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Can UDentify us?

Can UDentify us?

Staff June 16, 2024

Ah, 1984. No, not Orwell. From the smiles on their faces, it looks like these “girls just wanna have fun.” Do you recognize these lovely ladies? Email us at magazine@udayton.edu.



Photos courtesy of University of Dayton Archives










In the last issue


In the Spring 2024 issue, we shared a photo of students getting to know one another in the ’90s. Three Flyers wrote in to identify Lisa Dillhoff Depew ’99 on the right looking up at the photographer. Debbie Bates ’96 spotted Nikki Geron Bisig ’95 in the turquoise shirt. And Natalie Sargent Rodina ’98 saw two familiar faces: “The black-haired girl in the center of the circle is me! The girl to my right wearing a pink shirt is Julie Stazer ’98. We’re both from Pittsburgh.” She also saw something familiar: the excitement of new Flyers. “My husband, Will Rodina ’98, and I met at UD and have four children. Our oldest son just finished his first year at UD, and our second son will be there next year. Go Flyers!”

A new day