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Security of Campus Facilities and Crime Prevention

Security of Campus Facilities and Crime Prevention


This policy addresses security considerations for campus facilities, including residential facilities, and grounds.  The considerations comply with the standards set forth by the U.S. Department of Education for inclusion in the annual Campus Security and Fire Safety Report.  Additional information regarding crime prevention programs is also provided in this policy.


Faculty, staff, and students.

Policy History

Effective Date:  December 17, 2015

Approval:   February 15, 2024

Policy History: 

  • Approved in its original form:  December 17, 2015
  • Approved as amended:  February 15, 2024

Maintenance of Policy:  Director, Clery Compliance & Records Coordinator, Department of Public Safety


I.  The Department of Public Safety manages the security of University facilities and provides recommendations concerning security measures and equipment.  Security measures are implemented to enhance safety of University facilities, including the installation of electronic access control, security camera systems, and security alarms.

II.  Environmental Health and Safety conducts evacuation drills of all residence halls and selected campus facilities at least once annually.  The results of these drills are recorded and maintained on file by Environmental Health and Safety.

III.  Public Safety will prepare and facilitate crime prevention awareness programs to enhance the safety and security of the campus.

Reference Documents

  1. Clery Appendix to the Federal Student Aid Handbook
  2. University of Dayton Fire Safety and Evacuation Policy
  3. Appendix A: Access and Physical Security
  4. Appendix B: Crime Prevention
  5. University of Dayton Video Surveillance Policy


Appendix A - Access and Physical Security


Administrative and academic buildings are open during University business hours to faculty, staff, students, and visitors.  Academic and administrative buildings are customarily locked after business hours, during weekends, and on holidays to prevent unauthorized entry.

Residence halls are required to be locked 24 hours per day, with the exception of the lobby entrances, which are open daily from 7 a.m. to midnight while school is in session to permit visitors lobby access.  Doors from the lobbies to residential areas are required to be locked 24 hours per day to prevent unauthorized access.  Housing and Residence Life staff conducts regular rounds on residential floors.  Apartment buildings are required to be locked 24 hours per day.  University-owned houses are locked as required by residents.

Electronic access control has been installed on exterior and lobby wing doors of all traditional residence halls.  The system will be installed on the exterior doors of other facilities as renovation projects are undertaken, with the exception of single-unit houses and duplexes.  Public Safety officers respond to open-door alarms within academic and administrative buildings after business hours.  Residence hall staff or Public Safety personnel respond to open-door alarms at residential facilities.

Remote camera systems have been installed in common areas of academic, administrative, and residential facilities, including the traditional residence halls.  These systems record data on a server for investigative follow-up.  The cameras are not actively monitored but may be monitored as situations dictate.  Additional servers and cameras will be installed in conjunction with building renovations or as the result of a physical security analysis.

Security of Campus

Public Safety officers patrol the University area 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  Officers patrol the main campus, University District, and the Student Neighborhood in vehicles, on bikes and on foot and conduct routine patrols of campus buildings to evaluate and monitor security-related matters.

The department plans for and manages security-related functions at large University events like move-in, move-out, and commencement weekends.  Officers also provide additional security presence at events held at the University's Arena.

Public Safety officers regularly visit businesses in the University District to create positive, open dialogue between the department and those working near campus who have regular, direct contact with our students.

Security Considerations Used in the Maintenance of Campus Facilities

The University of Dayton maintains campus facilities in a manner that minimizes hazardous and unsafe conditions.  Parking lots and pathways are illuminated with lighting.  Public Safety works closely with Facilities Management to promptly address issues like burned out lights, malfunctioning door locks or other physical conditions that, if left unattended, could affect security.  Other members of the University community are helpful in enhancing security when they report equipment problems to Public Safety or Facilities Management.

The University invests significantly in the security of the University environs.  Physical security assessments are conducted regularly with the goal of evaluating the appropriateness of current physical security measures and implementing additional measures as required.  The Chief of Police maintains responsibility for all physical security systems (access control, security alarms, and remote camera systems) to coordinate the University's security efforts.


Appendix B - Crime Prevention


The Department of Public Safety provides important services to the community, but these services cannot replace an individual’s actions to maintain personal security and safety on campus.  Each community member should take time to learn about crime prevention and safety — for themselves and their fellow community members.  Information and awareness are the best weapons against crime and accidents.

Some crime prevention services provided by Public Safety include:

  • Designing and delivering crime prevention presentations for faculty, staff, and students.
  • Designing and delivering specific crime prevention training designed for groups like residence hall staff, international students, student organizations, and student employees.
  • Delivering training related to Emergency Notifications, Safety Advisories, and Flyer Aware messages for faculty, staff, and students.
  • Conducting security assessments of buildings and areas.
  • Partnering with Environmental Health and Safety, Facilities Management and Planning, Housing and Residence Life, and the Student Government Association to conduct an annual campus lighting and safety survey to improve security.
  • Disseminating Flyer Aware Messages to assist the campus community in being informed of situations that could affect personal security and safety.  Public Safety sends these messages via an email blast to email addresses to share information about non-emergency situations that are important but do not rise to the level of a formal Safety Advisory.

Crime prevention requires active, cooperative efforts between the Department of Public Safety and the University community.  Personal security and the protection of home and community are all within the scope of crime prevention efforts.  We encourage all community members to consider their personal safety and the security of their residence, study and work facilities at all times.  Any security or crime prevention concerns should be reported immediately to the Department of Public Safety.

All crime prevention and security awareness programs encourage students and employees to be responsible for their own security and the security of others.


For questions relating to the University policies of Audit, Risk and Compliance please contact:

Robin Oldfield, Assistant Vice President- Office of Audit, Risk and Compliance