I choose UD was because, after my campus tour, I could just not stop talking about it. My mom and I were driving back home and we were just filled with so much excitement after the tour that, in the moment, I knew I wouldn't feel this way about any other school. Turns out that gut feeling was just right.

Is there anything else about your UD experience you think prospective students and their families should know?

There is so much room for growth here at UD. Getting into the swing of things is not always easy. However, it is just like at any other school. The difference being UD makes it possible to branch out, find your people and really enjoy the four years to the point where you really wish time would slow down. My UD experience has not been quite like the others, but it is one that was worth every second in the long run. When you know you just know.