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Christopher Roederer

Interim Dean; Professor of Law

Full-Time Faculty

School of Law


Email: Christopher Roederer


Christopher Roederer serves as Interim Dean and is a Professor of Law at the University of Dayton School of Law.

Professor Roederer’s research and scholarship is concentrated on constitutional law and comparative law with a focus on the intersection between constitutional law, democracy, and private law, be it torts, contracts, property, or the law of remedies. 

Prior to joining the University of Dayton, Professor Roederer taught at Florida Coastal School of Law, the University of Witwatersrand in South Africa, Goroka University in Papua New Guinea and the Anglo-American College in Prague. Professor Roederer was also a visiting professor at Seattle University and a Fulbright Fellow in South Africa.

During law school, Professor Roederer was the legal theory editor on the New York University Review of Law and Social Change.

Courses Taught


Constitutional Law

Criminal Procedure


Statutory Interpretation

International Law and Comparative Law


New York University School of Law, J.D., 1992

University of Texas at Austin, M.A., 1994

University of Kansas, B.A., 1989

Areas of Law

Constitutional Law



International and Comparative Law

Selected Publications


Constitutional Powers (ChartaCourse, 2015- revised 2018).

Mastering Constitutional Law (Carolina Academic Press, 2009, 2d. ed. 2015) (co-Author with John Knechtle).

Florida Statutory Interpretation (Vandeplas, 2010).

Jurisprudence (Juta & Co., 2004) (Co-Editor with Darrel Moellendorf).

An Introduction to the Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination, Act No 4 of 2000 (Wits, 2001)(Co-Editor with Cathy Albertyn and Beth Goldblatt).

Book Chapters

Obscenity from Fifty Shades of Gray to Virtually Free: Patently Offensive and Socially Valuable Materials that Appeal to Our Shameful and Morbid Interests in Sex, Russell Weaver & Steven I. Friedland eds. The Global Papers Series: The Intersection of Free Speech and the Criminal Law (Carolina Academic Press, 2017).

Now Trending: Loving the Internet Terrorist?, Russel Weaver and Clive Walker eds. Free Speech and the Internet (Carolina Academic Press, 2013).

Victims’ Rights and Redress, Lavina Stan and Nadya Nedelsky eds The Encyclopedia of Transitional Justice (Cambridge University Press, 2012).

Chapter 13, Founding Provisions, S. Woolman et al eds., Constitutional Law of South Africa (Juta & Co., 2006).

Law Review Articles

The Transformation of South African Private Law After Twenty Years of Democracy, 14 Nw. J. Hum. Rts. 1-29 (2016) [2018].

Remedies for Regulatory Takings (Constructive Expropriations), Deprivations, Expropriations or Custodianship in South Africa and the U.S., 2 Howard Hum. & Civ. Rts L. Rev. 87-132 (2017).

Remnants of Apartheid Common Law Justice: the Primacy of the Spirit, Purport and Objects of the Bills of Rights for Developing the Common Law and Bringing Horizontal Rights to Fruition, 29 S. Afr. J. Hum. Rts. 219-250 (2013).

McDougal-Lasswell Policy Science: Death and Transfiguration (with Jack van Doren), 11 Rich. J. Global L. & Bus. 125-157 (2012).

Working the Common Law Pure: Developing the South African Law of Delict (Torts) in Light of the Spirit, Purport and Objects of the South African Constitution's Bill of Rights, 26(2) Ariz.  J.  Int’l.  & Comp. L. 427-503 (2009).

The Noble Business of Incumbentocracy: A Reply to the Sordid Business of Democracy, 34(2) Ohio N.U. L. Rev. 373-391 (2008).

Democracy and Tort Law in America: The Counter Revolution, 110 W. Va. L.  Rev. 647-709 (2008).

The Transformation of South African Private Law after Ten Years of Democracy: The Role of Torts (Delict) in the Consolidation of Democracy, 37(2) Colum. Hum. Rts. L. Rev. 447 -521 (2006).

Another Case in Lochner’s Legacy, The Court’s Assault on New Property: The Right to the Mandatory Enforcement of a Restraining Order is “a Sham, Nullity and Cruel Deception”, 54(2) Drake L. Rev. 321-69 (2006).

The Constitutionally Inspired Approaches to Police Accountability for Violence Against Women in the U.S. and South Africa: Conservation versus Transformation, 13(1) Tulsa J. of Comp. & Int’l Law 91-140 (2005).

The Constitutionally Inspired Approach to Vicarious Liability in Cases of Intentional Wrongful Acts by the Police: One Small Step in Restoring the Public’s Trust in the South African Police Services, 21(4) S. Afr. J. Hum. Rts. 576 -606 (2005-06).

Kevin Hopkins & Christopher J. Roederer, Righting the Wrongs of Apartheid: Justice for Victims and Unjust Profiteers, 105 Theoria 129 (2004).

Negotiating the Jurisprudential Terrain: A Model Theoretic Approach to Legal Theory, 27(2) Seattle U.L. Rev. 385 (2003).

Post-matrix Legal Reasoning: Horizontality and the Rule of Values in South African Law, 19 S. Afr. J. Hum. Rts. 57 (2003).