Bryan A Bardine
Full-Time Faculty
College of Arts and Sciences: English
- Ph.D., Education (Curriculum & Instruction, Literacy), Kent State University
- M.A., English, University of Dayton, 1993
- B.A., English and Communication, University of Dayton, 1990
Professor Bardine has been a member of the English Department since August 2001. He earned his doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction and Literacy from Kent State University in 2004. He was promoted to full professor in fall 2021. He served as Director of TA Training for 14 years and has served on many Departmental, College and University committees during his time at UD.
He teaches a wide variety of courses in composition, literature, film and teaching, including but not limited to Honors English 198, English 200: The Other in Society, English 380: Gothic Literature, English 331: Horror films through the Ages, English 331: Films of Rock, Metal and Punk, English 321: Metal Music as Cultural Experience, English 502: Research and Professionalization in English Studies, English 590: TA Training, English 624: Teaching Writing in High School and College.
His research interests have been focused for the last 10 years on Metal music and culture. He has co-edited four books so far: Heavy Metal Studies in Popular Culture (2016) with Dave Snell, Brenda Gardenour Walter, and Gabby Riches; Connecting Metal to Culture: Unity in Disparity (2017) with Mika Elovaara; Living Metal: Metal Scenes around the World (2022) with Jerome Stueart; Extremity: From Music to Words, Images and Experiences (Forthcoming) with Nelson Varas-Diaz and Niall Scott. He also has a contract with Lexington Press for a new book on how metal scenes have dealt with the COVID virus with Jerome Stueart. He continues to research metal scenes as well as approaches to teaching the scholarship of metal to his college students.
Faculty perspective
"As a graduate of UD (B.A. in 1990 and M.A. in 1993), it was wonderful coming back to be a part of the faculty. Since joining the faculty in 2001, much of my research has examined student attitudes toward writing instruction, particularly response to writing, as well as developing community in the writing classroom. Also, I’ve been tying my love for music and Gothic literature together by researching the similarities inherent in Gothic literature themes and the lyrics in Heavy Metal music. My research focus also concerns the writing process, particularly the role teachers play in helping their students revise their writing. I received a grant to redesign my Honors Writing Course: Heavy Metal Music: Its History and Culture. The course examines the culture of Heavy Metal music through the lenses of Religion (Islam in particular), Sociology, and History."
Courses taught
- Honors English 198
- English 200: The Other in Society
- English 380: Gothic Literature
- English 331: Horror films through the Ages
- English 331: Films of Rock, Metal and Punk
- English 321: Metal Music as Cultural Experience
- English 502: Research and Professionalization in English Studies
- English 590: TA Training
- English 624: Teaching Writing in High School and College
Research interests
- Metal music and culture
- Music scenes
- Pedagogy
- Film Studies
- Responding to Student Writing
- Popular Culture
Professional activities
- International Society for Metal Music Studies, President
- College English Association of Ohio, Executive Board (Past President)
Selected publications and presentations
Bardine, B. Jerome Stueart. How Metal Scenes Dealt with COVID (Working title). London, UK: Lexington, Forthcoming 2024.
Bardine, B. Nelson Varas-Diaz, & Niall Scott. On Extremity: Sounds, Imagery, Words, and Experiences. London, UK: Lexington, Winter 2023.
Bardine, B. & Jerome Stueart. Living Metal: Metal Scenes around the World Bristol, UK: Intellect, April 2022.
Bardine, B. & Mika Elovaara. Connecting Metal to Culture: Unity in Disparity. Bristol, UK: Intellect, 2017.
Bardine, B., Riches, G., Snell, D. and Walter, B. (Eds). Heavy Metal Music and Popular Culture. London: Palgrave/MacMillan, 2016.
Articles and Book Chapters
“The Devil Running Wild: Satan and his Minions in Rosemary’s Baby, The Exorcist, and The Omen. (Forthcoming). In On Extremity: Sounds, Imagery, Words, and Experiences. Eds. Varas-Diaz, N., Bryan Bardine, and Niall Scott. London, UK: Lexington, Winter 2023.
