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The Intuitive Author

Who's Publishing What: The Intuitive Author

In an ever-changing industry where writers are expected to master both craft and business — juggling your writing with marketing demands, budget constraints, social media and more — how do you maintain your passion and build a thriving writing career?

That’s why Tiffany Yates Martin wrote a survival manual for authors called The Intuitive Author: How to Grow and Sustain a Happier Writing Career (FoxPrint Ink, LLC).

“Writers need honest guidance on what it takes to sustain a publishing career, but it can be hard to offer that honesty without amplifying writerly anxiety and negativity. Tiffany’s wise approach is one I wholeheartedly applaud: prioritize resilience in the face of new and old industry challenges. Every writer is going to encounter trouble, and Tiffany shows that it’s how you respond that matters,” says Jane Friedman, author of The Business of Being a Writer.

Tiffany started in the publishing industry more than 20 years ago as a copy editor “for many of the Big Six, when we still used red pencils and to fact-check I had to spend a day at the New York Public Library in the stacks.” For the last 15-plus years as a developmental editor, she has worked directly with bestselling authors, as well as through major publishing houses, on titles by The New York TimesUSA TodayWashington Post and Wall Street Journal as well as manuscripts for indie-published and newer writers.

She holds a BA in English literature from Georgia State University and is a member of the Editorial Freelancers Association. She has presented editing and writing workshops for numerous writers’ groups, organizations and conferences, and her work has appeared in Writer’s Digest and other publications.

Her books include “a long-held passion project,” Intuitive Editing: A Creative and Practical Guide to Revising Your Writing, a comprehensive, actionable, accessible guide for writers on how to edit their own work. Under the pen name, Phoebe Fox, she’s written six novels, including A Little Bit of Grace and The Way We Weren’t, released with Berkley/Penguin.

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