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11-Step Anti-Racism Action Plan: Update and Next Steps

Orginally posted Jan. 17, 2023

It has been two and one-half years since the 11-step anti-racism action plan for the University of Dayton was advanced by members of the President's Council. As promised initially, and reinforced in the November 2020 and August 2021 status reports, expectations are high for accountability and progress on each of the 11 items. This update for each item provides a concise summary of work during the 2021-22 academic year and summer 2022 (September 2021 through August 2022) and plans for progress in the current year. Comments, suggestions, and constructive criticism should be provided directly to the convener of one of the steps or to Vice President for Diversity & Inclusion Tiffany Taylor Smith or President Eric Spina.

1. Faculty/staff learning and the role we each must play to advance diversity, equity, & inclusion at UD

Vice President Taylor Smith (convener); Vice Presidents Fitz & Washington; Provost Benson; University Inclusive Excellence Council

  • The online education module for UD faculty and staff is complete and will be deployed using BioRaft; the testing began in October 2022. The delay in the original timeline is due to the leadership transition in the Office of Diversity & Inclusion and timing to complete the five video modules. The launch of this module for all new employees will be January 2023. The planning committee is working with Human Resources to manage the deployment and tracking process for all employees.
  • The UIEC Professional Development Standing committee has a key goal of working with leaders to ensure diversity, equity and inclusion is included in performance reviews and employees are aware of available resources/tools to engage in professional development opportunities. The expectation for faculty is tied directly to Senate Doc 2021-05. By Fall 2023, faculty and staff will have elements of diversity, equity and inclusion skill development as an expectation in their annual goal setting.
  • Work is underway on the development of a method to track engagement and set expectations for annual reporting by department/unit/division leadership. This will be complete by Fall 2023.
  • Achieve 100% participation of new employees hired between January and July 2023.
  • Complete all background work, including policy and shared governance consultation, so that all employees will participate in professional development and education in the following year (2022-23).

Flyers Plan Connection: GOAL #1
Create and sustain an equitable and inclusive campus climate

Transition to the University Inclusive Excellence Council (UIEC):
This action plan item will become a part of the Flyers Plan for Community Excellence (GOAL #1 ) and will be executed by the Professional Development working group of the UIEC.

2. Student learning through curricular and co-curricular vehicles

While separated below, the curricular and co-curricular vehicles to advance learning on diversity, equity, and inclusion are ultimately part of an integrated approach driven by faculty and professional staff that can best prepare our students and graduates to succeed in a diverse world that increasingly requires intercultural knowledge and competencies.

2a: Curricular

Academic Senate President Dorf (convener), College of Arts & Sciences Dean Poe, Interim Assistant Provost for Common Academic Program Work

Educating students is at the heart of university functioning, and significant progress has been made on advancing anti-racism and inclusive excellence in the curriculum in 2021-22, including:

  • The Faculty approved in the Fall of 2021 a new Promotion and Tenure Policy (Academic Senate DOC 2021-05) that requires all faculty demonstrate a commitment to inclusive excellence as part of tenure and promotion processes as well as require any individual participating in promotion and tenure procedures to participate in professional development in diversity, equity and inclusion to mitigate bias.
  • A special task force composed of faculty, students and administrators worked collaboratively to examine ways to combat two related issues: bias incidents that happen in the classroom and bias that appears in the Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET) instrument. New syllabi statements on reporting bias have been included in the LTC's syllabus template and recommendations to change policies related to SET were presented at Academic Senate.
  • A University-wide book read, Promoting Inclusive Classroom Dynamics in Higher Education: A Research-based Pedagogical Guide for Faculty (by Kathryn Oleson) in Spring 2022. The LTC and Dialogue Zone are developing continued programming on this book for AY 22-23.
  • Senate 5 Year Review of CAP through the lens of inclusive excellence focused a deep assessment on the Diversity & Social Justice, Capstone, and Humanities Commons components. This report was completed during AY21-22.
  • CAS cohort hiring during the 2021-2022 academic year: Hiring in English, global languages and cultures, history, philosophy and religious studies to strengthen curriculum in Race and Ethnic Studies, Africana Studies, Latinx Studies, and Middle Eastern Studies.

