Stephanie Shreffler
Associate Professor; Religious Collections Librarian/Archivist
Full-Time Faculty
Libraries: Teaching, Research, and Engagement
Stephanie is the Religious Collections Librarian/Archivist for the U.S. Catholic Special Collection. She manages the collection's published and archival resources, with her primary duties including selection, processing, arrangement and reference work. She also serves on the instruction team and is the liaison for the Department of Philosophy, and co-liaison for the Department of Religious Studies.
- M.S.I., University of Michigan
- B.A., Hillsdale College
Courses Taught
- PHL 240: Research Methodologies & Technologies
Professional Activities
- Member of the Society of American Archivists (SAA)
- Collections Committee, Catholic Research Resources Alliance. Member, 2014-2023. Chair, 2016-2022.
- Member of the Society of Ohio Archivists (SOA). Membership & Awards Committee Chair, 2016-2023
- Member of the Academic Library Association of Ohio (ALAO)
Research Interests
- Teaching with primary sources
- Web archiving
- American Catholicism
Selected Publications
- Harris, K., Beis, C., Shreffler, S. (2021). Citizen Web Archivists: Applying Web Archiving as a Pedagogical Tool. Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship, 33(4), 262-272.
- Beis, C.A., Harris, K.N., Shreffler, S.L. (2019). Accessing web archives: Integrating an Archive-It collection into EBSCO Discovery Service. Journal of Web Librarianship.
- Harris, K., Shreffler, S., and Gauder, H. (2018). “The Archives as Classroom: A Primary Source Mini-Course.” Case Studies on Teaching with Primary Sources.
- Shreffler, S., and Gauder, H. (2018). Exercising research skills: An information literacy boot camp for religious studies graduate assistants. Journal of Religious & Theological Information 17 (4), 134-144.
- Soule, S. L. (2016). Intellectualism and American parish priests: A study of the library of Bernard J. Beckmeyer. American Catholic Studies 127 (3), 35-56.