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Intelligent Signal Systems Lab

World-Class Image Processing and Computer Vision

Intelligent Signal Systems Laboratory at the University of Dayton is a world-class research laboratory in image processing and computer vision. We focus on three areas of research:

  • Physical and statistical modeling of image sensors
  • Algorithmic development for exploitation of image data
  • Meaningful inferences on the observed scene
Statistical Signal Processing

Signal processing and statistics are key tools for information discovery. We accelerate nonlinear filters and develop powerful models that enable detection, prediction and estimation.

Collaborating to Enable New Capabilities

Research at ISSL is made possible by Sony, Texas Instruments, Cisco, the United States Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Institute for Development and Commercialization of Advanced Sensor Technology (IDCAST).

Applied Design to Advance Sensors

Our image processing research extends the capabilities of existing sensor hardware and delivers critical technology to advance the next generation sensors.


Intelligent Signal Systems Laboratory, Dr. Keigo Hirakawa, Director

Kettering Laboratories
300 College Park
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 0232