In AY 2022-23 next steps will include:

  • Continued work at the academic unit and departmental level to update Tenure and Promotion policies to conform with the University policy.
  • Revisions to SET policies based upon AY 21-22 Senate and task force recommendations.
  • Launch of the ATLS program to promote best practices in teaching including inclusive pedagogy. This builds on the University-wide book read, Promoting Inclusive Classroom Dynamics in Higher Education: A Research-based Pedagogical Guide for Faculty (by Kathryn Oleson) from Spring 2022.
  • Continued efforts to provide greater synergy with partners across campus who seek to advance anti-racism in the classroom (e.g., Senate, CAP, LTC, Diversity ILG, UIEC, CCEC, HRL, etc…)

    The faculty remains committed to meaningful curricular improvements, and professional development.

2b: Co-Curricular

Dean of Students Schramm (convener), Associate Dean of Students and MEC Executive Director Allen, Associate Provost for Global and Intercultural Affairs Anderson, Vice President Fitz, and Campus Ministry Executive Director Sullivan

The UDiversity Module was completed by approximately 2,900 students during 2021-22. This included approximately 1,900 first-year students, 70 law students, 100 students taking the module as part of an intentional student employee training, and 875 students taking the module for PATH points. This year's module was expanded to include a survey, additional scenarios, and updated packaging to enhance the overall understanding of the student experience. An advisory council of campus partners was established, and the group convenes regularly to discuss improvements to the module.

The pre-survey within the module revealed impactful and necessary information about students' feelings towards diversity, equity, and inclusion work. The pre-survey also provided valuable insight into how certain issues of justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion impact students of varying ethnic/racial backgrounds at UD.

Next Steps:

In alignment with the Flyers Plan for Community Excellence (FPCE) and the Student Development Diversity Action Plan (unit-level plan), the UDiversity Community Education Module, UDiversity serves as a benchmark for co-curricular education related to DEI student learning outcomes that are reflected in at least 50% of divisional programs. This goal "Student Development will provide coordinated student engagement opportunities across the division that develop intercultural competencies through student employment and co-curricular experiences," is mapped to the FPCE Goal #3 "to create a robust curricular and co-curricular architecture to advance diversity, equity and inclusion." Additionally, UDiversity aligns with the co-curricular pathway outlined in the Diversity Institutional Learning Goal (ILG), that addresses intersectionality and understanding key terms related to dimensions of identity, diversity and social justice.

This year's current module 2022-2023 academic year was updated to incorporate feedback from the UDiversity Advisory Committee, with representatives from Campus Ministry, Equity Compliance Office, LGBTQ+ Student Services, GIA, the LTC, and the CAP DSJ Coordinator. Language on gender expression and gender identity was clarified within examples. The pre-survey was adjusted to increase data usability and reliability. With the assistance of eLearning and UDit, the summative assessment was updated to include responsive feedback if the participant were to incorrectly answer a question. The process the students access the module was also adjusted to create a clearer understanding of the populations participating in the module. New, incoming students were encouraged to take the module through a link within NSO, and a separate portal is in progress of being provided to students who wish to take the module for PATH credit. The transition of module access occurred during the first few weeks of orientation, and many students reached out with technical issues in accessing the module, most of which were alleviated by the students clearing their cache or using a different browser.

Next steps for the module include updating the scenarios to live videos with UD students acting out the situations. Additionally, providing more links to how students can continue to develop their competence in culturally relevant education. A conversation with constituents is to explore the development of a 200-level UDiversity module focused on bias intervention.

Flyers Plan Connection: GOAL #3; OBJECTIVE 3.1
Develop a framework upon which the campus can design and map curricular and co-curricular efforts to ensure a developmental approach to student learning that includes progressively advanced levels (e.g., evaluation critique of power differences, social agency and action, and innovative problem-solving) and robust offerings across diversity and social identities.

Transition to the UIEC:
This action plan item will become a part of the Flyers Plan for Community Excellence (GOAL #3; OBJECTIVE 3.1 ) and executed by the Community Diversification working group of the UIEC.

