College of Arts and Sciences Newsroom

IMRI continues 50th anniversary celebration with 2025 Marian Forum
By Shannon Miller
The International Marian Research Institute (IMRI) continues the celebration of its 50th anniversary with the 2025 Marian Forum, Monday, Feb. 3, on the theme “The Purification of Mary: Relevance and Challenges.”
Before the forum, UD community members have the opportunity to participate in a creative, hands-on experience related to this year’s theme. Faculty, staff and students are invited to sign up for “The Purification of Mary: Mary and the Dove?” cookie decorating event, recognizing the Biblical symbolism of the offering of doves to God. Originally scheduled for Tuesday, Jan. 21, the event was postponed because of extremely cold weather. A new date will be announced.
“The Bible story of the purification and presentation (Luke 2:22-37), is the story when Mary, Joseph and Jesus arrive at the temple, and Simeon and Anna are there,” said Neomi De Anda, IMRI executive director. “In the gospel of Luke, Luke writes of them offering two doves. In Leviticus 5:7, according to the law, it says every family shall present a lamb or a sheep, but if they’re a poor family, they can present two doves or pigeons. The Holy Family was a poor family. The symbol of the dove can be seen as a solidarity symbol with those among us who are poor.”
Local business owner and former UD student Makayla Pindroh, owner of cookie decorating and baking company Kaya’s Kreations, will lead participants through the decorating process in two sessions that day. The 4 p.m. event will be in Room 470 on the fourth floor of Humanities Plaza, and the 8 p.m. event will take place in Room 115 in Adele Hall. Space is limited; email Cynthia Sanford for more information.
During the Feb. 3 forum, Father Dr. Sébastien B. Abalodo, S.M., a Marianist priest, internationally known scholar and lecturer in the UD Department of Religious Studies, will deliver the lecture “The Purification of Mary: Relevance and Challenges,” in the Chapel of the Immaculate Conception from 10:10 to 11 a.m. At 12:30 p.m., Father Joe Kozar, S.M., will preside over the Eucharistic Celebration, Marian Mass in the Chapel of the Immaculate Conception. Abalodo will speak again from 2:30 to 3:20 p.m. The forum concludes with a 4 to 6 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration in the chapel.
Livestream links for the lecture and Mass are available on the Marian Forum website.
The 2025 Marian Forum events continue IMRI’s yearlong recognition of its 50th anniversary in 2024. More anniversary events will be announced throughout the year.