All About Mary
Encyclopedia Entries
Entries filtered by: World Religions, Ecumenism and Tradition
- African Religions and Mary
- Anglican Rosary
- Anglican-Catholic Dialogue and Mary
- Assumption: History of Doctrine
- Chinese Philosophy and Marian Spirituality
- Christian Understandings of Mary: Differences
- Christian Understandings of Mary: Similarities
- Confucianism and Interreligious Dialogue about Mary
- Different "Looks" in Apparitions
- Dorothy Day
- Evangelization with Mary
- Francis Libermann
- Gwan-Um and Mary: Similarities and Differences
- Hannah and Mary
- Hinduism and Interreligious Dialogue about Mary
- Interreligious Dialogue and Mary
- Jewish Identity of Mary
- Jewish-Catholic Dialogue and Mary
- John Henry Newman
- Lutheran Rosary
- Magisterial Documents: Mary and Jesus Christ
- Magisterial Documents: Mary and the Church
- Magisterial Documents: Orientale Lumen,Ut Unum Sint
- Magisterial Documents: Sharing the Light of Faith
- Mercy, Representation in Asian Religions
- Murree Shrine of "Mary's Grave"
- Mythology and Mary
- Nagasaki's Devotion to Siebo (Holy Mother)
- Orthodox Tradition and Mary
- Our Lady of China
- Pope John Paul II on Justification and Mariology
- Pope John Paul II: Angelus for Christian Unity
- Prayer for Christian Unity by Pope John Paul II
- Protestants and Mary
- Qur'an and Mary
- Qur'an on Mary
- Qur'an: Mary's Place
- Rosary: Protestant Views
- Saint Juan Diego and Mary's Evangelizing Mission
- Taoism and Interreligious Dialogue about Mary
- Theotokos, Feast of
- Who Was Mary?
- World Religions and Mary