3. Continue building capacity for leadership in diversity, equity, & inclusion

Associate Provost for Global and Intercultural Affairs Anderson (convener), Vice Presidents Taylor Smith & Fitz, Campus Ministry Executive Director Sullivan, Provost Benson

This action step focuses on building dialogic capacity within the academic community, especially through two initiatives: Courageous Conversations and the Dialogue Zone.

The President's Council launched the Courageous Conversations program in Spring 2021, and continued throughout the 2021-22 academic year. This monthly program ensures that all members are reading, reflecting on and discussing material that supports their equity-minded leadership development; sharing personal stories of race and identity; and discussing ways to advance inclusive excellence across campus. The President's Council and Cabinet plan to continue the program for the 2022-23 year. As part of advancing the professional development called for in the Flyers Plan for Community Excellence and many of the unit-based strategic plans, discussions are underway to extend the program to other leadership groups on campus. Responsible Parties:

  • Courageous Conversations for the President's Council: Amy Anderson, Andy Strauss, Tiffany Taylor Smith, Jason Reinoehl, Lisa Rismiller
  • Expanding Courageous Conversations to other leadership groups: UIEC Standing Committee Co-Chairs

The Dialogue Zone (DZ) continues to advance opportunities for conversations around racism and other challenging topics, and has been focusing on creating spaces for sustained intergroup dialogue to encourage deeper conversations over time on important issues. DZ facilitators engaged with the book, "Race Dialogues: A Facilitator's Guide to Tackling the Elephant in the Classroom," which advanced their capacity and provided some practical tools for facilitating dialogues on race. The DZ team launched a mini-course for students in Fall 2022 to learn to be facilitators, and another mini-course that focuses on intergroup dialogue will follow in Spring 2023. During the summer of 2022, the DZ steering committee, second-year members of the Dialogue Zone Facilitator Training Program, and a few of the DZ's campus partners completed a train-the-trainer intergroup dialogue institute with Hope College. In Spring 2022, with support from the Academic Senate, Common Academic Program - Diversity & Social Justice, Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Roesch Chair in the Social Sciences, and the Ryan C. Harris Learning Teaching Center, the DZ also coordinated a campus book read of Kathryn C. Oleson's "Promoting Inclusive Classroom Dynamics in Higher Education: A Research-Based Pedagogical Guide for Faculty," involving 52 participants. The DZ now has 34 student, faculty and staff facilitators, including 17 new members for the 2022-23 academic year. Facilitators serve in a variety of ways, including in DZ programming and across campus. The DZ received additional resources in the 2021-22 academic year that will continue in 2022-23--this includes a graduate assistant, student staff, summer salary for the coordinator, and an increased programming budget. The DZ continues to work with the Provost Office to develop and review resource requests. Responsible parties:

  • Advancing Dialogue Zone: Jason Combs, coordinator; members of the DZ Steering Committee: Merida Allen, Margaret Burke, Ione Damasco, Oliver Ferguson, Sangita Gosalia, Julio Quintero, Megan Woolf, Sandra Yocum; Yana Crossland, Graduate Assistant; Miriam Messiah, Student Staff Member
  • Mini-course: Megan Woolf, Yana Crossland
  • Liaison to the Provost Office and President's Council on strategy and resource support, Amy Anderson

Flyers Plan Connection: GOAL #1
Create and sustain an equitable and inclusive campus climate

Transition to the University Inclusive Excellence Council (UIEC):
This action plan item will become a part of the Flyers Plan for Community Excellence (GOAL #1) and executed by the Professional Development working group of the UIEC.

4. Strengthen efforts to diversify the student body

The University is carefully reviewing the June 2023 SCOTUS decision on affirmative action and how this might impact this section of our anti-racist plan. Updates will be provided as necessary.

4a: Undergraduate Student Body

Vice President Reinoehl (convener)

The Division of Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) is central to achieving a more socioeconomically and racially diverse undergraduate student body. A cornerstone of this effort is to ensure that the Division maintains an organizational culture of inclusive excellence that each staff member embraces and demonstrates. A range of individual and group initiatives are regularly employed to best prepare the staff to identify, recruit, and support the enrollment of a diverse student body, including regular diversity, equity, and inclusion education, anti-bias and anti-racist education and regular discussion forums for active reflection on progress toward meeting our strategic diversity and inclusion objectives. Key Performance Indicators for diversity and equity are tracked in each department, including at each point along the admissions process and for each of the Division's operational and service functions.

