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Procurement and Payables Policy

Procurement and Payables Policy


This policy seeks to ensure the prudent expenditure of funds and requires all who authorize such expenditures on behalf of the University of Dayton to exercise good judgment in accordance with the mission and values of the University.


This policy applies to all members of the University of Dayton community and its affiliates, including but not limited to faculty, staff, students, visiting scholars, visiting researchers, consultants, volunteers and other individuals who work for or visit the University. 

Policy History

Effective Date:  August 27, 2018

Approval:  August 27, 2018

Policy History: 

  • Approved in Original Form: August 27, 2018

Maintenance of Policy:  Finance and Administration


Expenditure of Funds that Reflect the University’s Mission and Values

The University considers fiscal responsibility and the prudent expenditure of funds to be an important responsibility and reflective of the University’s mission and the Marianist values.  Purchasing decisions should be made with consideration given to the total lifecycle cost of an item, including but not limited to the acquisition, usage, energy, maintenance, repair and disposal costs. Further, those making purchasing decisions should enable equal access to women, minority, and historically underutilized business enterprises. The University views its purchasing decisions as opportunities to choose environmentally and socially preferable products and services, to support vendors with strong commitments to sustainability, to support the local economy, and to pursue the common good.

The University is uniquely positioned to foster partnerships in the local and global community.  All members of the University community are required to exercise good judgment in authorizing expenditures, regardless of the source of funds. 

Procurement and Payables Services (

Procurement and Payable Services exists to drive best practices and achieve economies of scale in the procurement of goods and services necessary for the effective and efficient operation of the University and to ensure our suppliers are paid in a timely manner. It is the University function that contains central sourcing experts and provides assistance on how to make purchases, including the usage of University buying tools such as Runway, the University e-procurement system.  Procurement and Payables Services ensures that the appropriate method of purchasing is used for each type of purchase.  Customer Service is a critical part of its mission.  Procurement and Payable Services maintains a website that includes the recommended steps to buying and paying for goods and services as well as and dispositioning University property.

Delegation of Authority and Expenditure Levels

Any expenditures on behalf of the University is only authorized if the individual undertaking the expenditure is authorized to do so, consistent with procurement protocols and any other applicable policies or protocols of the University (e.g., the Policy on Authority to Formulate and Sign Contracts and delegations consistent with that policy).  

Supplier Standard of Behavior

The University of Dayton’s suppliers will recognize and act in accordance with the Catholic and Marianist standards of honesty, dignity, and respect. Suppliers agree not to engage in any conduct in violation of any state or federal statute, regulation or ordinance; conduct involving moral turpitude; conduct in violation of the University’s policies; or any other conduct that is inconsistent with, embarrassing to or destructive to the University’s identity as a Catholic and Marianist institution.

Conflict of Interest

An employee shall not have a conflict of interest with the terms and implementation of this policy. An employee shall be considered to have a possible conflict of interest if: (a) s/he has an existing or potential financial or other interest which impairs or appears to impair his/her ability to exercise independent and unbiased judgment in the discharge of his/her responsibilities to the University; (b) such employee is aware that a member of his/her family, or any organization in which such employee (or member of his/her family) is an officer, director, employee, member, partner, trustee or controlling stockholder, has an existing or potential financial or other interest which impairs or appears to impair the employee's ability to exercise independent judgment in the discharge of his/her responsibilities to the University; or (c) the employee may receive a financial or other material benefit through inappropriate use of knowledge or information confidential to the University.  If such a conflict exists, the employee should recuse him/herself from the decision making process due to potential lack of impartiality.


University employees must handle confidential or proprietary information with due care and proper consideration of ethical and legal ramifications and governmental regulations. University employees may not disclose to third parties the prices, terms, or conditions quoted to the University by its suppliers. 

Gratuities from Suppliers

University employees must not solicit nor accept money, loans, credits, favors, services or gifts from current or prospective suppliers, which are intended to influence a procurement decisions. Such gratuities can give rise to a conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interest. In particular, University employees should not accept gratuities from a current or prospective supplier that has submitted or may submit a bid for a contract for which a bid solicitation is being contemplated, developed or is actively accepting bids.  If it is deemed necessary to visit a supplier site for a demonstration, the University will be responsible for all related expenses.  It may be acceptable for University employees to accept nominal, customary gifts such as meals related to conducting University business as approved by department leadership.

Reference Documents

  1. University of Dayton Procurement and Payables Procedures
  2. University of Dayton Minimum Insurance Requirements 
  3. University of Dayton Policy for Capital Equipment Accountability Policy
  4. Blanket Certificate of Exemption: Ohio State Sales and Use Tax
  5. University of Dayton Petty Cash Policy
  6. University of Dayton Policy Prohibiting Illegal, Fraudulent, Dishonest, and Unethical Behavior
  7. University of Dayton Background Check Policy
  8. University of Dayton Awards, Gifts, and Prizes Policy
  9. University of Dayton Record Retention Policy
  10. University of Dayton Record Retention Schedule
  11. University of Dayton Conflict of Interest Policy
  12. University of Dayton Conflict of Interest and Commitment Policy for Sponsored Research Programs
  13. University of Dayton Purchasing Policy for Sponsored Research
  14. Purchasing Procedures for Sponsored Research
  15. University of Dayton Policy on Authority to Formulate and Sign Contracts
  16. University of Dayton Policy on Unallowable Costs
  17. University of Dayton Sustainability Policy
  18. Facilities Management Terms & Conditions

For questions related to University Policies of Finance and Administrative Services, please contact:

Virginia Dowse, Assistant Vice President and Controller