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Kasey Renee Shaw June 16, 2024

For professor Samuel Dorf’s last Ethics and American Popular Music class of the semester, students filed outside for an unexpected performance. They learned, to their surprise (and some chagrin), that they would be the performers reenacting Yoko Ono’s Voice Piece for a Soprano — which demanded that they scream. 

Female student screams into the open air.

First, they scream against the wind. Next, against a wall. And, lastly, against the sky.

Lungs filled with air, students shrieked at the breeze and at the brick of Fitz Hall, culminating in a concluding cry directed toward the vast blue expanse. One passerby paused on the sidewalk, captivated by the students’ claim of space and their display of confounding vulnerability.

“This experience was indicative of the importance of music and performance,” said senior Joseph Barnett. “It was radical and freeing.”




You scream, we all scream

Take a break with … Sylvia Stahl ’18