In 2021-22, the Division achieved its goals related to DE&I, including significant advancements in Division-wide and individual training and education and achieving its targeted KPIs related to recruitment, admission, and enrollment.

The Division's measurable goals for Academic Year 2021-22 were to further build upon its progress. Specifically, SEM set out to:

  • Execute the first year of its unit-level strategic plan for diversity, equity, and inclusion, advancing practices to support strategic pillars that include 1) building analytic infrastructure to assess and monitor key measures of equity, spanning from recruitment to graduation, and adapting staff development processes as they relate to 2) hiring and onboarding, 3) career advancement and 4) professional development.
    • The analytic framework has been created, and each of the staff development processes is being advanced. 21 KPIs have been established with associated co-chairs and working groups. Six working group reports have been submitted, with more scheduled to be delivered in the coming weeks.
  • Achieve at least 24% of our fall 2022 admitted first-year, first-time undergraduate student pool from underrepresented racial/ethnic populations.
    • This goal was met.
  • Establish and meet fall 2022 racial/ethnic and socioeconomic diversity targets within the first-year class, including enrolling our sixth cohort of at least 40 new Flyer Promise Scholars.
    • We met our racial/ethnic diversity target (at least 18% of the first-year class from historically underrepresented racial/ethnic backgrounds) and, relative to historical markers, maintained strong enrollment of Pell-grant eligible students in our first-year class (16.3%). We also enrolled our sixth Flyer Promise Scholars cohort, which includes 37 scholars.
  • Advance our new channel strategies, develop new transfer credit review practices and engagement platforms, grow the UD Sinclair Academy, and publicly launch a new partnership with Columbus State Community College. EM will also embark on its veterans and military-affiliated recruitment strategy.
    • We advanced new channel strategies by implementing the new CAP transfer policy and guidelines, updating all pathways, establishing initial pathways for the Columbus State Community College partnership, and dedicating new staff positions to help grow and support our transfer and strategic partnership programs. We also implemented new outreach and engagement efforts for veterans and military-affiliated students.

Next steps in Academic Year 2022-23: 

  • Further advance each of the 21 KPIs of SEM's strategic plan for DE&I. Every staff member is involved in at least one working group, and a broad set of 20 leaders in SEM serve as chairs or co-chairs of designated working groups. Quarterly co-chairperson meetings, regular division-wide sharing, an analytic framework, and operational reporting related to measures of equity are in place to keep our work on pace.
  • Establish and meet the fall 2023 racial/ethnic and socioeconomic targets within the first-year class, including enrolling our seventh cohort of at least 40 new Flyer Promise Scholars.

Advance new channel strategies, further developing systems to advance transfer credit review and transparency, growing the UD Sinclair Academy and UDayton Global enrollments, and growing outreach efforts related to veterans and military-affiliated students and community college partnerships.

4b: Graduate Student Body

Associate Provost for Graduate Academic Affairs Anloague (convener) and School/College Deans

Graduate Academic Affairs (GAA) has implemented and advanced the recently developed strategic plan with the focused goal of advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion in graduate studies at UD. This includes working closely with the Provost's Office DEI planning team. Education of GAA staff has continued through participation in DEI workshops on "Cultivating Inclusive Excellence at UD" delivered by the Office of Diversity and Inclusion.

During the 2021-22 year pipeline-building efforts have continued, and the associate provost has worked with the deans to identify specific diversity metrics that enable the tracking of progress across UD's graduate programs, as is done at the undergraduate level. There has been an increase in the percentage of non-white graduate students overall with modest increase in the domestic graduate student population. The percentage of domestic graduate students who are black or African American has increased by two percentage points from Fall 2020 to Fall 2022, from 11% to 13%.

