
Who's Publishing What: Why Can't My Brother Be More Like My Cat?
Little girls absolutely love their cats. But when it comes to their brothers, they have two reactions: Either they adore them — or want to trade them for a more refined sibling, one who’s less embarrassing, more sympatico and well, more “cat-like.”
In Why Can't My Brother Be More Like My Cat?, bestselling author Allia Zobel Nolan and New York Times bestselling illustrator Lee Wildish examine the contrasts between feline and sibling. While Zobel Nolan’s heroine considers her cat her BFF, a buddy who attends her tea parties, listens to her secrets and applauds her piano recitals, her brother, by contrast, is nothing but trouble. He wears silly hats, gulps down worms and loves to tease. Can sister and brother ever be on the same wavelength? Or will cat leap over brother in the eyes of his devoted pal?
“Sibling rivalries are an age-old conundrum,” says Zobel Nolan. “But stirring a quirky feline into the mix makes for double the fun.” Though the book will be lapped up by families that include both brothers and sisters, Zobel Nolan says it is not “cat-egorically” written just for them. “Children (and adults) of all ages can appreciate the subtle humor and the sweet-as-cotton candy, whimsical characters created by Lee Wildish,” she says. “Even dogs beg and bark to have it read to them over and over.”
With a surprise ending that will melt hearts and bring on an audible “awwww,” Why Can't My Brother Be More Like My Cat? is, says Zobel Nolan, “paws down, a truly meow-vel-ous book.”
It's available wherever books are sold, including on Amazon in print and eBook editions.
Zobel Nolan is the author of over 150 traditionally published titles, including her most recent children's book, Harriet Hurry-Up and the Oh-So-Slow Day. Her books reflect her two main passions: God and cats. Among others, recent titles include Cat Confessions: A Kitty-Come-Clean Tell-All Book (winner of the 2020 ECPA Bronze Award for sales of over 100,000); The Worrywart’s Prayer Book (winner of the gold medal first place 2022 Indie Book Award for Christian Non-Fiction); and the classic bestselling children’s book, What I Like About Me: a Book about Differences.