Violence in the Workplace
Violence in the Workplace Policy
It is the intent of the University to provide a safe and secure environment for University employees, students, and visitors by establishing preventative measures and providing assistance and support to victims of violent behavior.
This policy applies to all employees of the University of Dayton.
Policy History
I. Effective Date: December 23, 2013
II. Approval: December 5, 2023
III. History:
- Approved in original form: December 23, 2013
- Approved as amended: July 26, 2017
- Approved as amended: June 10, 2022
- Approved as amended: December 5, 2023
IV. Maintenance of Policy: Vice President for Human Resources
For the purposes of this policy, violent behavior is defined as:
- Physically harming or threatening to harm an individual, group of individuals, or relatives of those individuals.
- The possession of weapons of any kind on University property or at University sponsored activities, unless specifically authorized by the Vice President of Human Resources*.
- The brandishing of any object that could reasonably be perceived as a weapon.
- Loud, angry or disruptive behavior that is not appropriate to the work environment and is designed to place someone in fear for their safety.
- Callous or intentional disregard for the physical safety or wellbeing of others.
- Intentional destruction of University or employee property.
- Commission of any crime on University property that is based on behavior physically harmful to another or that constitutes a threat of such harm.
- Any other conduct that a reasonable person would perceive as constituting a threat of violence as defined in this Policy.
The University of Dayton is committed to providing a work environment that is free from violence. Any acts or threatened acts of violence will not be tolerated. Anyone engaging in violent behavior will be subject to discipline, up to and including termination, and may also be personally subject to other civil or criminal liabilities.
Any employee who is subjected to, witnesses, or has knowledge of violent behavior of any of the types listed above, or has reason to believe that violent behavior may occur at or in connection with the activities of the University of Dayton, is required to report it promptly to his/her supervisor, Public Safety, or to the Vice President for Human Resources.
Employees should feel free to raise concerns and make reports without fear of reprisal, and the University will treat such reports as confidential to the extent circumstances permit. Staff, volunteers, or contractors who believe they have experienced retaliation for reporting violations should report it to their supervisor or the Office of Human Resources, or if the person’s activity is prohibited under the Nondiscrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy, to the Executive Director/Title IX Coordinator (or designee) or a Deputy Coordinator. Faculty should report retaliation to the Office of the Provost.
Violations of this policy and retaliation for reporting violations may also be reported anonymously through the Privately Speaking Line.
*Consistent with applicable law, individuals who lawfully own or possess a concealed handgun or any other weapon may only have it on campus if it is stored in a locked motor vehicle or if the individual is in the immediate process of placing the weapon in a locked motor vehicle. Such individuals may not have such a weapon anywhere else on campus, absent specific approval from the Vice President for Human Resources.