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Marketing and Communication Policy

Marketing and Communication Policy


This policy provides guidance with regards to the creation, production and distribution of UD marketing materials and communications, as well as items that use identifying marks.  This policy sets out standards that help ensure materials are consistent and cohesive; align with the University’s Catholic Marianist mission and identity; comply with legal requirements; and effectively engage with our audiences.


This policy applies to all faculty, staff, and students of the University of Dayton.

Policy History

Effective Date:  May 14, 2016

Approval:  May 22, 2024

Policy History: 

  • Approved in original form:  May 14, 2016
  • Approved as amended:  May 22, 2024

Maintenance of Policy:  Vice President for University Marketing and Communications, Marketing and Communications


All marketing and communications — print, environmental, web and digital — must adhere to University-approved branding and communication guidelines, including those listed in the reference documents.  All content owners throughout the University are responsible for the accuracy and appropriateness of the communications coming from their respective areas.

Marketing and communications to prospective students and families should be coordinated/approved through Enrollment Management and Marketing.  Marketing and communications to alumni/donors should be coordinated/approved through Advancement. 

Marketing and communications must align with the University's Catholic, Marianist mission and identity, must respect the dignity and privacy of all members of the University community, and must not violate standards of behavior and conduct as outlined in the Policies and Procedures Handbook for employees or the Student Handbook for students.  Failure to observe these standards of behavior may result in disciplinary action in accordance with the University's policies and procedures.

Reference Documents 

  1. University of Dayton Branding Guidelines
  2. University of Dayton Logo Guidelines
  3. University of Dayton Digital Content Guidelines
  4. University of Dayton Social Media Guidelines
  5. Campus, Student and Family News Digest Guidelines
  6. University of Dayton Web Accessibility Policy
  7. University of Dayton Accessibility Guidelines
  8. University of Dayton Environmental Graphics Guidelines
  9. University of Dayton Public Art on Campus Policy
  10. University of Dayton Statement of Dignity
  11. Policies and Procedures Handbook for Professional and Support Staff Employees
  12. University of Dayton Student Handbook

For questions relating to the University policies of Marketing and Communications, please contact:

Kim Lally, Executive Director of University Marketing