The survey aimed at identifying special programs that can help UD achieve greater racial/ethnic and socioeconomic diversity was completed in coordination with the SRERS Committee (Student Recruitment, Enrollment, Retention, and Success). Likewise, the survey of articulation, MOU, and bridge programs was completed. New initiatives included working with key graduate programs to develop scholarship opportunities and price tests that target underrepresented students. This included cost sharing efforts with some programs in order to conduct surveys aimed at the marketing and recruitment of underrepresented students.

The associate provost also continued to lead efforts to understand and strategize the development of additional accessible pathways to graduate study for students from diverse populations. This included co-chairing the University Micro-Credential working group that was charged with making recommendations to the provost on potential next steps for the university in offering these alternative credentials. Included was the recommendation to create a model for offering micro-credentials that supports the access and affordability of a UD education for non-traditional and underserved student populations.

Flyers Plan Connection: GOAL #2; OBJECTIVE 2.3
Develop, implement and assess recruitment and retention strategies aimed at achieving greater racial/ethnic and socioeconomic diversity, and diversity of other underrepresented and underserved populations, among undergraduate and graduate students.

Transition to the UIEC:
This action plan item will become a part of the Flyers Plan for Community Excellence (GOAL #2; OBJECTIVE 2.3) and executed by the Community Diversification (Student) working group of the UIEC.

5. Faculty, staff, administrator diversification

Vice Presidents Washington (convener) & Taylor Smith, Associate Provost Roecker Phelps

Report of Progress Made – College of Arts and Sciences Cluster Hiring Initiative:

  • A comprehensive plan using diverse recruiting channels and resources was developed and searches were launched that yielded the following hires:
    Africana Studies
    • HST - Associate Professor of History, specializing in Africana Studies
  • Latinx Studies
    • GLC - Assistant Professor in Global Languages and Cultures, specializing in Latin American Literature, Studies or Lantinx Studies
  • Middle Eastern Studies
    • REL - Assistant Professor specializing in Modern Jewish Religious Thought and History
    • HST - Assistant Professor specializing in Middle Eastern or North African History

In addition to the aforementioned hires, a search for an Assistant Professor of Philosophy in Africana Studies will be launched this academic year.

Next Steps:

  • Develop key metrics and a dashboard/scorecard to measure the effectiveness of our DEI efforts. The metrics to be measured include; representation, recruitment, selection, promotion, and retention, of faculty, staff, and administrators. The establishment of these measurements will one, assist us in quickly identifying areas of challenge, allowing them to be prioritized accordingly, and two, aid us in understanding where greater investment is needed in order to achieve our DEI goals.
  • The Associate Director of Workforce Diversification will engage with the leaders of the unit based DEI strategic plans, to provide support to their activities and goals for hiring, advancement, and retention of faculty, staff, and administrators through training, consulting, and access to support materials and resources.

Flyers Plan Connection: GOAL #2; OBJECTIVE 2.1
Develop, implement and assess a coordinated, campus-wide strategy to recruit, hire, retain, advance and promote faculty, staff and administrators from underrepresented and underserved populations.

Transition to the UIEC:
This action plan item will become a part of the Flyers Plan for Community Excellence (GOAL #2; OBJECTIVE 2.1) and executed by the Community Diversification (Workforce) working group of the UIEC.

6. Continue to build a climate of safety

Vice President Fischer, Chief Kidd, Vice President Recker

Public Safety engaged in planful, intentional training and initiatives to continue development as an unbiased, impartial police force and to build meaningful, supportive relationships with the campus community, understanding that special efforts are necessary with our underrepresented student populations. Progress continued as reflected more fully below.

2021-22 Completed Steps

Throughout the 2021-22 academic year, Public Safety continued its efforts toward the commitment of the University's Anti-Racist Action Plan. Public Safety strives to provide an environment where all members of the campus community feel safe and welcome. Aligned with professional law enforcement standards, Public Safety adopted and implemented standards of the Ohio Collaborative, a statewide initiative to strengthen community and police relations. Officers also completed the Certified Campus Protection Officer Course through the National Association of Campus Safety Administrators, focusing on mindset in policing, tactical communication, and building the bridge between cultures and diversity. The department continued intentional efforts to build relationships with student groups, the Multi-Ethnic Education and Engagement Center, and the Office of Diversity and Inclusion. In addition, the department completed diversity, equity, and inclusion workshops.

