Staff Corrective Action
Staff Corrective Action Policy
The purpose of this policy is to address, correct, and/or improve job-related performance or behavior in the workplace. The University is committed to providing staff and management with clear and useful tools for correcting and improving performance problems and addressing instances of unacceptable personal conduct.
All University staff employees.
Policy History
I. Effective Date: December 10, 2013
II. Approval: June 10, 2022
III. History:
- Approved in original form: December 10, 2013
- Approved as amended: January 2014
- Approved as amended: June 10, 2022
IV. Maintenance of Policy: Vice President for Human Resources
(a) “Staff” includes all employees, except faculty, bargaining unit employees, and student employees. Corrective action for faculty acting in their roles as teachers and/or researchers, bargaining unit and student employees is handled through procedures established in their respective units.
The University has policies, procedures and expectations governing personal conduct of employees, and individual departments may establish additional procedures and rules. Violation of these policies, procedures and/or rules may result in corrective action up to and including termination of employment.
The preferred way to handle workplace performance and behavior problems is by informal discussion and counseling between the supervisor and the employee. However, this policy may be invoked any time more formal corrective action is required, at the discretion of the University.
Corrective action may include, but is not limited to the following:
- Performance improvement planning – documented plan for improving performance
- Remedial training – to correct or improve skills, behavior, or knowledge
- Demotion – reduction in position, grade, and/or pay
- Administrative leave – may be with or without pay at the discretion of the University
- Disciplinary action, such as:
- Verbal warning - notification and warning to employee (may or may not be documented in writing;)
- Written reprimand - formal notification in writing to employee; this may take the form of a “last chance” letter to inform the employee that termination will result should another violation occur;
- Suspension – loss of work and wages for a number of days, as determined by the University. Note that all employees may be subject to an unpaid disciplinary suspension (whether for a full day or a longer increment as determined by the University), regardless of their exempt or non-exempt status. Note that, for non-exempt employees, a suspension may be based on partial-day increments;
- Discharge - termination of employment
Removal from the workplace during an investigation:
- Some circumstances warrant an employee’s removal from the workplace, before a final disposition is made or corrective action is taken, in order to allow the University to investigate a situation or for other reasons, at the University’s discretion. Some examples are:
- The employee’s alleged misconduct is of a serious nature, including but not limited to theft, harassment, and violence in the workplace.
- The safety or security of persons or property is in question.
- It is believed that the employee’s presence will disrupt the workplace.
The employee’s time off from work as a result of such removal in the above circumstances may be with pay or without pay, depending upon the nature and severity of the situation and circumstances known at the time of removal.
- Under certain circumstances and subject to University approval and maximum usage rules, the removed employee may be permitted to use accrued vacation during any of the additional time off without pay.
- Supervisors should normally consult with the Office of Human Resources prior to removing an employee from the workplace.
The University will determine the action appropriate for given conduct, up to and including termination, considering the nature and severity of the offense, mitigating circumstances, previous infractions, length of service, and/or other factors the University deems appropriate to consider. In determining the appropriate corrective action, consideration may also be given to both the actual or potential impact and to the consequences of the behavior. Prior to imposing corrective action, managers should consult with the Office of Human Resources.
Progressive discipline
The University promotes the use of progressive or corrective discipline (i.e., discipline increases depending upon the nature, severity and/or frequency of the infractions). Normally, corrective action begins with a verbal warning for the first offense, and can progress to discharge after attempts to correct employee's behavior have failed. However, serious infractions, past performance or behavioral issues, or other circumstances may warrant immediate imposition of a written reprimand, suspension or discharge without prior disciplinary action, as appropriate. This determination is at the sole discretion of the University.
Dispute Resolution
An employee who disagrees with corrective action administered may follow the University Dispute Resolution Policy. The University may maintain removal from the University for the duration of the Dispute Resolution process.
If the University does not implement visible, known disciplinary or corrective measures for unacceptable job performance or behavior or violations of University policies, that does not mean that the University will not enforce and implement such measures for other similar misconduct. Conduct that is in violation of any state, local or federal statute may also result in criminal prosecution, a civil action for restitution, and/or other actions as the University deems appropriate.