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Alayna Yates '23 August 16, 2024

Man holding magazine in front of wall

Joe Berry 86 retired from Abbott Laboratories in 2023 after a 27-year career. Now, he spends his time building houses with the Fuller Center for Housing in Antsirabe, Madagascar.





Group of women holding a UD flag on a cruise ship
Longtime friends and Class of 1985 alumnae Luanne Seethaler Radermacher, Mary Pat McKelvey Simmons, Patty Whelan Stueve, Kathy Riepenhoff, Nancy Scheuble Scarpitti and Heather Bersch Keating took a Caribbean cruise celebrating their 60th birthdays. The women have gotten together each year since graduation nearly 40 years!

Father and son hold up magazine in the crowd of a football game
Former Flyer football coach Rick Chamberlin ’80 and his son Tyler Chamberlin 07 posed with UD Magazine at the Army-Navy game in Foxboro, Massachusetts. Rick Chamberlin said, [It was] the best experience I ever had at a football game” (not coaching it, of course).


Group of women stand together amongst tall trees in woods.
Class of 2001 graduates Sheri Schmiesing Knapke, Krista Nichols Hein, Sara Buschur Corona, Gina Knapschaefer Brown and Karla Klosterman Gruenwald travel each year for what they’ve deemed “UD Ladies Weekend.” This year, the group met in Palm Springs, California.


Group of four sit on a couch togetherFlyer friends Tony Brunswick ’97 and Kristi Schulenburg ’96 visited the Marianist Center in Cupertino, California, to catch up with Father Pat Tonry, S.M. ’55, and Brother Jim Lehey, S.M. ’48. Together, they enjoyed an issue of UD Magazine.

M an reads magazine in front of steps with red carpet
September, Bruce Tannahill ’76 and his wife, Deanna, traveled to the French Riviera with family and friends. They visited the Cannes Film Festival, where Bruce posed with UD Magazine on the red carpet.


Couple stands in front of the Great Pyramid holding magazine
Paul Labbe ’81, his wife, Jan, and daughter, Karyn, visited Egypt last year. Highlights of the trip included visits to the Great Pyramids, the Sphinx of Giza and a cruise along the Nile River. They also brought a UD Magazine to share with the pharaohs.


People all wearing bathrobes stand around a pool
UD’s newest group of Golden Flyers spent their annual mini-UD Reunion Weekend in Naples, Florida. During a little R&R, the group donned bathrobes by the pool with nine past issues of UD Magazine. Attending were Class of 1973 grads Peter McGee and his wife, Veronica; Sharon Groh-Wargo and Frank Groh-Wargo; Geoff Vargo and Susan Strack Vargo ’74; Barb Manning-Munn and Rich Munn; and Steve Wendell.

Couple stands together in front of cabin
Joseph F. Laffey and his wife, Charletha, pose in front of the cabin they like to hike to with UD Magazine in the Porcupine Mountains in Michigan. Joseph writes, “I might be 71 years old, but I can still backpack.”



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