“Perspectives Old and New: Cross-generational Community in the Dayton Metal Scene,” In Living Metal: Metal Scenes around the World (Forthcoming) Eds. Bryan Bardine and Jerome Stueart. London, UK: Intellect (April 2022): 189-210.
“From Sabbath to Slayer: Using Metal in the Writing Classroom.” In Unity in Disparity: Cultural Connections on Metal. Eds. Bryan Bardine and Mika Elovaara. Bristol, UK: Intellect. (2017): 209-229.
“Metal and Gothic Literature: Examining the Darker Side of Life (and Death).” Modern Heavy Metal Conference Proceedings. Eds. Toni-Matti Karjalainen Kimi Karki. Helsinki: Aalto University Press, (2015): 572-581.
“4Sites.” Ohio Journal of English Language Arts 52.1, (2012): 59-61.
“Elements of the Gothic in Heavy Metal: A Match Made in Hell.” Heavy Metal Music in Britain. Ed. Gerd Bayer. Cornwall, U.K.: Ashgate, (2009): 125-39.
“Reflective Revision: The Effects of Reflective Memos on Students’ Revision Strategies.” With Anthony Fulton. The ClearingHouse 81.4 (2008): 149-53.
“Reconstructing How We Respond to Student Writers: An Exploratory Study.” Ohio Journal of English Language Arts 46.2: (2006): 127-37.
“Engaging readers and writers in adult education.” With Nancy Padak. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy 48(2): (2004): 126-138.
“Beyond the red pen: Clarifying our role in the response process.” With Molly S. Bardine and Elizabeth Deegan. English Journal 90.1: (2000): 94-101.
“Students’ perceptions of written teacher comments: What do they say about how we respond to them?” The High School Journal 82.4: (1999): 239-247.
“Responding to students’ writing: A research review and suggestions for ABE and GED teachers.” Exploring Adult Literacy 2.1 (1998): 1-9.
“Using Pre-Instruction Questionnaires to Improve the Small Group Writing Class.” Literacy Networks 1.1 (1998): 2-9.
“Using Writing Journals in the Adult Literacy Classroom.” Adult Learning 7.4 (1996): 13-15.
“Hermann Hesse’s Siddhartha as Divine Comedy.” University of Dayton Review 22.2 (1993): 71-79.
Conference Papers Presented
International conferences
“The Challenges of Multiregional Collaborations when Publishing in Metal Music Studies.” ISMMS 5th Biennial Conference, Mexico City, Mexico, June 8 2022.
“Visual Representations of Horror in Metal: A Personal Examination. Congress of Horror and Metal: Year Zero. Mexico City, Mexico, September 4, 2021.
“ISMMS: Yesterday and Today. International Conference of Musical Countercultures: Aesthetics and Processes of Rock and Metal. Lima, Peru, August 21, 2021.
“From its Roots to Today: Historicizing the Dayton Metal Scene.” 4th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Metal Music Studies, Nantes, France, June, 2019.
“Breaking it Down: Analyzing Dayton’s Metal Scene through Multiple Lenses.” International Association for the Study of Popular Music Conference, Nashville, March, 2018.
“What Ties Us Together: Examining the Dayton Metal Scene and the Community at large.” Boundaries and Ties: The Place of Metal Music in Communities Conference, Victoria, British Columbia. June, 2017.
“Metal and Gothic Literature: Examining the Darker Side of Life (and Death).” Paper delivered at the Modern Heavy Metal Conference, Helsinki, Finland. June, 2015.
“Is There Community in Heavy Metal?” Paper delivered at the Heavy Metal and Popular Culture Conference, Bowling Green, Ohio. April, 2013.
National conferences
Bardine, B. & Jacob Hale (March, 2018). “Searching for Connections: Community in the Metal, Rap, and Hip Hop scenes in Dayton, OH.” Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association Conference, Indianapolis.
“Using Digital Media to Teach Writing: A Headbanger’s Perspective.” Paper delivered at the Conference on College Composition and Communication, Indianapolis. March, 2014.
“From Sabbath to Slayer: Using Metal Music in the Composition Classroom.” Paper delivered at the Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association Conference, Boston. April, 2014.
