Vincent Miller
Professor; Committee Chair of Doctoral Programs in Theology; Gudorf Chair in Catholic Theology and Culture
Full-Time Faculty
College of Arts and Sciences: Religious Studies
- Ph.D., Systematic and Philosophical Theology (Minors in History of Christianity and Christian Ethic), University of Notre Dame, 1997
Dissertation: "Tradition and Experience in Edward Schillebeeckx's Theology of Revelation," directed by Thomas F. O'Meara, O.P. - M.A., Theological Studies, University of Notre Dame, 1990
- B.S., St. Francis College, 1988
Vincent J. Miller, Ph.D., came to the University of Dayton from Georgetown University where he was an associate professor of theology (2004-09), and previously served as an assistant professor from (1997-2004). He came to the University of Dayton as a distinguished visiting professor in spring 2008 and was appointed as the first Gudorf Chair in Catholic Theology and Culture in 2009. Visit the Gudorf Chair >>
Courses taught
- REL 103 Introduction to Religious and Theological Studies
- ASI 375 Professional Ethics in a Global Society
- REL 602 Contemporary Theological Methods
- REL 604 Cultural Methods in Theology
- REL 605 20th Century Theological Contributors to the Ecclesiology of Vatican II
- REL 620 Catholic Social Teaching: Theological Development 1800-1963
- REL 640 Theological Engagements with Culture
- REL 640 Theology, Environment, and US Culture
- REL 645 Technology and Christian Anthropology
- REL 645 Where is the Church? Ecclesiology, Globalization, and New Spaces of Community
- REL 645 The Mystical Body of Christ and Society
- REL 670 Global Concern, Solidarity, and Cosmopolitanism
Selected publications and presentations
The Theological and Ecological Vision of Laudato Si’: Everything is Connected. (Editor) (London and New York: Bloomsbury, 2017).
Consuming Religion: Christian Faith and Practice in a Consumer Culture. New York: Continuum, 2003/Bloomsbury Academic 2005.
The Church and Neoliberal Globalization: Solidarity in a World Made Indifferent (In progress).
Select Articles/Chapters:
“Integral Ecology: Pope Francis’s Spiritual and Moral Vision of Interconnectedness,” in Vincent J. Miller, ed. The Theological and Ecological Vision of Laudato Si’: Everything is Connected. (London and New York: Bloomsbury, 2017), 11-28.
“Public Theology: An Ever-Changing Task,” Horizons 43, no. 2 (2017): 11-17.
“Changing Media, Changing Problems: Catholic Intellectual Life, Identity and Fragmentation,” in Una Cadegan and James Heft, eds. In The Logos of Love: Promise and Predicament in Catholic Intellectual Life (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016), 146-170.
“Ecclesiology, Cultural Change, and the Changing Nature of Culture,” in Ed Hahnenberg and Richard Gaillardetz eds. A Church with Open Doors: Catholic Ecclesiology for the Third Millennium (Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2015), 64-86.
“Media Constructions of Space, the Disciplining of Religious Traditions and the Hidden Threat of the Post-Secular,” in William Barbieri ed. At the Limits of the Secular: Reflections on Faith and Public Life (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2014), 162-198.
“The Global and the Local: Green Sisters, Bioregionalism, and Catholicity.” Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium, CCLXII (2013), 429-442.
“The Disappearing Common Good as a Challenge to Catholic Participation in Public Life: The Need for Catholicity and Prudence,” in Nicholas Cafardi, ed. Voting and Holiness (Paulist Press, 2012), 178-195.
“Where is the University Now? Education and Place in Global Space,” The Cresset, LXXIV(April 2011):4, 28-40.
“The Body Globalized: Problems for a Sacramental Imagination in an Age of Global Commodity Chains,” Religion, Economics, and Culture in Conflict and Conversation: CTS Annual Volume 2010, (New York: Maryknoll, 2011), 108-120
“Where Is the Church? Globalization and Catholicity,” Theological Studies, 69 (2008): 412-432.
Popular Publications:
“The Geography of Mercy: On the Internet We Encounter Suffering from Afar. How do We Respond?” America Magazine 215, no. 11 (October 17, 2016): 14-17.
“The Economics of Abundance: Austerity budgets in hard economic times are bad economics - and questionable theology,” Sojourners (April, 2013), 9-10.
“Saving Subsidiarity: Why It’s Not About Small Government.” America 207(July 30-August 6, 2012):3, 13-16.
“Holding On: Even in Death, Christ never Let Go.” America (April 25, 2011), Easter Edition, 11-13.
Recent Conference Presentations:
“Which Nationalism? What Extremism? Responding to Political Violence in a New Moment.” Ecclesiological Investigations Unit, American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, Nov. 18, 2017.
“Solidarity, Technology and Globalization: Attending to the Infrastructures of Relationship,” Interest Group: Theology and the Challenges of Global Integration, Annual Meeting, Catholic Theological Society of America, San Juan, Puerto Rico, June 2016.
“Extractive Industries, The Culture of Indifference, and Commodity Distancing,” Catholic Peacebuilding Network, Colloquium on Extractives, Catholic Social Ethics, and Peacebuilding, Catholic University of America, Washington D.C., Oct 29-30, 2015.
"De Lubac, De Certeau and Us: Theology and the Challenge of Unity in three different cultural contexts," Presidential Invited Session, Catholic Theological Society of America, San Diego, June 7, 2014.
Select Media Contributions:
Toth Stub, Sara. “The Commodification of Orthodox Judaism: What’s gained and what’s lost when religion becomes an individualist—or even consumerist—endeavor?.” The Atlantic Monthly, Jul 23, 2017.
Green, Emma. “Pope Francis Is Not ‘Progressive’—He’s a Priest.” The Atlantic Monthly, Sep 22, 2015.
Yardley, Jim and Laurie Goodstein. “Pope Francis, in Sweeping Encyclical, Calls for Swift Action on Climate Change.” The New York Times, Jun 19, 2015.
Goodstein, Laurie and Elisabetta Povoledo. “Pope Sets Down Goals for an Inclusive Church, Reaching Out ‘on the Streets’.” The New York Times, Nov 26, 2013.
Povoledo, Elisabetta. “Vatican Calls for Oversight of the World’s Finances.” The New York Times, Oct 24, 2011.
The O’Reilly Factor. May 12, 2011.
Donadio, Rachel and Laurie Goodstein. “Pope Urges Forming New World Economic Order to Work for the ‘Common Good’.” The New York Times, Jul 7, 2009.
Fellowships and Grants:
Oregon State University/ U.S. Forest Service, Long-Term Ecological Reflections: Writers-in-Residence Program, H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest, Spring 2017. (Interdisciplinary program for humanist scholars to collaborate in the Long Term Ecological Research projects at the H.J. Andrews Forest.)