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Physician Assistant 2024-25

University of Dayton Department of Physician Assistant Education 2024-25

Tuition and fees for the 2024-25 academic year varies depending on the cohort group and is detailed in the table below.  Please note these figures are based on current projections (including tuition) and are subject to change.

General Tuition and Fees
General Tuition and Fees
Graduation Year Tuition Per Semester Fees Per Semester Additional Expenses Clinical Course Fees* Total Tuition & Fees (7 semesters)



see below
n/a $95,228
2025 $13,800    $79 see below $1,474 $98,627
2026 $14,215    $79 see below $1,474 $101,532

Additional Expenses per Year:


Year 1 (Semesters 1-3)
Year 1 Additional Expenses*
Expense Approximate Cost
Medical equipment and scrubs $1087 - $1221
Background check & drug screen $146
Parking $275
Textbooks $1000
Laptop Varies
Total Year 1 Expenses $2508 - $2642 plus laptop
Year 2 (semesters 4-6
Year 2 Additional Expenses*
Expense Approximate Cost
Background check $146
Parking $275
White coat $50
PALS (optional) $75
Rosh Review (optional but recommended) $283
Total Year 2 Expenses $491-$849
Year 3 (semester 7)
Year 3 Additional Expenses*
Expense Approximate Cost
Graduation fee $90
Total Year 3 Expenses $90

*Approximate cost. Vendor prices are subject to change without warning.


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St. Mary's Hall
300 College Park
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 1600