“Community Building Among Teaching Assistants: Bridging the Gap from Training to the First-Year Classroom.” Paper delivered at the Conference on College Composition and Communication, Atlanta. April, 2011.
“The High School English Student: Examining Changes in Attitudes, Assessment, and Process.” Paper delivered at the National Council of Teachers of English Conference, Nashville. November, 2006.
“Freshmen to Senior: Examining the Impact Teachers’ Instruction and Commentary Have on Students’ Attitudes about Writing.” Paper delivered at the National Council of Teachers of English Conference, Pittsburgh. November, 2005.
“Reconstructing How We Respond to Our Students’ Writing: An Exploratory Study.” Paper delivered at the College English Association Conference, Tampa, Fla. April, 2003.
“The Many Faces of Response: How Teachers Respond to Their Students’ Writing and How Students Read Those Responses.” Paper delivered at the College Reading Association Conference, Orlando, Fla. November, 2001.
“Creating a Writers’ Conference for Adult Education Students: Celebrating Literacy, Learning, and Empowerment.” With Nancy Padak. Paper delivered at the College Reading Association Conference, Hilton Head, S.C. November, 1999.
“Analyzing Teacher Comments and Peer Revision Through a “Gendered Lens”: What Do We See?” With Mary Styslinger. Paper delivered at the College Reading Association Conference, Hilton Head, S.C. November, 1999.
“RSVP: Collaborative Action Research to Help Improve the Effectiveness of Teachers’ Commenting Styles” With Nancy McCracken, Molly Bardine, and David Bruce. Paper delivered at the the National Council of Teachers of English Conference, Nashville. November, 1998.
“Student Perceptions of Written Teacher Comments: What do They Think About How We Respond to Them?” Paper delivered at the College Reading Association Conference, Myrtle Beach, S.C. November, 1998.
“Students’ Perceptions of Schooling: The Origin of a Collaborative Research Project” With Nancy Padak. Paper delivered at the College Reading Association Conference, Boston, November,1997.
“Teachers and Students Working together for Success in the Developmental Reading and Writing Class Using Pre-Instruction Questionnaires.” Paper delivered at the College Reading Association Conference, Boston, November, 1997.
“Using a Thematic Text Set of FAMILY in the Adult Literacy Classroom.” Paper delivered at the American Association of Adult and Continuing Education Conference, Cincinnati, November, 1997.
“Helping to Bridge the Gap Between Students and Teachers: Using the Pre-Instruction Questionnaire as an Aid in the Adult Literacy Classroom.” Paper delivered at the Conference on Adult Basic Education, Detroit. May, 1997.
Bardine, B., & Williams, T. (1993, April). “Mathematical Illiteracy: A Problem Growing Out of Control.” With Todd Williams. Paper delivered at the American Culture Association/Popular Culture Association, New Orleans. April, 1993.
State conferences
Bardine, B. (April, 2018). “Metal as cultural experience: Metal music’s role in the classroom to improve Students’ writing.” College English Association of Ohio, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio.
Bardine, B. (April, 2018), “Metal music as a means of protest.” College English Association of Ohio.
“Responding to Student Writing in the Digital Age.” With Katie Maciulewicz, Amanda Reed, and Lynn Roesch. Paper delivered at the College English Association of Ohio Conference, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio. April, 2016.
“Composing and Publishing in a Digital World: A Headbanger’s Perspedtive.” Paper delivered at The Ohio Council of Teachers of English Language Arts Conference, Columbus. March, 2013.
“From Twisted Sister to Tupac: Using YOUR Music in the Writing Classroom.” Paper delivered at The Ohio Council of Teachers of English Language Arts Conference, Columbus. April, 2012.
“TA Training: New Approaches to Building Community.” With Isaac Mayeux, Angela Jacobs, and Katie Baumgardner. Paper delivered at the Ohio Council of Teachers of English Arts Conference, Columbus. March, 2010.
“Heavy Metal Music and Composition: A New Approach to Teaching Writing.” Paper delivered at the College English Association of Ohio Conference, Columbus. April, 2010.
“TA Training: New Approaches to Building Community.” Paper delivered at the Ohio Council of Teachers of Language Arts Conference, Columbus. March, 2010.