2022-23 Next Steps

Public Safety will continue to build upon the initiatives above with additional collaboration, open discussions, and training to strengthen relations with underrepresented populations and foster a campus environment that supports the identity of all regardless of nationality or cultural background. This year, Public Safety anticipates completing cultural, humility, and diversity training through the Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy and establishing a diversity liaison administrator to collaborate with the Office of Diversity and Inclusion on other diversity training and initiatives.

In addition to these Public Safety efforts, the Institutional Bias Response Advisory Committee (IBRAC) was formed in fall 2020 and continues its work. IBRAC is charged with monitoring bias-related incidents and trends that occur on campus or in society and making recommendations on any institution-level response or initiative, especially regarding broader implications.

Flyers Plan Connection: GOAL #1; OBJECTIVE 1.4
Develop guidelines, practices and policies that direct unit and department heads to conduct and participate in regular climate assessments to ensure that all members of the University community and guests feel a sense of belonging, welcome, being valued and safety.

No current transition plan to the UIEC - to be maintained by current conveners.

7. Deploy marketing & communication assets to support diversity, equity, & inclusion

Vice President Wilson (convener)

The Division of Marketing & Communications (MarComm) made the elevation of voices from underrepresented populations a central part of its new Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion strategic plan, and execution on this priority began in earnest in 2020-21. Action Plan Step #7 has now been fully incorporated into the MarComm DEI Plan. The diversity dashboard on this site is being used as a means to ensure that we are being appropriately aspirational in our approach to the wonderfully diverse stories of our faculty, staff and students. The dashboard is updated on a monthly basis so we can course correct quickly if necessary.

Next Steps:
Continue to build on all the initiatives above with new stories that will be reflected on the dashboard.

Flyers Plan Connection: GOAL #1; OBJECTIVE 1.1
Develop a formal University statement elucidating the University's commitment to the core values of diversity, equity and inclusion based on the University's Catholic, Marianist mission and commitment to inclusive excellence.

No current transition plan to the UIEC - to be maintained by current conveners.

8. Strengthen connections with Black and other alumni of color

Vice President Morrison and President Spina

Building upon the progress made last year, we will continue to implement the division-wide University Advancement DEI Strategic plan. In addition, we will continue to track the percentage of individuals of color on our three cornerstone volunteer leadership groups: the board of trustees (from 22% to 25%, a year over year three percentage point increase), the alumni association board (36%, no change from 2021), and the combined set of academic advisory councils (from 12% to 14%, a year over year two percent point increase) as these are one of the key performance indicators for this action item. Top accomplishments this past year include:

  • Updated our processes to build a rich and more diverse pipeline of alumni for all volunteer leader roles.
  • Our alumni board, day10 executive committee and alumni community leaders completed the Intercultural Effectiveness Scale (IES) assessment and participated in conversation led by UD administration to understand their own cultural competency in effort to build awareness and inclusion in their own communities. Separately, the entire Advancement division also completed the IES assessment and participated with the Office of Diversity and Inclusion for the same baseline awareness to understand the varied constituency base we serve.
  • The Black alumni reunion was successful in bringing alumni of color back to campus. Events included the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) monument dedication, conversations with students and social activities.
    In partnership with University Marketing and Communications, the division of Advancement regularly profiled involved and high-achieving students, alumni, faculty, and staff, giving thoughtful balance to race/ethnicity, gender, academic unit, socio-economic status and more. As communicators, we followed the best practices for creating inclusive communications compiled by University Marketing and Communications.

