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Policy on Nepotism

Policy on Nepotism


Employment opportunities within the University of Dayton are not and should not be based upon or influenced by family or other types of personal relationships. The University will maintain policies designed to guard against employment relationships from which nepotism or charges of nepotism might arise.


All employees of the University of Dayton.

Policy History

I. Effective Date: July 11, 1997

II. Approval: August 31, 2022

III. History: 

  • Approved in its original form: July 11, 1997
  • Approved as amended: October 19, 2001
  • Approved as amended: December 23, 2013
  • Approved as amended: August 31, 2022

IV. Maintenance of Policy: Vice President for Human Resources


While the University will consider members of the same family for employment, no person (full time, part time, temporary or student) should be employed in or transferred to a division, department or operating unit which establishes a supervisory/employee relationship between two individuals who hold personal relationships where they cannot reasonably be perceived to be neutral, or involved in a romantic relationship, or are related as follows:

  • Parent or step-parent
  • Child or stepchild
  • Grandparent or grandchild
  • Sibling, half-sibling or step-sibling
  • Aunt or uncle
  • Niece or nephew
  • Cousin
  • Spouse or ex-spouse
  • Domestic partner or ex-domestic partner
  • Brother- or sister-in-law
  • Father- or mother-in-law
  • Son- or daughter-in-law
  • Any member of the same household.

The above includes not only situations where one person reports directly to another, but also those situations where one person would be employed in a unit or department over which another person has authority or administrative responsibility.  The Office of Human Resources must be notified of any instances of nepotism by the more senior employee.

Exceptions to this policy are at the discretion of the Vice President for Human Resources. The Vice President for Human Resources may permit the related persons to continue to work together, provided that an appropriate management plan is developed, implemented and administered, which mitigates actual and perceived favoritism and conflicts of interest.


For questions relating to the University policies of Human Resources, please contact:

Office of Human Resources