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Engineering Wellness Through Biomechanics Lab

Research to Transform

Here at the Dayton hub for biomechanics research", we are committed to original and significant research. Our research has the potential to transform the clinical assessment and treatment of balance, gait and mobility problems. Our work is supported by strong interdisciplinary collaborations and an outstanding team of student researchers.

Areas of Emphasis
  • Community-dwelling, older adults at risk of falling
  • Standardization of posturography
  • Human movement variability
  • Mobility improvements in individuals with neurological and developmental diseases
  • Mobility deficits, fatigue, and fall incidence in individuals with multiple sclerosis
Human Movement in Biomechanics (HMB)
Focus on the theory and techniques in the field of biomechanical engineering to understand the kinematics and kinetics of human motion. Courses prepare undergraduate students to apply mechanical engineering concepts to solve clinical, occupational and sports biomechanics problems.

Biomechanics Lab, Dr. Kimberly Bigelow, Director

Fitz Hall
300 College Park
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 0238