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Space Availability

${ A patron using the 8-lane swimming pool in action doing freestyle strokes while wearing a swim cap and goggles. }

Space Availability

The UD Aquatic Center consists of 8 lap lanes, a vortex, a diving well, and a spa, and has varying availability depending on the time of year and the facility rental schedule.

Aquatic Center Schedule


Additional Information:

  • Lane availability is subject to change. Please be aware of informational signage around the facility as well as member emails for additional information.
  • 2 lanes will ALWAYS be available for open swim during regular Aquatic Center hours, unless the space is closed entirely for an event.
  • Private Swim Lessons are subject to take place during open swim times.
  • High school swim teams season typically runs November - February each year.

Campus Recreation

2 Evanston Ave.
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 0790