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Seth Brown

Humor Writer of the Month: Seth Brown

Seth Brown is a freelance writer living in the beautiful Berkshires, where he writes his long-running humor column "The Pun Also Rises" for the Berkshire Eagle. The column has won multiple New England Press Association awards, and recently won the National Press Club's 2024 Angele Gingras Humor Award. Seth says he hopes to one day be as good as his column.

Meanwhile, he enjoys writing books, blogs, songs and speeches for clients. He is the author of seven books under his own name, most notably From God to Verse, and has ghostwritten others.

“I inhale and exhale humor, unwilling and perhaps unable to live without it,” he says.

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Daylight Shaving Time

When it comes to shaving, I’m two-faced. One face I have been scraping with a blade since I was a teenager more than five decades ago, the other I recently started buzzing with an electric razor.

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Pranks a Lot

Whenever I pull a prank, which generally involves my grandchildren, whose maturity level is way above mine, I think outside the box.

This is a wise strategy because I can’t fit inside the box. And even if I could, the air supply to my brain would be cut off and I’d be even more immature, which admittedly would make me a better prankster.

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