9. Make marginalized histories visible

Vice Presidents Wilson (convener), Krysiak, & Taylor Smith; Dean Webb

Although COVID-19 has prevented the University from proceeding with campus construction projects, progress was still made on a number of key projects that had been in the pipeline including the following:

  • Naming of the new computer science building as Jessie H. Hathcock Hall in honor of the first Black woman graduate from the University of Dayton and a renowned local educator and civic leader. A formal dedication with the Hathcock family is planned for the fall. Artists of color from the community have been commissioned to provide some of the artwork for the building.
  • Groundbreaking for the monuments that recognize the National Pan-Hellenic Council Greek organizations is occurring this summer. The formal dedication ceremony will take place in conjunction with Black Alumni Weekend in September.
  • A draft of the indigenous land acknowledgment has been developed, and consultation with key governing bodies has begun.
  • The official University timeline that celebrates all aspects of University history was designed for display on the second floor of St. Mary Hall. While the implementation of the project has been on hold due to the budget constraints of COVID-19, the information was used to create an online interactive timeline and a reputation digital campaign was launched. As the budget permits, the plan is to proceed with the branding of this space.

Next steps:

Now that construction projects will begin again, the accountable leaders will work to finalize a working body to explore future opportunities. Upcoming projects for consideration include areas in Chaminade Hall and areas in the Performing Arts Center, if and when these projects receive board approval.

Flyers Plan Connection: GOAL #1
Create and sustain an equitable and inclusive campus climate

No current transition plan to the UIEC - to be maintained by current conveners.

10. Work with the Dayton Black community

Vice President Taylor Smith (convener), Provost Benson, Executive Director of Campus Ministry Sullivan, Director of the Crotty Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership Lewis, Executive Director of the Fitz Center for Leadership in Community McHugh, Director of the Greater West Dayton Incubator Barkley

The UD-Greater West Dayton Conversation (UD-GWDC) has gone through a transition with the change of leadership in the Office of Diversity & Inclusion (ODI). The steering committee met in early 2022 and was paused by Vice President Taylor Smith to focus on the transition of new staff to ODI and continued development of the Flyer Plan for Community Excellence. The GWDC will reconvene in the fall of 2022 to explore the membership and focus of the group. We continue to celebrate the launch and success of the first UD-GWDC project, the Greater West Dayton Incubator (GWDI) now in its second year. The GWDI has developed strategic partnerships and built an infrastructure for sustainable and measurable impact within the Greater West Dayton ecosystem.

The next project of the UD-GWD Conversation will focus on workforce development and employment at UD in addition to ensuring we have a balance of participants engaged in GWDC from across the community.

Flyers Plan Connection: GOAL #2
Achieve and sustain greater diversity, equity and inclusion throughout the University community.

No current transition plan to the UIEC - to be maintained by current conveners.

11. Expand UD's utilization of local minority and women-owned businesses

Executive Director Harrison (convener), Executive VP Horner, VP Taylor Smith

During the 2021-22 academic year, University of Dayton met or exceeded the small, minority, and women-owned business enterprise (SMWBE) glidepath goals set for the year. Together, in collaboration with community partners like the Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce Minority Business Partnerships, Ohio Minority Supplier Development Council and the Women's Business Enterprise Council Ohio River Valley, UD grew our active MWBE supplier list to 61 MBE suppliers and 179 WBE suppliers. MWBE suppliers represent 9% of the University spend. Inclusion of SMWBE suppliers was tracked for 100% of formal bids. See the "Procurement for the Common Good Year in Review" posted on our website for more highlights from the year.

In April, the University of Dayton received the Jesse L. Moore Supplier 2022 Diversity Award, a national recognition from INSIGHT Into Diversity magazine honoring colleges and universities that take proactive steps to support and engage with minority-owned businesses. INSIGHT Into Diversity magazine is the oldest and largest diversity-focused publication in higher education.

Next Steps:

University of Dayton Procurement and Payable Services continues to partner with campus departments on ways to incorporate Procurement for the Common Good goals in day-to-day purchases and identify future sourcing requirements to bid out. The procurement advisory council, made up of senior campus leaders, will meet each semester to review supplier diversity action plans and results. We are confident that the University will achieve our SMWBE goals for 2022-23 as supplier diversity plans are executed during construction projects, service contract bids and supplier partnerships that drive tier 2 diversity spend.

Flyers Plan Connection: GOAL #2
Achieve and sustain greater diversity, equity and inclusion throughout the University community.

No current transition plan to the UIEC - to be maintained by current conveners.