“Writing to Learn Gothic Literature: New Approaches to an Old Discussion.” Paper delivered at the College English Association of Ohio Conference, Chillicothe, Ohio. April, 2009.
“Community Building: Exploring Assessment, Response Style And Their Impact on Students’ Perceptions of Writing.” With Molly S. Bardine. Paper delivered at The Ohio Council of Teachers of English Language Arts Conference, Columbus. March, 2008.
“Teacher Know Thyself: Understanding how your response style shapes students’ revisions.” With Molly S. Bardine. The Ohio Council of Teachers of English Language Arts Conference, Columbus. April, 2006.
“Reflective Revision: The Effects of Revision Memos on Students’ Revision Strategies.” With Anthony Fulton. The Ohio Council of Teachers of English Language Arts Conference, Columbus. March, 2005.
“Finding our Voice in Response to Writing: A Look at Two High School Classrooms.” Paper delivered at The Ohio Council of Teachers of English Language Arts Conference, Columbus. March, 2004.
“Right for publication: Teaching and writing for publication in Beginnings IV.” Paper delivered at the Ohio Association for Adult and Continuing Education Conference, Columbus. April, 2000.
“Freeing your brain for writing: Using freewriting techniques for idea development” Paper delivered at the Ohio Writers’ Conference, Columbus. April, 2000.
“Beyond the Red Pen: High School Student of Teacher Commenting Styles.” With Molly S. Bardine and Elizabeth Deegan. Paper delivered at the Ohio Council Reading Association, Akron, Ohio. February, 1999.
“Writing at Home and in the Classroom: Writing Strategies for Adult Basic Education and Even Start Teachers and their Students.” With Connie Sapin. Paper delivered at the Early Childhood Education/Family Literacy Conference, Columbus. November, 1998.
“The Write Approach: Bringing Aspects of Community into Writing Instruction.” Paper delivered at the Ohio Association of Adult and Continuing Education, Columbus. April, 1998.
“Searching Trade Books Online for Themes and Teaching Suggestions.” With Connie Sapin. Paper delivered at the Ohio Association of Adult and Continuing. Education Technology Pre-Conference, Cleveland. April, 1998.
“Making Connections: Linking Parent and Child Through Multicultural Literature.” With Connie Sapin. Paper delivered at the Early Childhood/Family Literacy Conference, Columbus. October, 1997.
“Call on Me - Literacy: Exploring Opportunities for Service” Paper delivered at the Ohio Library Council Annual Conference, Cleveland. October, 1997.
“Implementing Literature into the ABLE classroom—Work”. Paper delivered at the Ohio Association of Adult and Continuing Education, Columbus, April, 1997.
“Class Reunion--Ohio Literacy Resource Center Reading Groups 1995-1997.” With Connie Sapin. Paper delivered at the Ohio Association of Adult and Continuing Education, Columbus. April, 1997.
“Panel Discussion on Adult Literacy in Dayton, OH.” Paper delivered at the Ohio College Compact, Dayton, Ohio. October, 1994.
“Grammar Without Groans: Helping Students Teach Themselves.” With Mary Harvan. Paper delivered at the College English Association of Ohio Conference, Columbus. April, 1993.
Regional conferences
“Making Journals as Diverse as our Culture: Integrating Creativity, Research and Pedagogy into First Year Composition Journals.” Paper delivered at the Indiana Teachers of Writing Conference, Indianapolis. September, 1993.
“Journal Writing in the First Year Composition Course: An Aid to the Writing Process?” Paper delivered at the Indiana Teachers of Writing Conference, Indianapolis. October, 1992.
Local conferences
“Keeping personal journals.” Paper delivered at the Six District Reading and Writing Festival, Kent, Ohio. April, 2000.
“Using Multicultural Literature in the K-12 Classrooms: Some Strategies.” With Linda Cornett. Paper delivered at the Kent State Reading Conference, Kent, Ohio. November, 1997.
“Literacy: Exploring Opportunities for Service.” With Theresa Szudy. Paper delivered at the Library Connection Conference: Northeast Chapter, Kent, Ohio. March, 1997.